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Sunday September 18th

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    Sunday September 18th

    My aims for the week:
    • AF Mon till Thurs
    • Walk/run every other dayDrink lots of waterNot mention Muffins more than once a day
    What are your aims for this week? I found the Tools forum. Posted successes and failures. Might help?

    Love to all:l

    PS Shall I add another aim??? To know the date!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Waves 2
    Enough is enough

    Sunday September 18th

    Yes, according to my calendar it is the 17th but that's okay Waves. You are forgiven. My muffin is growing at such an alarming rate that I think I may be promoting myself to CEO of the Moderating Muffins Club. Who would like to be President? Where are all of our regulars? Yesterday's thread had quite a poor turnout. C'mon ladies (and gentleman), we need you.

    I am in the throes of just horrific PMS and I mean horrific. My dear sweet husband is about to get hurt because he just refuses to get "it" at this time of the month. I used to think PMS was just an excuse women used until I had a baby and then, whoa. Watch out. reason in sharing this info is because at this time I do not want to go AF but I am going to anyhow because if I can do it when I don't want to that will be the real test for me. So, I will join you waves in most of your aims this week. I will for sure go AF Monday through Wednesday and possibly Thursday. To say four days without right now sounds too overwhelming. I will do some form of exercise every other day and I too will drink a ton of water. And while I enjoy mentioning Muffins my ultimate goal is to be part of the club without actually owning a muffin. All right everyone else please don't tell me you are not coming back.

    Hey Becca, let us know how your 5K went. You are still my inspiration to get my butt moving. Hugs to all!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Sunday September 18th

      it just dawned on me that 'af' must mean alcohol-free. i'll admit that the first thing i thought of was 'al fresco' which doesn't sound too bad either! oh, well, whatever gets you through the night . . . or day!


        Sunday September 18th

        Al fresco

        Al Fresco muffins. Sound tasty!

        Hope you are feeling a bit better today Eustacia. :l

        Hope you enjoyed the 5km Becca. Hope the anniversary trip was great Jude.

        Just realised I have broken one of my aims already!! I have written Muffins twice.....3 times now! ( once on first post today)

        Love to all:h

        Waves 2
        Enough is enough


          Sunday September 18th

          Hi All - Blew it BIG TIME last night

          Well, I really blew it last night guys. Just went crazy!!! Husband had gone to family function (his) I didn't feel like attending and I was just sitting out on the patio and it was such a beautiful night and I just kept going and going and going - He came home and we had a spat - I went to bed at 9:30 which probably helped my health and our relationship - but boy I feel like C**P today. I'm missing another family function I really should be at - F.I.L. 90th birthday reception because I'm so queasy and hubby is being so understanding it make me feel even worse. He's a prince - can't figure out why I'm so mean to him sometimes. Anyway - I will start taking the topa again today and just keep the dose low so I don't get so goofy. At least falling off the wagon makes a person remember why they don't do that anymore but I feel so guilty and mad at myself - What did I do that? I will ponder - any analysts out there have any ideas? I wasn't upset or stressed or any of those things so no excuse that I can see unless I'm just a lush (not Lushcious...). Arrrrgggggg....

          Catch you all later
          Trish In Omaha

          Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
          Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
          Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
          : Humility.

          "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


            Sunday September 18th

            Oh Trish, I am sorry. I have had a baaaad weekend myself. I am sorry you are missing the reception today. While I really, really want to believe in moderation, and I do believe it can be done in some people, I also know that after two drinks my brain gets happy and wants more and so I usually give in. And at the time it is fun, right? We really need to change our mindset from instant gratification to thinking more about the long-term. If you read the posts on the abs board they have a lot of food for thought. I do not want to ever have to be abs forever but I have to learn to moderate or I might not have a choice. Have you been taking the supps as well? I have slacked off for no other reason than pure laziness. Hope you get through your day okay. I am feeling your pain..............
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Sunday September 18th

              Good afternoon Muffins!
              Sorry you had a doozey, Trish. Yup, I'm a lot the same way (guess we all are sometimes) where if our emotions get in the way, good OR bad, we can overdo it. Get back on your topa, stay here. Get some AF days this week. Tomorrow is Monday! I find the beginning of the weeks are often better than these sometimes rocky endings.
              Eustancia, I hope you are feeling a bit better emotionally today and things become more clear every day. Kids can be so honest, huh? about our "baby" or muffin bellies! Just recently, my 8 year old said "hey mom, you look really skinny in that bathing suit. It looks GREAT on you!" I said "what? how fat did I look before??" (I'm bad at taking compliments... It's something I need to work on, I know), and he's so sweet, he, just kinda shrugged, and said, "well, you look WAY better now!":H :l Gotta love it.

              So, I got on the scale after the 5K. 132.2# YIPEE! All time low. Don't think I've weighed that little since before I had kids, so I'm pretty happy. All time low before today was 133.0. Before I started the program in Feb: 143 pounds of me. I'm 5"4'. I had started a little weight log a long time ago on the old site... I think it's long gone. HEY, maybe we can do that if you guys are interested. I KNOW we all want to lose some weight off our muffins! I would love to get to maybe 125-126#. Figure I can't get much better than that! I'd be thrilled. So if you guys are in, I'm in. As part of a whole healthy lifesstyle thing.

              The 5K went great! Ran the whole thing with the exception of a 1 minute walk break to take a shot of water. Finished in 28 minutes 14 seconds. If I could only keep that pace up for 10 more miles....LOL! Seriously, that would be awesome! Still have about a month to train.... you are all doing such a wonderful job of being cheerleaders and keeping me motivated:thanks: . It means a lot.
              I got kind of teary a few times before, during, and after the race. Breast cancer dedications to survivors and those who have lost their battles. This one man was wearing a sign on his back that said in memory of his wife and had the date she passed away--05. So sad. He was running in her memory. Some people are so inspiring.
              Beautiful day to run though, and great to see so many people pull together to support that cause. I'm loving these races. Wish I would have started doing this stuff YEARS ago, and I encourage everyone to do something like it. It's unreal! Guess it was just time for me to stop being so self-centered and sitting on the couch and to get my a** moving. Now, I DID drink wine last night, we had friends over for a hot tub party! but I knew what I had to do today, and I did it, so I'm happy. Cramps have subsided, thank God! Man, that was AWFUL. not fair!

              Thanks again everyone! Have a wonderful sunday afternoon.


                Sunday September 18th

                Becca, you are just doing so much self-improvement I really have no excuse not to. Would you attribute most or all of the weight loss to the exercise? I have done nothing different to account for my 10 pound weight gain over the summer and it just makes me sick. I know with turning 40 I just gotta move. You don't have to run the 5k if you do not want, do you? I am not a runner; boobs too big!!! Job well done today. It would break my heart as well to see all of those people memorializing their loved ones. I just wish they would find a cure for crying out loud. It should not have to be this way. And you will never get out of me what I truly weigh but I will make up a number for a weight log just so I can be a team player; sort of like you being a member of the muffin club even though you do not have one. Later!
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Sunday September 18th

                  Thanks, luscious!
                  Yes, I would pretty much attribute maybe 70percent of the weight loss to the running, 30percent to the cutting back on the drinking and the eating/bad habits that go with the drinking... so maybe that would have to push it to more like 60/40! Those late night egg rolls with my 2nd bottle of wine were KILLER! No, you did not have to run the 5K. There was a 5K walk, as well as 1mile "fun run" and a family walk where you could just walk whatever the heck you wanted. Everythink but the timed 5k run was very laid back. Look for the Race for the Cure in your area. It's supposed to be the largest organized running event in the world, I thought they said. they raised about $86,000 so far, just here in toledo! It was $25 to participate. Well worth the donation. Looked at my ranking just now, BTW. 47th place in my age group out of 103 people. 868rd place overall out of just over 1600 runners. Still right about in the middle of the pack! Some day I'll pull up I hope!

                  I didn't add weekly goals: At least 2, hopefully 3 AF days.
                  Healthy healthy healthy! eating and exercise. Follow my program. That's it in a nutshell!
                  Be attentive to the kids. Read bedtime stories to Ethan instead of letting him watch so much TV .


                    Sunday September 18th

                    Egg rolls with wine right now sound killer. Guess I will go make some popcorn instead.............
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Sunday September 18th

                      Becca--what a great job on Race for the Cure! I try to do it every year when it comes my way--I walk/run it with my daughter---my mom died of BC 10 years ago--3 months after my daughter was born. My daughter makes her little construction paper sign to a grandma she never knew and I cry tears and make my own sign for my mom who I miss so much..unfortunately, it really does not get any easier with time. Sometimes it just seems more difficult...Anyway---it is a great cause and a great way to get exercise, certainly an inspiring way to spend a few hours on the weekend that it comes to your town...Okay, I digress:
                      My goals:
                      1. be nicer to my husband
                      2. have a positive attitude
                      3. drink my water(I do well on this..I don't allow myself a diet coke until my 8 glasses are finished)
                      4 1-3 glasses of wine a night
                      5. Try for an AF night
                      6 4-5 days exercise.
                      Love you all! Here's to us!


                        Sunday September 18th

                        Mary, my mom passed away a year ago and I am finding that with time passing it is getting harder so I was comforted to know you feel the same sometimes. It is just that I really need her as I am getting older and I have so many questions now that I did not know to ask before. How sweet that you do that with your daughter in honor of your mom. I would cry the whole time. Your goals look great for the week. I agree with all of them except I just cannot be nicer to my husband this week. It just ain't in the cards and it is good thing he will be at work..... And the positive attitude? I will try. I get my aura refluffed on Wednesday. Maybe that will help..............hugs!
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Sunday September 18th

                          Sorry too, about your mom...yeah, it stinks. Okay---if I'm NOT nicer to my husband this weekend I don't know if he will be able to stand me. I have to commit to being nicer to him. Tomorrow is my son's official b-day--last week was the party....I told him I can't believe he has one more day of being 8 and he told me that he's been telling everyone he is 9 for like a month now...Things I am thankful for:
                          1. My children
                          2. MWO
                          3. My health
                          4. My job
                          5. My husband
                          Love you all------
                          Oh--and my weight--I might give it up in my next post.


                            Sunday September 18th

                            Sorry I've been away so long!

                            Typing a post is really hard for me right now even though the effects of topa really aren't that bad. I just upped to 100mg yesterday but drank more than I would have liked yesterday.

                            I drank 6-7 drinks over a 9 hour period and would have drank way more than that a month ago but I set a goal for myselfat the begining of the month and have not stuck to it.

                            I know it's a process and have done pretty well otherwise so I won't beat myself up. Tomorrow is another day!

                            I have a weird question and I am a little embarrased to ask but here it goes.

                            I have my periods like clock work and my husband has had a vasectomy; I am five days late on my period! Could this have anything to do with the topamax? Okay, there I said it......kind of in a pickle, huh?

                            On a lighter note I don't have any desire to to have a drink today

                            I've been exercising and my rear end and legs have been so soar that it's been difficult to even move but it's been worth it! I've lost a pound:happy:

                            While I'm at counting my drinks, I'm going to start keeping track of my weight here.....I can't think of a more supportive place to do it!

                            I'm 5'7 I weigh 170 lbs :upset:. I weighed 150 lbs one year ago today. I've got to get back in those size 10 jeans. It would be nice if I could do that before Christmas.

                            I really should leave all my typos as they happen on this medication it's really rather scary

                            I hope you are all well today!
                            :h :h :h :h


                              Sunday September 18th

                              SC Mary & Molly, so sorry to hear about your Moms... I can't even imagine... I'm always complaining about having too many relatives around here... But I don't really mean it! Especially where my Mom is concerned. Only got one! And she's the BEST :h !

                              Hubby & I enjoyed the day on the Jet boat trip "playing tourist", for the day, now we're off to be wined & dined ... a night on the town!
                              Our 6 year Anniversary! So far, SOO GOOD!!:l :h

                              Gotta cut this short tho.... need to go get "dolled up" for our date!!

                              Hope all is well w/ everybody!... Hugs, Judie
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

