You know---I'm going to give my husband a hug too becca and tell him that it's just me having a rough patch and I'm better now...he deserves that. I need to get off this negative energy flow! It's draining!
I did walk this morning....did drink 2 glasses of wine last night...becca--I tend to drink about 2-3 per night, wish I could just say forget it some nights. I don't measure them out..and they're not little who knows...but I'm waking up with out headaches and hangovers...something wonderful for steps right??? Laura, I can so relate to the Supermom thing--having to feel like we have to overcompensate for all those nights that we stumbled around trying to put the kids to bed.
Mkr--I'm praying for you/thinking of you always and you are so inspiring to me.
Rachele--PLEASE--let us know how things are
Mary Ann--it's okay your on a slippery slope right now...we love you...we're here!
Molly, Dilayne, E, Jen, Waves, Judie! Love you all and have an awesome day!