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Optimism Journal

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    Optimism Journal

    I have read that keeping an" optimism journal " is a positive approach in fighting the negative demon that easily slides into our mindset when we are considering having a drink. The voice that tells us we want to have a drink or have that second when we are trying to mod.
    In the journal you write what you are grateful for as an aid to help the positivity going. In this case why you are grateful that you didn't have that drink or those drinks. Write down what you are proud of about your actions. What the situation was and how you handled it. Hopefully it was positive but if not write down what you are going to do next time the situation tempts you again. Write down your plans. Maybe show or tell someone close to you how you did.(if you are so lucky to have one.)
    I have written a lot of post or threads on MWO as a way of motivating myself to write down how I have been doing with the battle to AF or modding. It really makes me feel as if I am talking to someone. I often just copy and paste then onto a document file on my computer. I don't always send them but I go back and read my entries regularily. My document file I call my "Optimism Journal". It seems to help reinforce why I am wanting to stop the drinking routine I am in. I don't send the entries because I realise my story is often so much like others that I read on the MWO forums .I feel it is kind of repeating the same plight over and over again. If it works for you please use this idea . I hope it will help you with your battle against the demon.
    However on the positivity approach I want to thank all who have written on the forums now and in the past. I am truley grateful for all of you who have taken the time to write.
    Our individual battles against alcohol and is indeed an overwhelming one. The degree to which our drinking consumes our lives may be different yet;all of us who come to the MWO forums, want to get out of the place we are at now with our drinking problem.
    I am sure most would agree that our "hopefulness" does not always just appear and stay with us. It is so important to nurture this "hopefulness" The forums do this for us whether it is our own story we have written or one that we can relate to.
    I don't seem to get my much of a following on the few threads I have started. If you have read any of my posting and you are interested in corrresponding through a
    private message, feel free. Not sure how it works but I see it on the screen.
    Anyways I am here as both Wannabe and Wannabee.

    Optimism Journal

    Hi wannabee,
    Well, you should go ahead and post your own threads if you wish..........who cares that you may write mirror images of the experiences of others here..........that is the whole support each other in our often very common ground. Your story is no less important than anyone else`s at MWO.

    I`m sorry you feel you`ve had little response to date. I`d just like to say welcome and to wish you well in nurturing your sense of hope. :l

    Star x
    Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


      Optimism Journal

      Wannabe, please don't feel discouraged by the lack of responses to some of your threads/posts. There are so many that it is difficult for people to keep up with them all. I remember when I first joined I started a thread and nobody posted so I just kept posting on it myself. Another member good-heartedly teased me about it.

      I would like to correspond through PMs especially about the positivity of things. As you say the hopefulness doesn't just stay with us but needs to be nurtured.


        Optimism Journal

        Thanks folks.
        As I reread some of the threads and posts I have written and sent in the past I see that there has been response. The thread just seems to drop after a while.
        Anyways in this thread I just wanted suggest the idea of a Optomism Journal, and how I have used the forums as modivation to sit down and write. As I am hoping to be able to mod I thought this forum would be a good place get the idea out.


          Optimism Journal

          An optimism journal sounds like a good idea. I keep a journal on my computer, not necessarily daily, but I seem to write in it when I have something to b***h about. Getting it out on paper sometimes helps put it more in perspective. Anyway, I like your idea, wannabee, and am going to try to incorporate more positive aspects of my actions in journalizing. One thing I have found about rereading the negative stuff is that it refreshes in my mind some of the more painful physical aspects of drinking too much in the past. It is so easy to forget that!


            Optimism Journal

            cuckoosnest83;769227 wrote: Wannabe, please don't feel discouraged by the lack of responses to some of your threads/posts. There are so many that it is difficult for people to keep up with them all. I remember when I first joined I started a thread and nobody posted so I just kept posting on it myself. Another member good-heartedly teased me about it.

            I would like to correspond through PMs especially about the positivity of things. As you say the hopefulness doesn't just stay with us but needs to be nurtured.
            Laughing good heartedly with you cukoo. I seriously love you for doing that.
            Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
            AF May 23 09 to July 09
            AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


              Optimism Journal

              An Optimism Journal is a wonderful idea.
              Feb 04 2009 80 days AF.
              AF May 23 09 to July 09
              AF December 16, 09 FORWARD.


                Optimism Journal

                Thanks, Pan-icked. Wannabee, this is an excellent idea. Our self-talk really influences are behavior. If we document the good things in our lives, when we are feeling low we can refer back to all we have to be grateful for. It is one thing to think it and another to write it down for future reference.


                  Optimism Journal

                  The bright side of things.

                  Optimistic- Hoping for the best in our future drinking goal. Look at the bright side of things.
                  The bright side of not drinking for me today is that I put up the Christmas lights and came in and had two cups of hot chocolate I haven't had hot chocolate in years. It tasted so good.
                  Thought about a beer of course but HAVEN'T had beer in the house for 12 days now. Optomistic that I won't buy any until my husband returns on the 13th. Then the real test of my conviction will begin. We have always enjoyed sharing beers together.
                  Anybody got a bright side of their day that they would like to share on this thread.
                  Let's see how long we can keep the thread going by frequently sharing or nuturing our "hopefulness" for a brighter future" with no or less alcohol in our lives.


                    Optimism Journal

                    Wannabee, today wasn't a really optimistic day for me because of some work related issues but it wasn't a bad day either. This weekend was great for me. I cleaned and decorated my entire house plus I went grocery shopping on Sunday morning. One of my purchases was Swiss Miss Marshamallow Lover's hot chocolate which I haven't had in years. I bought it because I was looking for something that I enjoyed drinking during the winter months which didn't involve alcohol.


                      Optimism Journal

                      This is a nice thread, I just noticed it. Late last year I posted many gratitudes, a new one each day until I couldn't think of any more. This is a very good exercise because the glass can always be seen as half empty or half full. My full glass tonight contains Christmas cards that are done and ready to go out my door.
                      My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                        Optimism Journal

                        Hope you all find something on the bright side in your day.
                        ACCENTUATE THE POSTIVES that our goal, right!
                        Christmas card done and hot chocolate on the drink menu sounds like pretty optometic stuff for a bright tomorrow.
                        My posotive is -I bought rum for a rum cake that I make for my husband's birthday every year. Because I was at the liquor store I picked up some beer for when he returns on Sat.The awesome thing is- I was not tempted to open up the case. There was no what I call "demon" in my brain telling me I could have just one. The mental debate didn't even happen to me. I felt at peace with myself.

