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Discovering RJ: High on New Ideas

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    Discovering RJ: High on New Ideas

    Has anyone else responded this way: I've not long discovered Roberta Jewell's way. I haven't even opened her book yet (it's on order from amazon). Yet it has made such perfect, immaculate sense to me that I have walked past the off licence tonight with (relative) ease and am up half the night buzzing with energy. This website is, of course, very touching and inspiring. The idea of 'magic' supplements, herbs etc. is nice and seductive. The novelty factor cannot be ignored. Yet the fact is I do feel different, as if I've been offered a beautiful view. Or a great happy pill. Anyone else had this experience??
    'Sometimes it is harder to deprive oneself of a pain than of a pleasure' F Scott Fitzgerald

    Discovering RJ: High on New Ideas

    Oh, yes!

    They call it "a pink cloud" in AA. It is a great place to be. You identified your problem and are looking for solutions. How long can you stay on this cloud? It depens.
    I am one of these people who loves the first days of sobriety, but gets a bit bored after two weeks. The dangers of the cloud is that one can assume beatign the beast too early and trying to have "just one"

    Stay on it as long as you can, but have a plan for dealing with craings and situations where AL is involved. And keep comig back here - the colective wisdom of the members on this site is amazing.
    "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
    Ralph Waldo Emerson


      Discovering RJ: High on New Ideas

      Me too! When I first got sober, I was on a kind of "high" for quite a while. Now with more time and experience, I still get that high, and also other emotions that to me mean I am really living now. Not blocking out my feelings with substances. I also think that the high we get from sobriety is better than any drug or drink that ive ever had.
      Welcome Helidore. Good to see you here.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Discovering RJ: High on New Ideas

        Thank you. It's great to chat about this rather than squirrel away doing it alone which is my natural tendency. . I'm having a good time wandering about the site, reading stories and getting to know a few names here and there. There are some incredible stories as you know of course. Right now I'm frankly exhausted. I've had an incredible buzz of optimism and joy which gives way at moments to rage and revulsion (usually when I'm deciding not to buy a bottle of wine and am standing outside Tesco's waiting for a bus in the rain..). This morning I made a carrot beetroot and ginger smoothie so my body is thanking me and smiling. My story isn't so dramatic as some: I'm more of a functioning drinker which makes the rationalizations that bit more persuasive of course.
        'Sometimes it is harder to deprive oneself of a pain than of a pleasure' F Scott Fitzgerald

