Morning all, great to see everyone up and ready. I am much better, going to get my tail to work for at least 1/2 day today.
Eustacia, I spent most of a day installing a new firewall on my home computer 2 weeks ago, but I think we still came down with the same virus

Mary8305, your daughter turned 20? my best friend turned 40 today. She spent last night at a Godsmack, Rob Zombie concert here in the Bay Area. Not my kind of thing, but then she has lovely tattoos and a belly ring on her muffin top too.
Here's the thing, when she has a birthday, that means 6 months later, it's my turn. Time to start planning the BIG 40. Maybe I'll go see Van Morrison and the Rollingstones when they come to town, that's a little more my speed. That gives me about 3 months to slim down, maybe I'll borrow one of her outfits

Jenna, sounds like you had a pretty hard week, I know I have been there before. If you need to visit Abs, great, but you can AF with us too. :l
SMMary, it sounds so nice where ever you are. In honor of Halloween, it's cold as a witch's tit here. If it stays like this, it should be good running temp for Becca though.
Got to go, try to get to more people later.
P.S. Thanks for thinking of me Judie, I still want to know what a Frozen Tilt is. I think you had them one day on the river?