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Interesting article about Moder-8

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    Interesting article about Moder-8 - Announcing MODER8 - A New Dietary Supplement that Aids in the Control of Alcohol Consumption

    Hope this might be helpful to someone. And if someone is abstaining, I wouldn't want to jeapordize their success by tempting them to try to moderate, but if moderation is your goal and you want to try something new, maybe this will help.

    Take care, all...

    Interesting article about Moder-8


    Absolutely interesting article. Thanks for sharing and thanks for your sensitivity about not encouraging abstainers to suddenly try to moderate with this. L-glut is an amino acid as well and studies have shown it curbs the alcoholic appetite. Would be interesting to find out what the differences and similarities between these two amino acids are.

    Hopefully if anyone tries MODER8 they'll give us a report on their thoughts.

    Thank you.
    "Control your destiny or somebody else will"

    ~Jack Welsh~:h

    God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Author unknown, :thumbs:


      Interesting article about Moder-8

      I actually tried it but I didn't always have the patience to take it as directed, which is important if you want it to work. I ran out of Moder-8 and tried to find something similar (and cheaper) at a local healthfood store. It's basically GABA, 5-HTP, and Theanine. Kind of similar to Theanine Serene, except for the 5-HTP. I tried taking 2 Theanine Serenes and a 5-HTP and then had a beer. I didn't want another one (beer). I think I probably should have only taken one, and probably didn't need the 5-HTP since it's in the Amoryn (helpful for depression, and that is another story!) I found out later that it's not recommended to consume al with the Theanine Serene (I hadn't read the whole label). I feel ok, just a little dizzy, but then I have a cold and I didn't get much sleep last night (working on a project). So, I'm encouraged that I was able to stop at one. Hopefully it wasn't a one-off and I can do it again sometime.


        Interesting article about Moder-8

        And then I found this article today and wanted to share it.

        In the past if I have had a beer early in the day I want to keep going. Not today!

        But, anyway, Moder-8 is probably the better/safer choice for moderation help than experimenting with combining similar things, because the concentrations, etc. are probably different. Wouldn't want anyone to have a problem as a result of experimenting. (By the way, the dizziness went away and I feel normal now, but...what's the saying...don't try this at home?)

        Moder-8 is really not that expensive - I think about $30 for a month's supply.


          Interesting article about Moder-8

          Just came across this post today. Does anyone else have experience of moder8? If it is a viable option to those attempting to curb their drink then I would publicize it on my site. Any experiences?

          Many thanks

