I'm a woman who used to drink a couple of glasses of wine about four days a week. Two years ago my husband and I split up after infertility treatments and numerous miscarriages, took it's toll on our relationship. I now drink up to one bottle of wine a night. The warm feeling and sense of well being that few drinks would give me is long gone. I'm now desperate to get home and have that first drink, I keep drinking and I feel shitty most days. I avoid activities in the evening that would interfere with my drinking. I'll go to a party or out for dinner because I can drink but not to a class or something. I'm tired, anxious, and very ashamed. I think it is affecting my memory and I feel bitchy and anxious a lot. I have tried to cut down but I lie to myself and keep drinking.
How do I begin? I don't want to take topomax because I'm very sensitive to drugs and I just had a really difficult time getting off celexa but i'm off now and I'm glad of that. I take ativan to help me sleep and I'm probably dependent on that , too because I've been on it for one year.
My goal would be to lower my tolerence and eventually be able to drink moderately, not more than two and not every day. Sounds normal, huh? But right now it's impossible.
So, how do I begin, what can I do today?