I'm just glad I have on a "one piece", in my avatar! My new string bikini from Vegas would be wayyyy too scarey for you guys!! HA!:H
No announcement yet.
It is the 17th already!
It is the 17th already!
OK, do you think it's tacky for me to let you know that I'm having a studio sale..I have some new paintings on the site and am selling (trying to sell) everything for 50% off through Jan 1st..then I'll try my hand at EBAY...I need to let go of the past and move toward the future (a new phase in my artwork, I hope..really coming full circle with my 'soul work'..if anybody is interested, I'll send you my URL.
Fan, the big answer to your question would be that I can only hope to experience my full potential as an artist..I say it hesitantly because it's been....(eh hemm...excuse me a minute...Lush, can you quit that grinding? I can hardly concentrate on what I'm trying to say! LOL) where was I, I was saying that it's been a journey, and very painful at time....and I guess what I'm learning is that this is it! I am the artist that I am...I would just hope to be at peace with it one day and be able to be more productive and to have it be a source of joy and fun instead of such a source of pain...Of course, like I said..I'm learning that that is part of it for some of us..that perhaps we can't have the joy without the pain???
great question!
OK, I'm gone now..
It is the 17th already!
Yes, Dilayne. Very tacky to try and sell your wares here. However, if you tell me I am the more attractive I will not care one iota!!Honestly if I had a free wall in my house I would buy your lemons, if you know what I mean. They are luscious.
I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
It is the 17th already!
Lush, yeah, I know it sounds kind of tacky..but here is the quandry...I'm not really expecting to sell anything, I rarely sell paintings..I make my living with design..Sooo, just really wanting to share with my new friends..it's what is up with me and it's so tied into my 'issues'...I guess I'm just needing the encouragement to stay with it..I'm at this point that I feel like it's now or never..the biggest fear being that I'm done before I've even begun...
It is the 17th already!
Oh, hi everyone! It's me! Sorry, Jen, I didn't mean to have you asking where the heck I was. I have been busier too now that summer is gone. Working during the day most days and football and soccer practices at night. Hubby out of town now that it's 4th quarter and he's trying to close all these deals (sales mgr). Oh, did I mention I'm doing this little race thing this weekend? har har...Ran a short 3 miles after work today, but MAN it was crappy outside. Rainy and so windy on the way back that I was literally being blown off the road a few times. I'm thinking "it would be so fitting of me to friggin fall off the asphalt and bust my ankle 5 days before this race!". But I didn't. Thank you again EVERYONE for asking about how it's going and for cheering me on. It means so much every time. I'm getting to that "pit in my stomach" nervous stage and it's pretty much on my mind constantly (obviously). I'm ready. I think. Oh lordy.
AF day 2 in a row.
Allie, your beautiful mom is going for a ride with me to San Fran don't forget. I'm pulling for her strengh and cannot tell you how much her incredible courage inspires me. Yours too. You two stay strong together. Your love for each other is beautiful. Please feel free to call me anytime too, laughter, tears, whatever, OK?
MKR Mary, I'm sorry to hear about your dad being back in the hospital, but it sounds like his spirits are ok, huh? That's a lot of the battle there! He certainly has an amazingly supportive daughter. You are doing great. Thank you for continuing to be such a strong support for all of us here.
Dilayne, please go ahead and email me the info about the sale!! I'm all about 50% off! Do you have any coupons? Buy one get one free?? (I guess that's 50% off...duhhhh).. ummmm REFER A FRIEND?? hee hee!! Midnight Madness. Seriously though, your stuff is so incredibly creative and my hubby was even impressed when I showed him your artwork. A new phase, huh? Well, I'm all about "last season's clearance items"Wanna see the new stuff once you are inspired too, though. How exciting!
Mary Anne, Keep up the AF business! Sending strength and good thoughts to hubby.
Jen, are you moving forward with the new business, or are you too busy cheering for everyone else (which is noble indeed, but care for yourself, girlie!)
Waves, I believe you asked me yestserday how I choose races yesterday. Usually my sister in law gets me going on this stuff. She's the real runner. Has run the Chicago and Boston marathons. Not this 1/2 marathon dohickey stuff I'm doing. Anyhow, she sends me links and I check them out and have signed up for the couple that sounded the most interesting!
Judie, I'm sorry all this talk and avatar changing has gotten you all hot and bothered today! It's too much for a gal of your nature to handle. Go jump in the river!!:h :H We've had crappy weather here too, BTW. Is it causing a decrease in business?
SM Mary, are you doing OK? Busy, I know.
Fan, nice talking to you in chat!! Thank you for the encouragement with the running, especially. It means a ton!
Brian, you around?? Sorry about your knee. I appreciate your well wishes. I really appreciated your tips for VA Beach and am taking some "Glide" with me for the feet and thighs.... ahem... and promise to hydrate well and eat my pasta!
Mojo, you doing ok? how are things on the homefront?
Pinot, it's good to hear you are working some things out.
Well, I need to keep reading and try to keep up!! Whew! don't know if I can do personal posts more than a couple times a wk, please forgive. Man, there used to be like 3 of us here!! This is awesome, though. Gotta tuck the kids in. I'll MAYBE try to hop in chat in a bit, if anyone is there. Feeling great to be 9:20pm and 2nd day AF. Why the H-E-double hockey sticks it doesn't occur to me to do it more often is beyond me. I do the 2 days per wk, but not in a row usually. Someone smack me.
It is the 17th already!
Eustacia, you are cracking me up! I love to hear your more cheerful "voice"!! I hope this boots some of the other less cheerful feelings out of there for a while so you can focus on your goals. I love how open you are and how you strive every day to improve.
Trish: sorry to hear about your SAD: I don't officially have that but grey weather is booty. Yup. Hang in there! Sounds like you are doing your best and the supps do help, don't they?
Rachele: What the heck? Sorry! Are you projecting extra dopa on me??? just what I need! geesh. Hey, hope you are ok.
Pussycat, how is the program going? These people crazy enough for ya? Really, they are WONDERFUL, I think maybe just a tad competitive with the avatars today!! OMG!
It is the 17th already!
Becca!!! You are doing so great! You are inspiring me with your race! You make me want to ride my bike..the one that has been sitting there collecting dust forever!...
flying by in the middle of the night here..I was AF and started back on the topamax tonight..so maybe we're turning this ship around!
Becca, you and MaryK are so wonderful about addressing everyone..so thoughtful!
Lush..OH YES..you are by far, the fairest of them all...:0)