Guess what.....I am thinking about doing a month of abstinence in November. Can you even believe I just said that:shocked:
No announcement yet.
Friday, Oct 20th
Friday, Oct 20th
jerrybear wrote: To everyone, I'm so very sorry. this is not me. im just so very scared. lush, I didn't mean to offend you at all, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to find someway to do this and not embarass myself in front of the community (and, no, I'm not a prep). If I survive the weekend, I'll have enough energy to tell you who I really am.
Baby steps........take baby steps.:h :h :h :h
Friday, Oct 20th
I've done DTs
Well, sorta....I have some Klonipin though, so that stopped me from shaking out of my skin....I have been where I couldn't stop shaking and was sweating, freezing (alternately), was so nauseous I couldn't eat, had really bad GI problems (not hallucinating, well, thought I had bugs crawling all over me, felt like it anyway). It lasted about 2 days, and THANK GOD I had the Klonipin on hand, I take it for restless leg syndrome........haven't been there for a REALLY long time, but I had been drinking 24/7 for about a week then had to stop to go back to work when we ended a SUCKED!:upset:
I feel for you Jerrybear! I hope you don't judge us, and stick around and join whichever group you feel most comfortable with....this is a wonderful place, everyone has helped me lots in the past 4 months!:l :h
Lots of Love,
Mary Anne
Friday, Oct 20th
Ugh, all right now that you threw that out there Rachele, I am thinking about AF from November 1-20. Love my mimosas during prep time for Thansgiving and on Thanksgiving day itself and am just not willing to give that up. And 20 days does not seem so daunting. I wish it did not seem like such a chore but it is at times. But then again maybe we can lose a few pounds in the process? I make killer homemade caramels for the holidays; whole cream, butter, sugar, and maybe this year I can have a few guilt-free if I do 20 days without. So I guess as I/we get closer to November 1st I will give my final plan. At the very least, and this I am 100% committed too, is 5 days AF every week.
Jerry, I hope you will get the help you need and do not attempt this alone if you are certain your DTs are going to be that severe. YOu probably know more than I seeing as you are in the medical field, but I have heard it is better to taper, taper, taper before completely going cold turkey. Something to consider. We all wish you well.
And Jen it is Friday. We can give you a day off from coming up with a topic.......I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me
Friday, Oct 20th
Hi Jerry B, and :welcome: . I've been thru DT's, I don't think they were too extreme ones, although at the time they sure felt like it.
Just extreme discomfort, restlessness, anxiety, sweats, shakes, vomiting, chills, insomnia, hallucinations(actually, kinda like dreams-but I had to force myself to wake up from them... but they seemed very real... spooky weird!!SCAREY)
I've read & been told that one of the largest detoxing organs of the body is the SKIN, so a good soak bath with a SOFT(dont scrub your skin off) scrubbie is good. Even if you don't feel like it right now, you'll feel bettter afterwords. If you can get yourself to get up & move a bit to help sweat it out...I know you probably don't feel like it.
I always just wanted to crawl off & hide till it went away.
Try & drink as much water, tea, juice, as you can. You're probably
dehydrated . Maybe even get some pedia lite or something. Are you able to eat? Maybe some crackers, chicken broth, or soup...toast. I know I had a really hard time getting food down at first, but you've gotta start eating.
Sorry, I hope I'm not preaching. Just going by what I'm familiar with. Hope you're not quite there... In any case, I hope this helps.The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower:zwink:
Friday, Oct 20th
Hi Ya'll! Well, it's another Friday from H* day for me! Actually, last night wasn't too busy... so maybe the season is really gonna wind down here at some point! I've gotta gom in at 1:00, so I've gotta cut this kinda short though.
Have fun in SF Becca!! GO Girl!:l
Everybody else... Love ya!:hPeace & prayers....
JudieThe only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower:zwink:
Friday, Oct 20th
Hey Judie...loved your picture! AND everyone else's ...a great looking group we have here!
Mike, a ((((GREAT BIG warm granma hug to you dear!!!)))
Regarding a's not profound but I had a question in my opening...the one that my husband asked me. What is the big deal about drinking? Why hang on to it so hard? Feel free to come up with another one. My answer is that I know that I am dealing with some very deep emotinal stuff and that I gave myself permission to 'use' it to help me deal with it..I rode on that one for quite a while, but now that the cost has become a bit high..especially the fact that consuming alcohol goes against every other ideal I have about how I want to be taking care of my soon to be aging pour alcohol into my liver and organs is contrary to drinking my All One in the morning and buying organic drink is an action that goes against the nurturing instinct that I have towards my children, my husband and even to myself..but I've chosen to do it numb not hear what I say I want to hear, to not feel what I know I must feel...Bullshit to wanting to be 'normal' and drink like other people..that one doesn't fly for me personally because I'm really not a social person, I drink at home. So it's in my face now why I fight so hard for the personal right to drink in moderation when I know I am no damn good at it...without the help of a drug that makes me feel like crap..the crazy thing is, is that I know I can quit. It's just making up my mind..and the resistance to do that lately has been so strong, but you know what...I may have to make it because it feels pretty silly to look myself in the eye in the mirror and tell myself these lies...I deserve to be honest with myself...
OK, somebody think of a better question..I'm not sure if I like that one.
Friday, Oct 20th
Jerrry Bear, as others have posted over in Gen Disc., it's not advisable to go cold turkey. (not sure how much you've been drinking), but could you maybe taper off, and just have someone bring a small amount by for you ? Every so often?
I know asking that question of someone who's trying to stop drinking like trying to tell a drowning victom that they don't need AIR!!The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower:zwink: