I not only hid my drinking and related activities, but I hid my feelings. I hid how I felt about drinking; I hid my depression and anxiety; I hid my fear. I hid FROM my feelings. I hid from life. My drinking life was as much about hiding as it was about drinking, it seems. I was avoiding anything and everything that I could. The problem was that the alcohol inevitably wore off ? and when it did, whatever I was hiding from was still there, and 10 times bigger.
I feel like I am still there. Ive really slipped back as anyone who looks at my tracker will see. The only consolation is that I have not drunk to ?? level. I havent done a run/walk for two weeks. I need a kick to get me back on track. I totally understood Jerry bears cries the other day. When you are feeling desperate and that you are getting nowhere fast it is difficult to read all the fun and hilarious posts without wanting to either scream or back off completely. I backed off because I know that usually I join in any fun and games and love laughing at all the posts. Usually they cheer me up. This week I have been a MISERABLE S*D !!!!

Love to all as always.