Hope everyone had a great weekend. My daughter and I walked Race for the Cure in Dallas in memory of my mom who died 11 years ago of breast cancer. 30,000 participants...and than they had a survivor parade..awesome to see. And not to make light of the struggle these women endured, as I know my own mom went through her own battle..but I thought--aren't we all survivors in our own way! Trying to just make it through this life-surviving...doing our best, trying our best, determined to fight back against what holds us back.
Here I'm trying to be so profound at such an early hour!!
I've entered another 5K (only 3.1 miles) this one is in my small town and in 2 weeks. I ran it 2 years ago and CLEARLY rememember had a splitting hangover headache (common back then) and won in my age group! Thing is: I'm pretty sure that I was the only one entered in my age group! So, this year, I plan to run clear-headed, win or no win, it should be fun.
Also---Becca, can't wait to hear about your race. Ladies, and man...looked up the Durango 1/2 marathon..Time limit on that thing is 4.5 hours...surely we could all do that!! That would be a breeze! I'm thinking about it! What's the worst that could happen?? We get a bit of exercise??
Here's to us!! My sweet freinds! Have an awesome Monday! Love you all