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Yeh. LOng time. Hard to come to terms with. My dad was the most wonderful man. My mum still left him( thank goodness-they argued a lot)
They both found wonderful new people that they were happy with and didn't argue with. It took some time for my dad but he was happier after.Enough is enough
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I have been wed for 26 years. I have always said that if anything were to happen I would not want anyone else so I hear what you are saying. Also I do admit to feeling a bit strange when these new partners came into my parents' lives but as a kid you adjust very quickly.
You have brought some special insights into this site since joining. You always seem to know just what to say to pour oil on troubled waters. You feel very special to all of us on here.
When I can't sleep i clench one part of my body at a time for 5 seconds and then relax it, beginning at my feet and working up. I always skirt around my heart in case it stops!!!! Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Hope you feel better soon.
Love Waves xEnough is enough
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Proposed topic idea
Does alcohol allow you to express your emotions easier, or does it help you to drown them, forget them, bury them? Does it make a difference if they're positive or negative emotions?Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.
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Good Morning tumadre,
What a great question! I always felt bad about the negative emotions that came up when I was drunk..but just a little..I felt bad for the poor soul that they were directed at, but somehow, they had to come up so that I knew that they were there..and I'm grateful for that..if I could remember them..Initially I would drink so that I wouldn't feel them (so I thought) but isn't it interesting that they come up anyway..albeit innappropriately and sometimes very distructivly, but they came up because they are there. I think the alcohol makes us feel like we are expressing them more easily, but in my case, the person that I"m trying to express them to would very much disagree because by the time I have a bottle of wine in me, I'm no longer expressing the emotions in an effective way, I've become posessed by them..that's pretty scary to me, and to my husband, which is usually the lucky target! Anyway, I have great respect for feelings and emotions..they are clues to what lies beneath the surface..I journal almost everyday (and have for as long as I remember) to try to connect with them..even the ugly drunken ones get recorded if I can remember them so that I can investigate later..to get to the root of them. I've learned a lot about myself by respecting them..even if I've been irresponsible with them.
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Fan .. hopefully you got some snoozies in ... I didn't sleep well either last night .. which is rare for me ...maybe something about NOT passing out on wine again had something to do with it??? LOL
I can relate to the "OUCH" ... I am right on the other side of the door of that happening in my life as well. Not as long of a relationship ... but certainly one that not long ago I thought was "going to be forever". That's the hard part ...
Maybe a good distraction for today ... get out an do something fun. Or be like me and FINALLY hit a project that you have looked at for ages, and not taken care of. I did that yesterday and the feeling of accomplishment was grand!
For me it was replacing a screen door. Which I assumed would be a snap because you just take the old one off .. hang the new one! Right?
So I'm standing at Home Depot looking at doors, another woman comes up .. we chat .. she asked me who I am going to have install it. I say me! Look! It's only three screws here and three screws there. You can do it ...
*Cough* poor woman .. after about 4 hours of working on my door. .. I wish I had her phone number to call and apoligize if I actually talked her into doing it herself. LOL Takes just a TAD more than 6 screws! Hack saw .. chisel .. sandpaper ... electric drill ... screwdivers .... balh blah blah .. I had NO CLUE how many adjustments need to be made! LOL
I have to say tho ... if my past states of already drinking numerous galsses of wine .. I would have given up .. or did it half-assed. Instead .. I kept going back and correcting .. actually was not too lazy to continue to go get the correct tool ... . modified the drilling of the holes for the handle so it snaps closed just perfect! So flippin proud of myself!
So I go to lock up the house last night before going to bed. Admire my new screen door once more .. and go to close the inside door .. OOPS. There's not enough room for the inside door's handle to not hit the screen door! Dangit!
Not quite sure how to solve that .. but back to Home Depot for a "low profile door handle" ... do they make such a beast??? LOL Good grief .. can only laugh at myself..
I really need to marry a contractor!
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Wow, Fan and Waves:
That was so nice that it made me cry. So here is it Sunday. How about being our best? Putting more than just getting by into something in our lives wether it is work, a hobby, a relationship, our health. I think I want to put more into my career. I feel like that past 6 years I have just been getting by. No continuing education, no real effort outside of work, no stretching myself. Just doing what I have to, leaning on my past accomplishments. I can become certified in my field. It will require completing examinations, writing a paper and getting recommendations from collegues and completing additional education. It will require coming home at night and studying! What a novel concept. Something I can't do with a glass of wine in my hand.
So anyway. I am proposing being our best as today's topic. And I am setting a goal to become certified in my field by this time next year.
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about emotions and alcohol. In my house, I am not allowed to even speak to anyone after a bottle of wine. If that tells you anything about alcohol and emotions. So, maybe one drink does offer relaxation and help you to speak your mind, but too much just causes you to be mean and say things that are not needed.