Wow! Thirty days!!! That is phenomenal!!! Is your goal Abs or Moderating? Either way, you are doing so great!!! Congratulations!!!
I know what you mean about wanting to drink while doing an activity. Mine is cooking. I committed to getting control about two weeks ago, and quite frankly, I have set aside doing major cooking projects until I get to the point where I can deal with it. Otherwise, I'm sure I will fail. I have started doing little projects (like dinner - I cook everything from scratch - but can do simple or complex). This is something I still have to tackle, but I am not ready yet.
One suggestion is that you may do a little "soul searching" and ask yourself what it is about painting that makes you want to drink? Maybe it brings back some memory or activity, or even a smell -- once you find the trigger on the why, it is much easer to deal with, at least it as been for me. But again, it sounds like you are doing great!!!
Good Luck,