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Checking in...

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    Checking in...

    Hey everyone--

    things aren't going to bad this week....i wanted to not drink all week...but that didnt happened. however-im not feeling that bad about it. I was AF Sat, Sun, Mon and I had 1.5 glass of wine yesterday..and today I am having 1.5 glasses of wine. Tomorrow I will be Af, Friday I plan on having no more than 3, Sat I am planning on having no more than 3..AF Monday and Tuesday.

    I dont know if that is good or bad. this is my first time trying to modetate and watch my drinking...but i feel pretty comfortable with the above "goals".

    my hardest time is in the evening around 8pm. I just get BORED. so i have been trying to do some different things. Tonight i am cooking portobello mushrooms stuffed with crab and baking a raspberry pie yesterday i took my dogs for two seperate walks. so i feel like im making little improvements.

    This is my first week so i'm not sure how i should be feeling--but i want to stick with this!! it feels good not waking up hungover for work and remebering how i went to bed...

    Checking in...

    well good for you angel .. keep an close eye open and on your guard and i wish you the best of luck ...and i wish i could mod but i love al way to much to stop at one is too many and 20 is never enought but that just me ...
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      Checking in...

      That sounds like moderation to me angel.
      Bloody well done


        Checking in...

        Popeye;938033 wrote: That sounds like moderation to me angel.
        Bloody well done
        thank you!!! i feel pretty good its nice knowing that 1.5 glasses of wine IS really enough. once i'm done i switch to a soda or something...and then tea late night.

        its crazy though--i've been "feeling" a bit more than usual....which is to be expected im sure because i'm not masking it with alcohol. not sure how i feel about it just yet. reminds me of who i use to be before a good and bad way.


          Checking in...

          angelsmiles;938035 wrote:
          its crazy though--i've been "feeling" a bit more than usual....which is to be expected im sure because i'm not masking it with alcohol. not sure how i feel about it just yet. reminds me of who i use to be before a good and bad way.
          Me too.
          I think it's just us getting to know ourselves. Finding out who we are instead of who we thought we were is one of the huge bonuses for me.
          Heavy drinking had such a detrimental effect on my self-worth (among other things) that I felt I couldn't be a functioning person without it. I have virtually abandoned my old conditioned thoughts and ideas and started almost from scratch, discarding old opinions and attitudes and set off to 'find myself'. It's been interesting to say the least and I've had to face up to my weaknesses, but I've also discovered some strengths I didn't know were there and there is some contentment and not a little peace.
          A nice thing happened at work yesterday.
          One of the Polish lads who works with me came in and in passing asked me how I was.
          "Good!", I said.
          He smiled and said "You're always good. Out of this whole place, only you."
          He's just about right. I have my bad days and things don't always go as I'd like them to but in general, I feel so much better.


            Checking in...

            I'm trying to moderate too

            Hi Angel

            I'm trying to moderate too, I think having a plan is a great idea. I actually drink a lot less if I am really trying to cut back.

            When I'm drinking 'normally' I just sit and drink and don't think about what I'm doing, like you I get bored in the evenings, drinking helps that doesn't it? But I think it only appears to help because AL deadens our responses, we're not as alert and our brain function is impaired.

            If I'm drinking consciously I think before I reach out for that 2nd or 3rd glass of wine, I definitely drink slower and less. it's when I drink without thinking that it all goes pear-shaped:upset:

            So good for you, keep a plan and stick to it.

            I'm going for more AF days each week, over the past 11 days I had just 4 glasses of wine and 2 of those were reduced AL varieties of red wine, however, I drank without paying attention at this weekend, we had friends staying over so I drank with them and didn't try at all to curb the quantity, but I'm okay with this, this morning (Monday) is the start of a new week and one that will be AF most days.

            Good luck with moderation - we CAN do it :l

