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Making It Official

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    Making It Official

    Hello All ,

    I want to make an official commitment to not consume alcohol Sundays thru Thursdays this month.

    I never crave alcohol but somehow end up having a few beers way to many weekday nights.

    My greatest time of weakness is 6-9 pm. If I start I might not stop till 10 pm - 2 am or so.

    That leads to just not feeling good way too many mornings and that hurts my productivity.

    I believe abstinence is the true way but for now I want to experience life with alcohol only on Friday evenings and / or Saturdays.

    I am enrolled in an online course and will try to fill that 6-9 time of temptation with progress in the course.


    "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is courage
    that counts" ~~Winston Churchill

    Making It Official

    Hi rrcr - I wish you all the best - let us know how you do - today will be your first day - do you have AF (alcohol free) days usually, or do you drink every day? Having a plan is good.

    Hugs, Sun xx
    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


      Making It Official

      RR - I would like to join you in committing to no al on these days. I'm actually not drinking anything during the week and only on a weekend night if we go out to dinner. I too am modding right now. I went af 2.5 mos and have only been drinking about 1 x per week for the last month. If I ramp back up to anything beyond al on special occasions, I am committed to going completely af.

      So, here are the only times I'm going to drink: 1/2 bottle wine with hubs if we have dinner out; same amount if we eat out with friends or have someone over for dinner. Special occasions or parties (which are few and far between for us).

      Let's work together to keep each other on track.

      Hi Sun! Hope you're doing well today.



        Making It Official

        sunshinedaisies;1033295 wrote: Hi rrcr - I wish you all the best - let us know how you do - today will be your first day - do you have AF (alcohol free) days usually, or do you drink every day? Having a plan is good.

        Hugs, Sun xx
        Hello Sun !!!!!

        I made it through Saturday and Sunday AF....working on day 3 now.

        I do have AF days , I am just trying to have MORE of them.
        "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
        "Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is courage
        that counts" ~~Winston Churchill


          Making It Official

          KundaliniGirl;1033351 wrote: RR - I would like to join you in committing to no al on these days. I'm actually not drinking anything during the week and only on a weekend night if we go out to dinner. I too am modding right now. I went af 2.5 mos and have only been drinking about 1 x per week for the last month. If I ramp back up to anything beyond al on special occasions, I am committed to going completely af.

          So, here are the only times I'm going to drink: 1/2 bottle wine with hubs if we have dinner out; same amount if we eat out with friends or have someone over for dinner. Special occasions or parties (which are few and far between for us).

          Let's work together to keep each other on track.

          Hi Sun! Hope you're doing well today.

          Hey KG !!!!

          Lets keep each other sticking to the plan this month. A little encouragement can go a long way.

          It's 2:09 am here and am working on day 3 AF.

          I do believe my online course work has kept me from being bored and saying "what the heck"'s "only a half case" of beer

          Let me know what I can do to help you stick with your plan outside of beating up on ya

          "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
          "Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is courage
          that counts" ~~Winston Churchill


            Making It Official

            RR, sounds super. It's nice to have someone to check in with who is working on similar goals. I plan to go AF all week. Feeling really super today. I love having lots of AF days and hardly any al days. But, it's nice to not feel like I have to say I'm NEVER going to drink again. This will definitely be the best of all worlds.

            Stay strong today!



              Making It Official

              Hello Guys!

              Good luck with your goals! I think teaming up with a buddy is a great way to stay in line.

              Have a great day!


                Making It Official

                HI ML - hope you're doing well.:l


                  Making It Official

                  Hey guys,

                  I have just finished reading a book called Responsible Drinking by Frederick Rotgers. It is really really helpful. Great advice for successful moderation.
                  Be strong-
                  We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
                  Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


                    Making It Official

                    Hi Rebirth - great, thanks for the tip. You know, so far I'm not having any trouble at all maintaining my plan. But, it's always good to know about books just in case -- knowledge is power!



                      Making It Official

                      Hey KG ,

                      Just think we are 3 days into the month. 3 AF days are knocking on 10 % for the month.

                      3 days of 1 year is knocking on 1% for the year.

                      It is not all about numbers.

                      I remember some quote that said something like There are Lies...Damn Lies...and Statistics.

                      You can make numbers SEEM to mean anything. However I believe that a person who counts simply and is honest has an advantage over one who doesn't.

                      If I drink canned or bottled beer and can count is a whole lot better than waking up going......How much did I drink ???

                      Make sense ?
                      "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
                      "Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is courage
                      that counts" ~~Winston Churchill


                        Making It Official


                        It certainly doesn't make sense to fool ourselves, does it! I feel secure in what I'm doing - you know, it doesn't feel like I'm struggling. How about for you?



                          Making It Official

                          KundaliniGirl;1034343 wrote: RR,

                          it doesn't feel like I'm struggling. How about for you?

                          I do hope you can continue without that 'old bottle calling your name There will be some tough days but I have faith in you KG :thumbs:

                          How is your family reacting to the new KG ??? Or is it too new for them to have caught on ?

                          I struggled for 5 hours tonight......but it was a struggle for my course work

                          Maybe when / if I graduate I can plan an trip to some beach in Mexico to celebrate

                          It would have been so easy to have picked up that 12 pack tonight......Would have still studied but it would not have been anywhere near as productive.
                          "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
                          "Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is courage
                          that counts" ~~Winston Churchill


                            Making It Official


                            rrcr;1032933 wrote: Hello All ,

                            I want to make an official commitment to not consume alcohol Sundays thru Thursdays this month.

                            I never crave alcohol but somehow end up having a few beers way to many weekday nights.

                            My greatest time of weakness is 6-9 pm. If I start I might not stop till 10 pm - 2 am or so.

                            That leads to just not feeling good way too many mornings and that hurts my productivity.

                            I believe abstinence is the true way but for now I want to experience life with alcohol only on Friday evenings and / or Saturdays.

                            I am enrolled in an online course and will try to fill that 6-9 time of temptation with progress in the course.


                            hi rrcr:goodjob:the 1st step is realising you have an addiction,:upset:it is not the end of the world,but over time it could be,as far as craving,think about it,jsut by talking about it,shows there could be an underlying problem,addiction,not necessarily,alchoholic ?.ive been doing this for 41 years,not always the way i am now,craving comes in many forms,:upset:moderation is good as long as you dont drink all the drinks you missed out on the weekend hahaha,:goodjob:i wish you well gyco


                              Making It Official

                              RR - people around me have been super supportive of my cutting down and I think are even a bit envious. However, no one who knows me would ever perceived me as having a problem. I didn't drink all that much. For me, it was mainly that alcohol disturbed my sleep and that I drank daily. Now that I have cut out the daily my sleep is great and I'm doing really well. I feel good every day now - a real feat!

                              So, I went 2.5 mos with no alcohol, and then another month with just 1/2 bottle of wine (or 2 margaritas depending on the meal) with dinner on 4 different occasions. I feel like I've really gotten things under control and feel fantastic. When I first did the 2.5 mos, I was thinking I would never drink again. But, that seemed so drastic -- every time I went out for a nice dinner I really just wanted to have a couple of glasses of wine. So, that's my goal - to not drink during the week and have no more than 1/2 bottle of wine on special occasions. That would just be dinner out, or when I have people over for dinner.

                              Gyco, how do you drink now? Can you tell us a little about your story?

                              RR - good luck with your studies - much more worthwhile than alcohol - and like you say, tackling school with a clear head will give you so much more brain power!!


