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Making It Official

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    Making It Official

    RR, it really did take me a while to get here, but I am feeling very confident. HOWEVER, I don't let my guard down. I just think maybe I was lucky enough to stop myself before I got past the point of no return.

    And, I just happen to have been a grade school teacher once upon a time, RR. Unfortunately I couldn't whack them upside the head like the good ole days.

    Have you ever had a completely AF period of time RR? Sorry, I can't remember if you've posted about that or not. I think it's really hard to mod after we've gotten to a certain level of problem drinking without an abstention period.

    Now, no making fun of your kitty just because she's trying to get warm. She has a lot of fur, so it protects her skin and she doesn't know she's too close to the heater!!



      Making It Official

      Interesting thread rr. Way to be honest with yourself and keep up the fight! Once you're used to doing other stuff during your vulnerable hours though it'll be easier. I thought i would come here to answer your question on video games, sorry i can't think of any games that let you go around blowing stuff up without other stuff trying to blow you up lol. Personally i like getting online and playing against other people. Knowing that somewhere out there someone is yelling at the tv and wishing death on me cause i managed to fuck them over somehow is the greatest. Computers don't get pissed but people do so for every game you wanna play you can figure out the stuff you hate having done to you, then get out there and do unto others Of course it sounds like you have a busy schedule so idk if you'd have the time to waste on gaming haha.
      Anyway, keep up the good work. Don't let the occasional slip derail you.


        Making It Official

        Have you ever had a completely AF period of time RR?
        My best AF time was 6 weeks. I have gone a week to two weeks many times.

        That inner voice is just telling me in a louder voice that it is time to take control of the alcohol before it controls me.

        Kinda funny but I am more concerned with drinking 2-3 times a week now than I used to be drinking 5-6 times

        So how are the Songbirds ??? Singing anything good ?????
        "Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle."
        "Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is courage
        that counts" ~~Winston Churchill


          Making It Official

          Hey RR, birdies are good. They are loving our last couple of days - lovely spring-like weather.............chirp chirp

