Thanks KG. Never tried yoga but i see it all the time at the gym. Does that count?
As for drinking, i correlate it directly to whether i'm on my "program" or not. Program being diet and workout program. I take a break from it a few times a year because eating right sux so epicly i just can't do it all year long. I take my breaks for vacations where i'll be hanging with friends doing the kinds of things that usually include drinking but not dieting. While on these breaks i leave myself the option of drinking as much as i want (or can) as often as i like. If i wanna get up 1st thing in the morning and get half drunk before going out for breakfast i'll do it. And honestly one of my favorite things in the world is to drink beer and do shots while i'm playing video games online with my friends. And i'll drink till i can't see straight then go pass out lol.
This will go on for a couple weeks till vacation time is over, then its back on the program which of course means going from super frat house style drinking to complete abstinance (not sure i can spell that either). Thats why i was saying in that other thread that stopping gets easier everytime you do it. I do use kudzu each time though. I'm not sure I need it cause af is my comfort zone, my "home" if you will, and i'm always anxious to get back to it. But why not make it as easy as possible? Besides i read the south is overrun by kudzu vines so you know i gotta do my part to help keep them in check.
So what ends up happening, without fail, is that i quit drinking on the date i want to start my program but i can't give up the food for another 2 weeks or so. As great as kudzu is for alcohol cravings, its useless against stuff like bacon cheeseburgers and breakfast burritos. Matter of fact the whole reason i'm on these boards and ever stopped drinking in the 1st place was because i didn't want to get fat. I blamed al for not being in the shape i wanted, but after i stopped i discovered that food has something to do with it as well. Oh well one less thing to worry about i guess.
Sorry for the long post but thats how i do it. Well, we'll have to see for this summer. Vacation with all the food but no drinking is pretty sweet!