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One a Month Only

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    One a Month Only

    :new:I have given up trying to stop AL completely. I was sober for 5 years by going to AA and then started up once a week only and it was great. I have a history of drinking badly for almost 20 yrs. I seem to be able to drink only about 3/4 bottle of wine but I need that amount... but I now want to do this only 1 a month. Rently I had a ALT test and my count was a little higher (50). I stopped for 3 weeks and went again for another test (I'll see how it is next week)

    Life is hard to live for me without that little "party" as I call it once in awhile..

    If I cannot do this then I'll have to re-think my behaviour...

    Just FYI for those who are having a hard time going for "nothing".

    One a Month Only

    Hello Brigit,

    I've had a hard time going to "nothing" as well. So, I'm going to try modding with specific guidelines and see how it goes. If it doesn't work out I'll go back to "nothing"!

    My goal is no more than 1/2 bottle of wine/week (or equivalent) in a social sitiuation or out with husband for dinner. That's it. I'll see how it goes. If I fall back to old habits, then I will just decide I need to abstain.

    Have a great week!


      One a Month Only

      I was AF for 3 months and decided to try modding in December...well one month later and the binges started. So for me it has to be nothing, now I need to accept that. If modding works for you that is great, but for me it didn't and I am happy I caught it in time. I am hungover today but it will be my last one.


        One a Month Only

        MY, Brigit and Peace,

        Hi all - just wanting to say you should join in the other modding threads too if you have time! Peace, I totally understand where you're coming from. Like My Life, if I ever get back to a bad place, I'll be going totally AF.



          One a Month Only

          Well I think I'll join Brigit and ML, let see if we can give this mod thing a shot. 4 drinking days a month, never a work night, never more that 3 drinks (4 oz). I am the wild card here because everyone seams to drink beer and wine and I am a vodka only drinker. Let's MOD! LOL
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            One a Month Only

            Hey Jen, glad to see you. It's nice to have some "buddies" on this thread - I've missed you and ML but didn't think I should post on the other threads.

            I don't know about the vodka either. Do you think it's trickier to handle than beer and wine? I know that the beer is much easier on my system than anything, and it sort of eases me into drinking. Somehow, I think not drinking something real strong at the beginning keeps you from getting too much alcohol at once in your system? Just a thought.

            I have been keeping up with you and ML from time to time. How are things on the home front (only if you feel like talking).



              One a Month Only

              It seems that hard liquor is more difficult to control because you need so much less to get drunk but that is why I measure. Eric and the kids are good. We all fight like normal. 4 adults (12 and 14) in one house and all are stubborn is hard but I love each one and would not have it any other way. I did AF for a couple days over 30 and wanted to have a drink at a dinner party for my hubby's work and so I did. We hung out with friends, went to a dance club after the party and had a grant old time. And so the thoughts of MODDING began.
              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                One a Month Only

                Got it. Well I wish you luck and am here for support!



                  One a Month Only

                  Hello Guys.

                  KG -- we're going to have to explore around and find the other modding sites as well. You'll see me get there eventually!

                  Jenn, I would really watch the Vodka too. Just make the drinks really weak. The problem with me and anything stronger than wine is it hits me too hard and all my resolutions fly out the window. I have to say that light beer at the superbowl party was great because I hardly felt anything and didn't care for the taste too much -- so NO temptation to overdo it!

                  Have a great day guys!


                    One a Month Only

                    Good morning, not much to report, feel great, no AL, no craving. Doing good! After work I'm going to go eat with my sis at Torchey's Taco's up the street and then go visit my friend in jail on this side of town and then go home and eat some yummy snacks and watch my Tuesday shows! Hope everyone has a great day!
                    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                      One a Month Only

                      I'm taking a Spanish class tonight.

                      I don't know why I keep trying to learn that language, but it keeps me busy! LOL.


                        One a Month Only

                        Jen - I missed the friend in jail story - what happened? Hope it wasn't an al related incident??

                        ML - Beer seems to be good for me too. If I drink a couple, I don't tend to overdo the wine. If I drink Vodka, I tend to want to mix them strong, and then I get toasted. Re another modding site - I'm not sure I have enough time. Let me know, though, if you happen onto something good. Oh, and good for you taking a class. I live too far out but would love to take some courses. I love college - went back late and did great (hated it right after h.s. cuz I was burned out but loved it as an adult)..........

                        Hang in everyone -



                          One a Month Only

                          Good morning! Feeling good and AF this week so far. No desire and no cravings. Life is good.

                          Have a great day all!


                            One a Month Only

                            You sound really good ML - I'm joining you in a no AF day!!

