Laura - hope yur son is ok. That must have been frightening.
No announcement yet.
Tuesday, Dec. 5
Tuesday, Dec. 5
OK SM and Lush (you Marthas...)! You are making me feel like QUITE the slouch. While my outside decor is done, none done inside and baking? Not even on my radar screen yet. :wow: Holy Cats!!! I best get with the program! Do I only have 20 days left? Thank God I have Marks to do a daily countdown for me LOL!!!Hawk
Tuesday, Dec. 5
I know it's late, but I feel I must add:
My son is sore, but bored with the no recess or activity at school. A very good sign of recovery.
Queen of Tarts? Waves, that was just perfect! I might be gone before you get back on the board, so have a nice week.
Hawk, I do not have the outside done, nor any of the inside thanks to the kittens. We are afraid to leave any decorations up while we are gone. They will destroy anything we put up including the tree. But I do have ALL MY SHOPPING DONE!!!! (gloat, gloat, gloat)
As to the kittens, has anyone tried Backoff Spray. I bought a bottle to see if I could get Ash to quit knocking over the trash.
LauraHumor is just another defense against the universe!
Tuesday, Dec. 5
Oh Laura - Before we were married my husband had two kitties. They were a "gift" from his 17 year-old so he wouldn't be lonely (early in his divorce). It was crazy - he travelled so much! Also awful - because I am highly allergic
They were truly evil little buggers. Nothing, not a single thing, cold be left out because they would destroy it. The first year we had a tree - they jumped INTO the tree. Needless to say the tree had to go in a room that was closed off from that point on.
Obviously, when we built our house they did not join us.
By the way, Abbot (Cat #1) loved wine. And he loved to watch Big Cat Diary on Animal Planet (and drink wine). Costello Cat #2) , (I had NOTHING to do with their names) didn't like wine but he liked people food. Are these two addicted kitties or what?? LOL!!!!!:HHawk
Tuesday, Dec. 5
Waves, you are from England, correct? So I am assuming the Queen of Tarts is a term of endearment, much like you would give to the Queen of England? That is what I thought. Thanks.Hope your mom and hubby agree on politics or that would truly be torture.
Hawk, It is time to get decorating dear. Christmas will be here before you know it. While I would never admit I do not have as much done as I have made it sound so SM-Mary can one-up me I am pretty happy with what I have done but I am much further behind than in years past. Could it be the over 1000 posts I have spent typing on here?
Oh and speaking of SM-mary, I meant to say ALL of my baking was DONE the day after Thanksgiving. I must have left a word out of a sentence. You know how this darn internet causes you to skip words and such. Tell me the truth now, your tree is still up in your attic, isn't it??!!! Hmmm???!!!!
Laura, my friend who has cats just uses a spray bottle of water to keep her cats off of everything. Have you tried that? When do you leave for Aloha land?
Last post for the day for me believe it or not. Night all..............I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me