I've been AF for a little over 4 months and have no intent on Modding as such, I've tried it in the past, it didn't work then and I can't see it happening in the future, I'm okay with not drinnking to a certain extent, but I've spent the last few days thinking it over about how I'd feel if I did have a drink now, like I said not back to modding it's not an option, but that odd taste of wine you know when someone asks your opinion of something they've bought, that desert that has AL in it, you know the kind of thing.
I'm obessing a little about how I'd feel if I did break my AF run now, would I feel I'd let myself down? Just because I'd had a sip or two of AL would I feel that I'd broken my sobriety, that scares me at the moment how I'll feel about myself.
I don't want to ever go back to where I was before, I remind myself daily how bad it was, but I was wondering how others felt in themselves when they made the move from being AF to that first glass again, fear? Disappointment that you'd drank again ? Relief, etc.. ?
I know I have to make that decision myself but I was just curious to how you felt yourselves.
Now I hope that makes sense:H