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My first test

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    My first test

    Hi everyone

    I?ve been away for a little while?well, just lurking really while doing a good job of moderating. I thought I?d pop in today to say how well it?s all been going but also for a bit of extra support.
    Tonight I have a function to go to and it will be the first serious test with al, that I?ve come up against in many months. This function has me shaking in my boots! And if it?d come any sooner I?d be drinking by now and well ?on my way?. I can?t in memory recall putting myself out there, in a pressurized social situation and not having a little something to calm my nerves. Tonight will be interesting to say the least.
    My concern today is that if I attempt to moderate in such uncharted waters, I may loose my resolve. I?ve been doing sooo well for some time now and I still wake up every single morning just grateful to feel healthy and relaxed, rather than the earth shattering hangovers of old. I have gained so much traction in my life since learning how to moderate that this situation feels very precarious. Given the fact that this function has me at it?s center, I can?t avoid attending sooo?any insights or advice would be very much appreciated.
    Don't tell me it can't be done until I'm finished doing it.

    My first test

    Hi Shanny-if you absolutely cannot avoid the event(sounds like that would be best as you're already faltering and second guessing yourself) then there are certainly some tools suggested.
    Make sure you are well rested. Make sure you are not hungry. Take 5gms L'Glut mid afternoon and just before going. Be determined to drink something non al in between your al beverage. Plan to drive perhaps? Hope this helps and others will add to these suggestions. I guess the other option if you're not sure is to just say you had to take a med that does not allow alcohol. Good luck!
    Psalms 119:45

    ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

    St. Francis of Assisi

    I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



      My first test

      Hi Shanny,
      I have wondered too what I would do in a situation like this. To be honest I would moderate my drinking at this event and make sure that I stick to my limits no matter what. But if you are unsure of yourself than I would face this venue cold turkey. Yes you are nervous but it's better to feel that then wake up the next morning feeling embarassed and ashamed.

      good luck. x
      Be strong-
      We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
      Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


        My first test

        Hi Shanny

        Since you are in Oz and I am in Canada, I think you may have already had your evening! I sincerely hope it went according to whatever plan you ended up with and that you stayed strong.

        Let us know how you got on.


          My first test

 was good and bad. I also had a very interesting epiphany while out too.
          The bad thing was that I had about 4 more drinks than I intended. The good thing is that not too long ago, that would have been 15 extra drinks and I'd have woken up in someones back yard...only kidding (sort of). The damage wasn't too severe and I have learnt much from it.
          The biggest thing is that I really am not a social person. No wonder I always drank at these things. Aside from the normal kind of nerves that everyone gets at important events, I realized that as a sober person, I'm actually a very quiet and content to be so. I think I've been been using al to fit a round peg into a square whole all this time. I don't want to be out amongst it all that much and in my normal day to day life, I'm a bit of a nerd lol. I'm just now learning that I am perfectly fine as I am and if that means that I'm not the life of the party or even at the party, then so be it.

          Don't tell me it can't be done until I'm finished doing it.


            My first test

            Hey Shanny

            Great news and I have had the same thoughts too. My drinking buddies says I have gone quiet and I am not as fun anymore. But I dont care! I am also happy with the new me. At least it's real. x
            Be strong-
            We define ourselves by the best that is in us, not the worse that has been done to us.
            Be constructive. Clear the word of CAN'T


              My first test

              Well done Shanny! That is great progress. I also had an experience recently where I was AF and realized I JUST DIDN"T ENJOY IT - not because I was AF but because I didn't like the experience and previously had always drunk through those types of occasions to try and make them fun (or something)! It's ok to not like things that 'most' people seem to and it's ok to be quiet or shy. Be proud of who you are!


                My first test

                A Bit late to reply

                Hi Shanny,
                I'm replying to this rather late, as it is very aplicable to me. I went to a networking event last night, and made an absolute idiot of myself , which considering I am in a high profile position there, is not the best look. I feel predictable ashamed, embarressed, and could potentially have ruined my career.

                I have decided I cant moderate, so thats that. No more alcohol.

                Congradulations, BTW on your evening.

