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Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

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    Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

    Greetings, all--

    It's early morning Christmas Eve and I'm up writing because I'm too sick to sleep. Nothing serious. Just a bad sore throat and swollen glads and a gut that feels so cramped I might as well be under the foot of an elephant.

    Obviously, this is not life threatening stuff. I'll be better within a week.

    The problem is that my family has plans to fly California to spend the holidays with our siblings and my beloved father-in-law who, as most of you know, is 100 years old. We are scheduled to arrive in California early Christmas morning. I can't go if I'm sick because I cannot risk either directly infecting my father-in-law or putting other family members who interact with him at risk of becoming ill. A few years ago my FIL was in intensive care because he developed life threatening pneumonia. Dad and I are very close:l and he's told my husband that he is glad that he's especially looking forward to my visit. Since my FIL's hearing is poor enough that he cannot hear women's voices over the phone, my husband is the conduit for information. I'm so afraid of letting my beloved dad down if I don't visit. I also don't like to miss visits with him because he's in heart failure and he's already outlived all of his physicians' predictions. Therefore, I'm really worried about making him sick.:upset:

    Aargh . . . home remedies, anyone?:helpme:

    Love, Eustacia

    P.S. A joyous Christmas Eve to all!

    Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

    Hi E...I have read somewhere that bugs are at their most contagious when you are not actually aware that you have them...not sure if this is more of my mums hokey to make me go to school ill, or whether there is some medical basis....other than that...all I can recommend is acidophilus, LOTS of vit c (way more than the RDA apparently)...this is water soluble so I don't think you can dear mother regularly takes about 14 kilos every time she flies to ward off cabin germs, and she's a healthy old stick....white grape juice and boiled water to flush the system and honey and lemon (home made) for the sore throat...sorry, and you may have to check out some of my 'facts' on the net in case I give you a dose of hypervitaminosis or something....hope you can shake this...It's really important for you and your dad isn't it.....

    Trying to absorb some of your germs (don't matter if I get sick) The Melon xoxo


      Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

      Oh E - I hope you find a remedy! I would hate for you to miss your trip. I don't really know any - I usually just let them run their course. But at the very least, try some Airborne before you get on the plane or in contact with others. Its loaded with vitamins etc and you can at least try to not make it worse. Stay hydrated on the plan too. I wish I had a remedy for you!


        Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

        Hi E! I am so sorry that you are sick!! I will be praying very hard for a quick recovery for you! I have suffered with cronic sinusitis and throat problems all my life, here are some of the remedies that have helped me.

        First, it's going to depend on whether it is bacterial or viral. If it is bacterial, nothing short of an anti-biotic will do. Some doctors like to test to see if it is gram positive or gram negative. But, if you are on good terms with your dr., call him explain your situation, ask him if he could give you a bout of Ceftin (it works quickly for both gram positive and gram negative strains, very powerful stuff -- by the second pill you will be feeling great it it is bacterial. (Also, make sure that he thinks you won't be contageious). In most cases, by the time the symptoms show, you are no longer contagious, but you should ask him to be sure.

        Also, ask him since you desperately need to go there, could he give you a bout of Acyclovir (in pill form) in case it is viral -- again, you should be feeling better by the second dose. Sometimes when I have had to be on que in my work, I have taken both. I have never had any side effect from either.

        Since it is Christmas Eve, you might want to call early.

        From home remedy side, try to eat a lot of yogurt -- this will help a lot if it is viral. Yogurt contains lacto-baccillus acid which combats many forms of viruses, including common cold. If you are also suffering from upper respiratory, post-nasal drip kind of thing, try to machee (sp?), it is a yoga cleansing, but great for cleaning out sinus and all the germs in the nasal/throat passages. It sounds disgusting, but it really works. It's basically where you breathe in small amounts of sea salt water in through your nose and expunge it from your mouth. Do it three to five times, each side. After completing each side, hold the opposite nostril and blow your nose (not exactly appetizing I know, but it really does work!!). You can repeat this every couple of hours throughout the day until you feel better.

        Is there any way you can change your plane tickets to another day? That way he will at least know you are coming.

        I am so sorry that you are having this problem. You have been such a trooper in dealing with your clean-up project and the health issues that it has caused. I am so sorry that you have to go through this too!!!

        Thinking of you,
        Saving the day one minute at a time!


          Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

          I'd say go anyway. Get tanked up on anything you can take, and stay in a hotel if you have to. That way, you can see him as soon as you are better. You've been dreading this trip, and now that it's upon you, you can't stand not to go. Be careful what you wish for. I think you got an infection from all that inflammation from the dust. Do you think it's a little weird that I know more about your health than I do about my brother's in California? Merry Christmas, E. BTW, my son can't find the shrink's name in the Hong Kong phone book. He's going to call the hospital.


            Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

            gosh...don't know if this post comes to late to even do anything...but

            If you can get on an anti-biotic...if it is bacterial...after 24 are not contagious. If viral..won't help because it has to run its course...but gosh that sucks!!! I would try to go, on an anti-biotic if you can, and stay in a hotel...that way, if all is well (or better significantly) in a day or two, you are safe to see your FIL....but don't even know that you can do that. UGGGHHH...timing, timing...true that you are more contagious before you know you are sick, but being sick, you don't want to risk infecting him. Tough call. That is my advice, if that helps at all. I am so sorry. And hope you are on the mend.

            formerly known as bak310


              Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

              I agree with Wee. Usually by the time you have symptoms you are not contagious. I know, not fun for you but......I have been know to get what feels like the flu from just being nervous and stressed about something so I am hoping that is all it is. Please let us know if you went. I so want you to be able to spend time with your FIL who you obviously have a wonderful relationship with. Please get better!!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

                E- we got in late, so I'm sure your decision is probably already made, but my brother who is a physician always recommends all the Vitamin C you can handle. Like someone already said, you cannot overdose. Your body will flush out what it cannot absorb - you might get a tad of the "runs". Do you have any odor-free garlic capules? It is like a natural antibiotic. Knocks out lots of infections quickly with high doses, just dont kiss anybody! (even odor-free stinks) I hope it all works out for you!! You deserve it!

                Merry Christmas,
                What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                  Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

                  running to airport.

                  more from CA, if possible.

                  zillion thanks and love to all

                  MERRY CHRISTMAS



                    Help! I need some emergency healing vibes!

                    Dorky Mask TIme

                    Try wearing one of those dorky 3M masks while you're near him. They use them in the hospital for isolation, so they must work. You can pick one up in any drugstore.

