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Christmas alone

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    Christmas alone

    Will anyone else be alone this Christmas? It will be the second time in a row I will be. Last one was great but who knows, might get lonely this time.. At least the champagne is gone.

    Christmas alone

    Big hugs and Merry Christmas to you Owly.
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      Christmas alone

      You might be alone, but your not on your own.....
      I hope you have a good one!


        Christmas alone

        Merry Christmas to everyone too :h :h


          Christmas alone

          Remember those mince pies. Merry Christmas, Tristan! There's the whole of Dickensian London outside your door, so "God Bless us, Every one!" (Sorry. I'm an English teacher.)


            Christmas alone

            I know I havent gotten to know you, but I've read many of your posts and you sound like an incredible person. Consider yourself surrounded today and tomorrow with thoughts of you and know that Christmas wishes and cheer are being sent to you by everyone here. Grab some great movies and make a fun plan for yourself, and think about all the stressed out people who cannot even stop to enjoy the season because of pressure. You have a rare opportunity as many do not to reflect on the meaning of Christmas and reflect on yourself. Thats a wonderful gift in and of itself. I got a couple of bottles of alcohol-free champagne... its pretty darn good!

            Merry Christmas!
            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


              Christmas alone

              Lonely Christmas

              After my divorce I had 8 christmases alone (with young child) before I met my husband.
              Every year I felt more isolated and lonely.
              I never imagined that my life could take the change it did.
              Don't ever give up hope - the best things can happen to you when you are just not looking.....
              Lots of love to you


                Christmas alone

                Owly, you are not alone!!! We are with you in spirit -- I will be checking the net throughout the day -- maybe later in the afternoon we could do a chat!! Kind of share Christmas via chatline!!! I have to warn you, I am soooo bad at chat, but I'll give it a try. I can do it anytime after 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time - let me know.

                Saving the day one minute at a time!


                  Christmas alone

                  Hi Tristan

                  You are soooo not alone, We all love you......... and are with you.....

                  Enjoy your pool table, you are in all of our hearts .....

                  Paula xx


                    Christmas alone

                    Hey Owly!!

                    I don't think we have really met, but maybe tomorrow we can get to know each other!! I will be home- most likely by myself as well!! I am Jewish, my kids are in New York with their dad, my husband is most likely

                    maybe we can spend some time together???

                    I will look for ya on chat!!!


                    formerly known as bak310


                      Christmas alone

                      Tristan...haven't met you yet either, but have been following your other posts, you are doing amazing's tough, I know...looking forward to getting to know you better and know that all our hearts are with you this Christmas.


                        Christmas alone

                        Hey Owly!:alf: :whee: :hithere:

                        I wish I could send you a dog or two... we have 3! I'd even loan ya my Hubby for a few hours if I could... he's a pretty good shot on the pool table, (I've beat him once or twice, but I think he let me...)

                        Whatever you do... enjoy!
                        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                          Christmas alone

                          Merry Christmas Owly!


                            Christmas alone

                            Thanks everyone, it really does warm my heart!

                            Did some enforced moderation tonight, I'm really not sure total AF is for me. Went out at 10pm knowing I could only get two drinks at most, it was fine. This kind of forced moderation is perhaps the path for me...


                              Christmas alone

                              After my divorce, I spent every Christmas alone (my kids were with me for Christmas Eve). I'd cook a nice beef filet, get a great book, and light a fire in the fireplace. Stretched out on the couch, with the cat curled in my lap, I couldn't imagine a better evening. This year I'm working, and I'll miss my solitary Christmas dinner.

