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Christmas alone

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    Christmas alone

    Yeah, it's lovely at the moment Merry Christmas everyone xx


      Christmas alone

      Alone vs. Alone

      Hi Owly,

      We haven't met, really, I'm Kathy. I won't be on chat later; I'll be in the car, travelling to NY. (Hoping there's no traffic!!!) I'm alone this Christmas morning in Maryland, though, as my daughter is working. I will see my mother and sisters and nieces later on tonight, but I will miss Christmas dinner, always an unpredictable and loony occurrence! So far this morning, I have drunk 4 cups of tea and cleaned five litter boxes!:H Ho, ho, ho!

      I can see by all the posts that you are feeling a little less alone, and I'm glad. The holidays always make us feel like we SHOULD be happy, and that itself can bring on fits of lonliness!:upset: I'm grateful for MWO because even when I'm alone, I don't feel alone in my heart because I can reach out and get great support.

      At any rate, I'm thinking of Changeling's post and how much things can change over time, and I'm wishing you a Merry Christmas and good things to come in the New Year!

      All the best,

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        Christmas alone

        Morning Owly!
        Merry Christmas :santa: For the 20 years I lived in Colorado I spent many a quiet Christmas morning in my cabin with my dog and the radio in peaceful solitude...watching it snow and hanging around by the woodstove in my treehouse...:h

        I kinda miss those magical moments of days gone by. Bittersweet memories.
        I usually worked during the holidays because I didn't have family around, now it's almost like work... because I have so much family here! Gotta love it ...I guess. LOL
        :l Hope you have a great day!
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          Christmas alone

          DEar Owly:

          Per my converation yesterday, I am available for chat -- my parents are leaving in about 20 minutes -- I had four dinners to prepare -- running a little behind, will be delivering the last two within the hour. Anyone here who would like to have Chirstmas chat -- I'm here -- will be checking every half hour.

          Love to all!!

          Saving the day one minute at a time!


            Christmas alone

            Thanks for your warm responses yesterday The day was ok, very good until my dad called - he didn't mean to worry me but brought up some things about my work that caused me concern for the rest of the day.

            Right now the football is on and I have a craving for the pub. Previously I have said I can predict with reasonable confidence what will occur when I go out, I think if I went out now to watch the game there is a 96% chance that I won't be back till closing time, which thankfully is only 10pm tonight. The 'just a couple' monster won't shut up though...


              Christmas alone

              Owly, please don't go out to watch that football match....I have the weirdest feeling from reading your post just now that you are wavering...especially the sentence..." there is a 96% chance that I wont be back till closing time, which thankfully is only 10pm tonight " lots of dangerous words and thoughts in there, I hope I'm wrong but it sounds to me as if you are about to give yourself permission to go.....PLEASE DON'T, go and have a warm bath, tidy your sock drawer, count the buttons on all your shirts, DO SOMETHING, BUT DON'T GO TO THE PUB TO WATCH FOOTBALL....PLEEEEEEEESE.

              Love Louise xxxx
              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                Christmas alone

                It's ok - I was wavering there but then came over all tired and emotional so am not going, it was only cos I was feeling good (and bored) I wanted to go. Just playing online poker and reading a book now. :goodjob: :h


                  Christmas alone

                  Real Rollercoaster ride today. Just taking my supps.


                    Christmas alone

                    Well Done Owly.............

                    Proud of you.......:goodjob: :goodjob: :goodjob:

                    Keep it up.....

                    Paula xx


                      Christmas alone

                      Hi's it going?? It's 5:45am in Aotearoa at the moment, so must be about 4:45pm in Pom de terre land??? Are you still rollercoasting??? Keep plugged in the moment, I think you have the gorgeous Paula and the not quite so gorgeous Melon for company, but I reckon old PaulyB will be along at some point...stay here, keep chatting...Oirish is do seem to be having a bit of doubt...If you feel like staying on, I'll be on until the bald gets up for work (have to leave then as we only have his work computer) if you want company...I would say let's use chat...but the chances are if I try and find my way onto it...I'll get lost and never come back (yes, yes....I know....Every cloud etc!!!!!!).......Melon


                        Christmas alone

                        am in chat owl if you feel like droppin in....few others there too


                          Christmas alone

                          Hi all, hi Melo, sorry couldn't resist it. I just needed the real life company and fortunately I wasn't the mad one this time so we had something else to concentrate on. Was pretty moderate in the end, which I guess is why I'm here.

