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Tues. December 26th

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    Tues. December 26th is almost 11AM and no one has begun today's I guess I will do it!! I was actually awake early today. Had a nice, but quiet Christmas day. Being Jewish, we don't really celebrate the holiday, so I didn't have the whole family get together thing going on. My kids are actually not even here. They are up north visiting with their dad, where they are enjoying a Christmas celebration. My husband and I went to the movies yesterday. We saw Pursuit of Happyness, with Will Smith, and his son (who is absolutely adorable)! Great flick, by the way. I had a good day. Perfectly sober, nice evening, all went well...Yea!!!

    Today I am catching up on work...I have to write a couple of reports up...yuk. Then off tonight to celebrate mom's birthday. Dinner at a restaurant. Should be fine, as truth be told, my issue at this point is less restaurants and more what I do on my own (drinking wise). So, if I don't become my own worst enemy before we leave for dinner (i.e., don't go and buy any alcohol and drink it before dinner) I will remain sober.

    I hope everyone had some warm and meaningful moments over the holiday. There has been so much emotion here, up down and all I know that holiday time can cause that. I have had some of my own as well. But overall, I think I have also had time to reflect on what my family means to me, and have found joy in life this time of year. I hope you all have found some of that as well.

    Well, I guess I need to get to work. Wishing you all a wonderful day!

    formerly known as bak310

    Tues. December 26th

    Yes, where is everybody? Bak, sounds like you have a good solid plan with your drinking. That is the key to moderating. I plan on not keeping wine in the house after the new year which will be a first for me but I know if it is here I will drink it.

    I had a lovely Christmas. Husband is a video editor so he made me a beautiful video of my daughter singing Winter Wonderland underneath a video montage of her when she was smaller playing in the snow. I, of course, burst into tears. The time that went into it was incredible. I picked a good man and need to remember that instead of taking my frustrations with myself out on him.

    I want to hear what everyone else got or did on Christmas Day. Where are you all??? I bet most people are on vacation.....My love to all of you today.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Tues. December 26th

      Good morning.....

      I can't believe you all are not working!!? I am planningon bailing after I get done loading 100 lbs ofdry ice and going home, which should be around 2PM EST.....................hope you alll had a great Chrismas!!!

      love M


        Tues. December 26th

        we have been updating our accounts today after a very emotional day yesterday. All went okay and I didn't burn the food, only the palm of my hand. I hope burn number 3 will be minor also. They say things come in threes.
        Enough is enough


          Tues. December 26th

          The video present sounds great Lush.
          Enough is enough


            Tues. December 26th

            Oh Waves, you burned yourself again? This time I will not laugh. Was yesterday emotional in a bad way? I hope not. Thinking of you and praying the burns do not come in threes......
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Tues. December 26th

              Hi Lush,

              Hadn't thought my grand-daughter would be here for Christmas as we almost lost her in March last year, so that was emotional but my daughter's friend was there as her own mother didn't invite her and her dad ( the parents are separated) is seriously ill at the moment. So she was very emotional and it was catching. Also I telephoned my son in Australia. He had finished his celebrating and i was just beginning to cook for ours. I'm just too much of a softie!!

              Both burns were superficial but I still don't want a third. Did quite well on the drinking front. Had seven but they were spread out between 12:30 and 10:30 pm so I think I did ok. Plenty of water consumed.

              I bought my husband a remote control car which can spin and goes fast so since finishing the accounts he has had a fantastic time chasing the dog around the room with it!!!!

              Love to all as always.
              xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              Seems Im still feeling emotional today. Love you all!!!:groupluv:
              Enough is enough


                Tues. December 26th

                So it sounds like a good emotional day. I am glad you had a nice time, despite the burns, and it is okay to be a softie. I started crying before we even walked through the church doors yesterday morning because I heard the choir singing Silent Night so beautifully and it just made me weep. And then there were all of these old people there by themselves and it made me sad that they did not have family with them, etc., etc. I actually had to get up and go outside at one point because I was crying so much that it was embarrassing.

                And you just reminded me I got hubby a mini remote controlled car I forgot to give him. Thanks for that!!!
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Tues. December 26th

                  Lush, Don't give him the car if you haven't got a dog cos now he is chasing me with it!!!!

                  Glad I'm not the only softie. Hope all goes well for you today. Im going to walk the dog now so we can both escape the dratted car!

                  love Waves xxx
                  Enough is enough


                    Tues. December 26th

                    LOL!!!! Maybe that is his new form of foreplay? Instead of a pat on the butt he is going to chase you with his new car. Okay, none of my business.
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Tues. December 26th

                      Good Morning Beth, Lush, Mary Anne, Waves!..and Everyone else!
                      Waves--stop with the burns already!
                      I got my kids a puppy--have been planning it for weeks now and picked her up on Christmas Eve at noon. She's a tiny shih-tzu/terrier mix and had her in the closet for 4 hours before my 11 year old daughter went snooping around for presents on Christmas Eve and came out of our bedroom and said, "what's dog doing in your closet?" So--kids got the puppy early.
                      It's okay to be a softie! Video sounds great! Being chased by a remote control car: Not so great.
                      Have a wonderful day!


                        Tues. December 26th

                        Happy Day after Christmas everyone... other than being sick, we’ve had a pleasant Xmas..
                        My husband had bought me the treadmill last month so I didn’t expect anything but did hint that I would like a little ‘nothing’ to open on Xmas...he bought several things and I was very proud of him..he had done it over a period of a couple of weeks, had wrapped everything and had it ready to put under the tree...a biggy for him. I got a pair of earrings made from ancient glass..he’s bought me several pieces the last few years so it’s becoming a tradition..a lovely bracelet, a book on various philosophies, an Eckhart Tolle CD set and some candy..My son bought me a gift certificate to a hour and a half of whatever service I want..My youngest daughter gave me some hot curlers (my request) and my oldest daugther gave me photos of the kids and a dinner gift certificate..

              , sounds like a big hearted Xmas for you...sorry to hear about the burns..

                        Lush, what a lovely gift from your husband...Yes, it's the human thing to project our stuff onto our loved ones, it's so hard not to! It's great that you can see that and be able to remember how precious he is...I have to remind myself regularly, because he truly is my rock!

                        OK, going back to my 'chair'...we caught the grand kids husband has been flu like..I've only got a sore throat and hoping it doesn't get worse..

                        have a lovely day everyone!
                        hugs, di


                          Tues. December 26th

                          Hi Everybody! Well, I am learning the value of flexibility!!! I had all of these wonderful Christmas plans, but all went by the way side due to illness. First, late Saturday my mother called and said my father was really ill, falling down much more than usual (I think most of you know that my father is terminal). Well, I was in a panic because I had invited three families here for dinner (and my parents also always come). I didn't know the families but people I had met whose families who are in unfortunate situations -- don't even know their names. One was a lady with eight kids whose boyfriend abandoned them, another is a lady here from Florida whose son is terminally ill from a tumor in his head being treated with some advance treatment that gives us all hope for him, and another is a group home of mentally challenged men who had no hope of any Christmas activities. I know you all must think I am a real strange bird, but I had met them throughout the last couple of weeks and just couldn't think of them having no Christmas. Honestly, I didn't know what I was going to do when my Dad had a sudden turn for the worst!

                          So, my husband, my son, and I talked it out. We went to each family and explained my dad's situation. We told them how we weren't even sure if we may be with him at the hospital all day Christmas, and if not, he would need a very quiet, quick Christmas. We asked if we could just bring Christmas to them. As G-d's blessings will flow, they were no upset at all. In fact, I think that they probably enjoyed it even better. So, Christmas eve we got trees and decorated them and delivered them. We also bought fourt turkeys and all the stuff to do everybodies meal on Christmas. Well, on Christmas Eve I convinced my husband and son to go caroling around the neighborhood -- yep, Chirstmas day I woke up with 101 fevor and couldn't talk because my sinuses and throat were such a mess.

                          Somehow, though we got everybodies meals cooked, delivered, my parents had a small, quick dinner and gift exchange at our house. I laid down when they left at 4:00 p.m. and woke up at 10:00 a.m. this morning!!! Still sick, but much better. My son was surprised and ecstatic about getting a laptop. So all in all, it was great! Did fine with the drinking, not because I was a "good girl" but probably because of being so busy and so sick!

                          Dilayne, hope you are OK -- you said you got sick too? Nothing serious I hope? Waves, I hope your burns are ok. And, Lush, it sounds like you were truly enveloped with the Christmas spirit. Bak310 thanks for starting the thread today!!! Soccermom, a dog for Christmas, how great!!! What a wonderful present!!

                          Hope everyone is finding peace and enjoying themselves!

                          Much love,
                          Saving the day one minute at a time!


                            Tues. December 26th

                            Hey everyone. I had a great Christmas . The day before Christmas I wrapped and and cooked all day. Went to Mass and then went to my sister in law's house for her Christmas Eve Party. We got home by 11:30pm and set up for the kids. Christmas Day the kids were up at 7am so, we enjoyed the opening of presents with them and it was back to the kitchen. We had a spread of fried turkeys (2), sweet potatoe casserole, mash potatotes and stuffing. All from scratch. My husband is a really good cook. We had about 35 people come in and out throughout the day. Todat I have hit the brick wall. I am so tired it is an effort to breath. I am stil in my PJ's about to muster up the strenght to shower and get dressed. I'm not hungover. I did well with the drinking; just plain tired. Lush, I teared up too at mass with the choir and all the songs...
                            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                              Tues. December 26th

                              I forgot to mention that my husband's and I best friends got us a refrigerator that stores 32 bottles of wine as our Christmas gift. At his point it seems like a gag gift to me. I could not even phathem keeping 32 bottles of wine in the house at this point. I couldn't even fake "Wow, it's great; I love It..." It was more like "Oh....nice..."
                              Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.

