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Tues. December 26th

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    Tues. December 26th

    Oh no PP!!! That is such a nice gift for "normal" drinkers. I would never be able to keep the dang thing full. 32 bottles of wine in my house without me drinking it? Hardly. Guess they don't realize you are trying to moderate the wine?

    I know the feeling of letdown and exhaustion you are having today. I so wish Christmas had been on Friday so we could have the weekend to recuperate.

    Sorry to all of the people that got sick over the holidays. That just stinks!!

    SM - a new puppy? What a nice mom you are.

    P.S. LOL Mike!!! I will let Waves write the screenplay for our tawdry movie. Glad you had a great holiday. You make me laugh.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Tues. December 26th

      PP--I'm sorry, but I did have to laugh about that wine cooler gift. Yes, I think normal drinkers would be able to have wine in the house and not be tempted by it. I mean I can't even imagine the idea??!
      And I don't know if "softie" is the right word for me as far as getting that puppy. She's cute and all, but now I realize I might as well have had another baby. She wimpers half the night and our other dog (which is part of the reason why I got her--so he would have a friend) wants nothing to do with her.
      Hope everyone is feeling better!!!


        Tues. December 26th

        Presciouspinot, I know its not funny about the wine cooler, but I couldn't help but laugh either!! It sounds like you had a great holiday otherwise -- I know what you mean about being tired!! I, too, am exhausted from all the activities. Feeling a little better today, as I'm pumped up on antibiotics and anti-virus medications -- they always put me on that stuff at the first sign because I catch pneumonia so easily.

        Mike, it sounds like you had a great Christmas also. It's great that you had an opportunity to spend time with little kids at Christmas -- that truly is special.

        I hope everybody sick or exhausted is getting better, and I hope we all have a great New Year!!!

        Saving the day one minute at a time!


          Tues. December 26th

          Hey Ya'll! Well the good news is the turkey came out suprisingly good! The bad news is... they now say it's my new "job" for the holidays! LOL:goodjob:

          Thanks everyone for all of the Turkey cooking advise! I think...

          We had a wonderful time at Mom & Dad's, for dinner. Had quite a houseful, my Brother & Sis in Law, my nephew, who is still home from the army for a couple more weeks, and hopefully won't be going back to Iraq, just Texas. My niece, who everyone says looks just like me... (lucky gal! LOL), My 98 year old Grandma... still going strong! Boy when she decides shes going after something... get outa the way! She goes! She's like the Durecell Bunny! With a cane (that she doesn't use 1/2 of the time b/c it gets in her way!!) She's still sewing & croche'ing by hand, still real sharp in her mind. Just amazing.:h
          My Aunt & Uncle were there as well, and of course my Mom & Dad.
          Just when we were getting ready to leave, my Mom & I were in the dining room, I had a bottle of wine I had brought along that I had had a few glasses of during the evening. All of a sudden my Mom picks it up & takes a swig off the bottle, and says, "I was just wondering what your wine tasted like" I've never seen my Mom do anything like that before! She hardly drinks at all! They always have a full stocked bar, as they entertain a lot, & my Dad drinks plenty. But that just cracked me up! I had offered her some when I opened it. (She probably thought I had vodka in it from my old days or something...) Who knows... I just wish'ed I'd had the camera handy for her swiggin off of that bottle!

          MM & Di, I hope you're feeling better soon.

          Waves, go easy there... no more burns. Those hurt.

          Love & Hugs to everyone!!

          PS I got a beautiful Globe of the world for Christmas! It's on a wooden stand with a bronze base.... just gorgeous! I've been begging for one for years! I think my Sweetie must really love me...
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

