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Saturday 30th December

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    Saturday 30th December

    Morning All ..

    Hope you are all feeling better than me ........

    I'm hungover .... drank far too much last night, friends came round as they do at christmas ........... but you know whats worse, once you admit to yourself that you have a problem, you feel far worse then ever the morning after! Anyway here's to an AF january, sorry for moaning .....

    Lots of love & hugs to you all ...... Paula :h :l :h

    Saturday 30th December

    Hi Paula,

    Ifeel worse than you do....
    I have a hangover!
    For reasons other than I can fathom, I drank vodka last night. It was a present from my boss.

    I thought I was stronger than that.......
    However, I didn't annoy or upset anyone (except myself) and I'm just going to start AF again.

    F#*king weekends!!!!!

    :l :l


      Saturday 30th December

      Hi all
      I want to try the moderating first. Normally I drink every night (1 bottle of wine or more). I started moderating on Christmas Day and have promised myself that I will try and not drink during the week and on a weekend only around 3-4 small glasses of wine once or twice. What kind of moderating do you do. I'm worried that I'm doing it wrong.


        Saturday 30th December

        good morning all. im sorry to hear about your yucky evenings paula and paul. sorry to have been gone so long, so much is going on around here it is crazy. anyway im back now and have missed you all very much. hello to all i have not met yet, cant wait to meet you all.


          Saturday 30th December

          Hi Mojo,
          I'm glad you're here.
          I slipped but I've picked myself up....again.
          I really want this to be the last time that I feel this way.


            Saturday 30th December

            Thanks Paul. And hey if you were perfect you would be boring and noone would like you :H ! Next slip do on a banana peel will ya?:banana: omgs i have new smileys! horray! thanks rj!


              Saturday 30th December

              Hi Mojo!
              Sounds like not many of us were the shining star of success last night....I agree, Paula, once you realize you have a problem and you're dealing with it, you really feel like a bigger piece of crap the next day.
              Tumadre--good to hear from you--and proud of you for not pouring that second glass of wine!
              Jen---good to hear from you too, and yes, the holidays are a stinker! I was watching something on Comedy Central yesterday and this commercial came on announcing that New Year's Day is (and you have to have to imagine it in that deep announcer's voice) "National Hangover Day!" and it was for a comedy movie marathon...Yes, it's "National Hangover Day!" --Just really broke my heart for some reason.
              Anyway---Jen---wanted to ask you---about topa---you were up to a very high dose, now looks like your off and starting back up to 50....just curious about your program with topa???
              Anyone else care to share there topa program?? I know some aren't on it at all...we've talked about this before...why do you cut back? go off it? is it not working? or do supps do as much as topa?
              Okay---Love to you all! sm-mary


                Saturday 30th December

                So glad to see the mojo back!!!



                  Saturday 30th December

                  Good morning everybody!!

                  Dear Paula and Paul -- Please don't be too hard on yourself. Both of you have been doing great! I think all of us here have been through your experience, and you are right, failing to reach our "self commitment" to improve can be a nagging conscience with nowhere to hide, as we can't hide from ourselves. But that same instinct, which makes us feel worse because we feel we have let ourselves down, can be a great tool in the future to help to keep from doing it again. Moderation, at least for me, has been an up-and-down process, though thankfully, on an uphill trend. In those down troughs, I think it is important to recognize the reality that it is going to be up and down; not beat ourselves up on the downside, but take note of what caused the setback and then plan how to overcome it in the future -- just sharing a thought from a process that is working for me.

                  I think you are both so great. You have come so far and will continue to climb to new heights! I really admire people who can do AF's and moderation!! I think that would be very difficult. For me, what has been so helpful, is to have goals that do not change from day to day. So, I have my "schedule" of when I can drink and limitations under what circumstances I allow myself to do it. It seems on those times where I try to reach out of that box, I get in trouble. I think for me, if I were to drink some days and not others, I don't think I have the discipline to make that work. I wish I did -- any suggestions?

                  Seto, welcome!!! There is no right or wrong way to achieve your goal. Each one of us has set for ourselves what we hope to achieve. We set out a plan of how to achieve it and then share here on the Board what is working and what is not. Nobody judges anybody else. We all are learning from each other and support each other in our mutual efforts to control our drinking.

                  Mojo, welcome back!!! How have you been and what are you doing now?

                  Soccermom, I agree with you -- that does sound depressing to think that New Years, the holiday for making new commitments to better ourselves via our resolutions, would so readily accept our society as whole looking forward to starting the first day out hungover from getting drunk! It seems like an ideosyncracy in our entire society!!! Wouldn't it be great if all of us here could set an example for society in changing our expectation of that day!!!???

                  Well, I'm still sick as a dog with this upper respiratory infection. I haven't gone outside since Christmas Day for fear of pneumonia, something I catch so easily when get this stuff. But, my son had a great 18th birthday. He got wireless internet for the laptop we got him for Christmas. Got his phone hooked up for his new printer/fax/scanner/copier, and signed up for driving lessons. He was so adorable all day!! He asked me to help him reorganize his room, so we spent much of the day bonding, as he decided how to lay things out. I felt aweful physically because of this infection, but I wouldn't have missed the experience for the world!

                  Hope everybody has a great day!

                  Saving the day one minute at a time!


                    Saturday 30th December

                    Goodmorning to all. Mojo, it's so nice to have you back! Hope things are well with you these days.

                    Paul and Paula: don't sweat it..the Holidays are just one big temptation wrapped up in a pretty shiny bow. They will be over soon enough and we can all get back on track.

                    I won't be posting for a couple of days. We are heading down to the Keys in an hour and I won't have access to a computer. I'll bring my laptop incase there is wireless but, I doubt it.

                    Have a Great New Year if I don't see ya'll before then..XXOO
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                      Saturday 30th December

                      Paula and Paul, I know that horrible feeling and I am sorry. Paul, don't you just hate the alcohol gifts now? I had a friend give me a shot glass chess set, and I do not even play chess, and last night at my fave sushi restaurant the owner gave me a huge bottle of sake as a Christmas gift!!!! I don't need that lighter fluid sitting in my house. Anyhow, get rid of the vodka if you have not already and start back up on the AF. You are so determined and have been doing so well I know you will get back to it. The holidays are deceiving; as if it is some gift for us to be able to drink.

                      Jen, will you please clean out your PMs so I can write you? You are in my thoughts.

                      SM - The National Hangover Day made me think of yesterday when I listening to the radio and a show called "COcktail Hour" came on and they were talking about tequila (yuck) and during the breaks they ran commercials on how to quit drinking??!!!!

                      MKR, hope you got to spend time with your boys and had a wonderful birthday.

                      To everyone else, Happy New Year!!!
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Saturday 30th December

                        Mornin' Glories!
                        Paul and Paula..hang in there, it's a new day!
                        MM, I'm with you..still sick, but husband is sicker..I'm going absolutely stir crazy energy to do house stuff, bummed because my whole holiday so far has been a sick bed, really trying not to get this negative attitude..unsuccesfully. Trying to get Mike to take a walk at the park with me, hoping the fresh air will do us both good...

                        ok, nuff's a new day..and a new year coming! Righ-t-Oh!


                          Saturday 30th December

                          Hi all!!!!

                          Sorry Paula & Paul you feel so bad, maybe it's time for us all to go AF for a while, (at least that is what I think, have had a little too much lately too myself!?)

                          Pinot,I want to go to the keys too, please, I am only 8 hrs away, I will be there by dark!! It is like 60 degrees here, too cool for me (and drizzling all day so far, YUCK!!)

                          Sorry you have been not feeling well Di and MM, feel kinda like I am coming down w/ something myself (double YUCK!):sighbubble:

                          Hope everyone has a Happy New Year if I don't catch up, will maybe (hope not) be one of the ones w/ a hangover on New Year's Day, but intend to go AF from then on for the month..........hope I can make it.

                          Oh, by the way, was it Allie who asked about the topa? I take it, am up to 200 mg, don't notice a difference yet, but keep on taking it w/ the supps in fear that without it I will go back to the old days and don't EVEN want those again!

                          Love and hugs to everyone!! (hope you had a great birthday MK Mary!!!!)

                          Mary Anne


                            Saturday 30th December

                            BTW, Mojo Welcome back girl. You have been missed...........

                            Get well all of you sick ones!!!!
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Saturday 30th December

                              Thanks everyone.

                              I'm feeling better now.
                              I've had my moan at myself and I have put it behind me....again. I have a new AF record to go for...2 weeks....a month ago that would have seemed impossible.

                              Every year for as long as I can remember, Susan and I have gone out to friend's houses on New Year's Eve, and celebrated 'The Bells'.I always get utterly wasted, get home about 6 in the morning, and sleep until we have to get up and go to my in-laws for another party. After that there are yet more festivities at someone elses party, and so on and so can literally carry on for days. This year, I don't want to go out. It has become an obligation to attend these parties etc. People expect us to be there. Fortunately, my daughter is going to a party on Sunday night and has asked if we will babysit.....Yippeeee!
                              We will stay in until we take the baby home, then go to Susan's mother's for dinner on New Year's Day. We will be invited to a party that night, but I shall politely decline. On Tuesday morning Susan and me shall head north for a day's hillwalking with the dog.
                              That is the plan. I've got to have a plan.
                              Thanks for the advice everyone.
                              Lush...I just threw my 'stash' down the sink.
                              PP, I want to go to the Keys too.....and I hope anyone who's ill gets well soon.
                              PaulaW, are you feeling any better?
                              Thank you for letting me Talk. I feel a lot better now.

