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    Count me in!

    Count me in on an AF Jan(or most of it anyway!) HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Hope 2007 is good for all of us.

    Had alot of beer yesterday, so am AF today, not feeling well either but let's not beat ourselves up over this, OK?? Let's just get back on the horse and ride!

    Everyone have a WONDERFUL New Year's Day (mine's almost over already!!)

    Love to all:h :l

    Mary Anne



      Pansy - Fortunately the wine is locked up and controlled by the Commonwealth of PA. The only place you can get wine and liquor is in a state store. Its very arachaic but in some ways, good because you gotta make an effort. We were in Texas afew monts ago and I stopped to get gas at a 7-11 or whatever they are called there. They sell beer and wine there - next to soda is the cooler and on the shelves. Wine even came a box so you didn't have to mess with those pesky bottles when you drive! I was looking at it and I thought, "Almost a good idea." Do you really need to access to wine and beer when you are on the road? Could be a comedy routine.

      Judie - Enjoy your dinner! You deserve a night out!

      Lush - I'm with you - I have had enough of "having fun." Its killing me.....and its not fun anymore!


        MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007


        Hello to everyone and Happy New Year

        This is my first time posting to the monthly mods forum - I think it's time to introduce myself. I found this site in early November, and haven't done a lot of posting but have done lots of reading, and it helped me moderate pretty decently (if I do say so myself) for a couple of months. Then Christmas happened, and I slipped, more like plunged, all the way through New Years eve. I'm ready to start again, and hopefully the next slip won't be as big - that's an attainable goal I think.

        I'm female, 42 yrs old, married, no kids, and I live in New England. I'm pretty quiet which is probably why I haven't posted much, but I love to read everyone's posts just as I love to listen to others in real life. I'm way less serious than people tend to perceive me to be - maybe I need to work on my timing - so I love the humor at this site.

        Anyways, thank you for being a part of this community which has already helped me so much, and I look forward to interacting with and hopefully supporting others in their goals.

        AF since 6JUN2012


          MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007

          Pixie we are glad to have you. As long as you have a sense of humor and do not offend easily you will fit in here well. Some of these ladies are really raunchy!

          Wish you the best!!!
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007

            :H Speak for yourself Lush Hussy!:woot: :xxx: :banana:

            Welcome Pixie!
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007

              Pixie welcome!!


              We are NOT all raunchy, just some of us! Just kidding, but welcome, hope you have time to post more than I do, will have to go back to work tomorrow, sooooooooo probably won't hear from me for a few days, but who knows??

              HAPPY NEW YEARS!!



                MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007

                Even though its evening, its good to catch up. Wow -- what a wonderful time meeting Beth over New Years!! She is just such an incredible person. Our husbands had a really good time too, so all could not have gone more smoothly. Today we met up around lunch and went shopping at the outlet mall. It was ridiculously crowded, but we didnt mind... we just meandered through stores and talking, talking, talking! At one point, we wandered into this particular brand name store that both of our teenager daughters love the clothes from there and we were like..."we just dont get it!" HOWEVER, at the back of the store where the shoes were, they had some of the trashiest looking shoes for 100 bucks we have ever seen. Somehow, it struck a funny chord/ bone in the two of us (something that we discovered we have in common.... constantly laughing at everything). So we started trying on these "retarded" shoes and starting laughing so hard... we were sitting on the floor (these two Moms) trying on teeny bop trash shoes and it got to be so funny that I think I snorted twice in the store and almost wet my pants. People were staring.....(which made us laugh all the harder) We tried to get a picture of both of us with these shoes on but my camera phone just wouldnt cut it. Beth whipped her camera out and got a picture of my feet in some red shoes, so she has threatened to post it..... LOL. Just figured I needed to defend myself ahead of time just in case. But if she does... just know that I have one of her too in hot pink shoes.... sitting on the floor no less with one foot hiked up showing them off.... (just remember that Beth). And NO... we were not drinking! I felt like I've known her forever. It just wasnt enough time.

                We did all share a bottle of wine last night over a three hour dinner, so I thought we did pretty good. I had two glasses in my hotel room before we went out, so I cheated a little...

                I too am really ready for positive change in the New Year and can relate to what everyone has shared today. And Mike.... we drove right past the stadium today where Wisconsin and Arkansas were playing... thought about you probably at home watching the game and me driving by the stadium and your kids being in Disney.... all very ironic.

                Happy New Year to everyone!
                What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                  MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007


                  Thank you for the welcomes, and raunchy is OK in my book - even if I don't post anything too colorful, I'll be giggling.

                  AF since 6JUN2012


                    MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007

                    Stamp it Paid...

                    Bet cha all thought I fell off the face of the Earth, huh? Well, I did...

                    The last couple of months have been pure hell for me. And to think that I was so arrogant back in September thinking, "wow, this cutting back on drinking isn't really all that hard." Obviously, God decided to slap my arrogance away, and He did it in a big way. So, here I am, humbled and feeling humiliated, and trying to figure out how to start again. Or even if I want to start again. That's the hard part right now, trying to find the motivation to quit the drinking. Before, I had a goal; to quit so that my husband and I can enjoy our life together. Now, if I can get one more summer with him, I'll be fortunate. And really, most of that will probably be watching him sleep and waste away. But I keep trying to find something positive in all of this mess, and the one thing I've found is that I can finally put 2006 away; stamp it paid.

                    So, in the spirit of trying again, here's Chicken Soup for today -

                    "Today I have a fresh start. I choose to begin letting go of unhealthy thoughts, feelings and attitudes that have stifled my growth. Today I choose to think new thoughts, to look at new values and to find new ways of expressing my God-given gifts. I now choose to deepen my understanding of others and myself. I will look at my relationships with family and my friends in a new light. I choose to have vital, healthy interactions with others. I truly welcome this new day, this new year and this new me. I welcome the wonderful possibilities open to me."
                    -Rokell Lerner


                      MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007


                      I can relate. Why bother stopping? What's it matter if I drink?

                      But we both know, that ultimately, YOU still have to deal with YOU.

                      Someone or something shifted the goal-posts of your life. It just doesn't seem fair.

                      My thoughts are with you as you "try to welcome this new day, this new year, this new you ..."


                        MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007

                        Gypsi I just want to say you are loved here. Whatever you do, you are loved and supported. Please stick around.
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007

                          Oh Gypsi, I'ts so good to see you... :l Have been thinking & wondering about you. I'm not that computer savvy, but on today's post i put on a web site that's pretty neat to visit. It's on page 1 from today. I wish I were a bit better @ this ... I'd just bring it to your door with a big hug. Love ya tons.
                          :h Judie
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007

                            Gypsi, you are amazing. In the midst of all you are going through you post something to uplift all of us with you. Thank you so much.:h

                            Welcome on board, Pixie.

                            MM, you are too quiet, hope you are okay and have not let that infection turn nastier.

                            Mkr, My back is causing trouble again since I tried to move a chair back to where it belongs after Christmas. Why do we do it?

                            I received a phone text on the 1st Jan which was sent on the 2nd Jan! ( from my son who is in Australia):H

                            Love to all as always.:groupluv:

                            Enough is enough


                              MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007

                              Good morning Abbers,
                              Well, January 1. was AF and I hope to do the whole month. I have so much work coming my way, I just need to keep it together. Am so glad that the "holiday" season is over. Early evening is so hard, when hubby is sitting there jingling his icecubes (big trigger sound). I've just got to do it. I am so glad I have all of you.
                              Love you all,
                              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                                MONDAY 1ST JANUARY 2007

                                I just read that quote aloud to my husband. Thank you for it. Thank you for you. You are incredibly strong and I am grateful for your presence here.
                                Reminds me of why I checked back in here...
                                Please take care of yourself. Please please.

