Although I would like to drink a lot less, I'd feel like an idiot going to an AA meeting because I'm pretty sure I'm not an alcoholic. Why - because I don't drink every day or even every other day, and sometimes I have only one or two drinks when I drink. And, my drinking has not caused me to miss work or crash my car or neglect my child or any of that kind of thing. The problem is that I really like to drink, and I really like drinking to excess. I find it totally fun, so I sometimes drink an entire bottle of wine for no good reason. I do this about once or twice a month. I also drink far too much in social situations. So, it's not like I drink all the time, but it's not like what I do is "normal" either.
But, there are a ton of reasons NOT to drink so much. For example: it is making me fat; it can't be good for my liver or my brain; it's an unproductive way to spend my time; sometimes I embarass myself while I'm drunk; somtimes I fight with my husband when I'm drunk; even though I don't drink every day, I find myself wanting to which is annoying; and hangovers suck. Plus, I just feel like I'm too old to be getting drunk. It seems like a juvenile thing to do, and I feel bad about the fact that I'm still doing this well into my thirties.
Of course, this is a terrible time of year to try to drink less. I have holiday party events to attend this Thursday and Saturday nights and on Dec. 29 and 31. Or, maybe I should say this is a great time of year to try to drink less because if I weren't trying, I'd probably make an ass of myself on one or more of these nights!
So, for now, I want to committ to drinking a maximum of two drinks at the parties this Thursday and Saturday nights. I might only have one drink at each party. My plan is to start with a glass of water, have my one or two drinks and then leave and go home and have a huge cup of mint tea and go to bed.
I will let you all know how it goes.