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Memorable Muffins game

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    Memorable Muffins game

    Do you know that memory game where you have to remember all the items said by other people and then add one of your own?

    Well this may be a stupid idea, but I was thinking, as our numbers are growing it is getting harder and harder to name everyone without leaving someone out.

    What if we were to play the game but with our names so that we would have an immediate access to a list all the time.

    ie. Copy and paste the list before you and add your name on to the end for the next person to copy and paste.

    Lusch, Fan,
    Lusch, Fan, PreciousPinot,

    OLDIES, NEWBIES , ALL:welcome: Who will start us off?
    Enough is enough

    Memorable Muffins game

    Please let me do it ........ :H

    OLDIES, NEWBIES , :welcome: ALL Who will start us off

    Hi waves, good idea.

    Waves, Paula

    Love & Hugs to you all :h :l

    PS can we pleeeeeeeease get back on the muffin bus ...........


      Memorable Muffins game

      great idea...

      Waves, Paula
      Waves, Paula, SM-mary

      All Aboard!! Back to work---New Year's Resolutions: Be on Time--I'm late!!


        Memorable Muffins game

        Great idea Waves - I kinda snuck in here without making much of an intro - terrible etiquette I know!

        I wanted to be an abstainer but had to choose moderation so I could be with the cool people!

        Waves, Paula
        Waves, Paula, Nick


          Memorable Muffins game

          Bugger, Soccermum beat me too it!

          Attempt 2:

          Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick


            Memorable Muffins game

            This game is too hard!


              Memorable Muffins game

              Waves, Paula
              Waves, Paula, SM-mary
              Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick
              Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick, Fan
              Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky
              Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky, Hawk

              I threw you in Lucky!


                Memorable Muffins game

                great Idea!

                Great way to remember all of the muffins!! We are getting so large it is difficult.......

                Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky, Hawk, Mary Anne


                  Memorable Muffins game

                  Thank God I got in early! To do this to people who may be on a drug that impairs memory might not be exactly kind. Okay, here goes:

                  Waves, Paula
                  Waves, Paula, SM-mary
                  Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick
                  Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick, Fan
                  Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky
                  Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky, Hawk
                  WAves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky, Hawk, Eustacia

                  Happy Virtuous January, Me Modish Rogue Muffins!


                    Memorable Muffins game

                    ok here goes:

                    Waves, Paula, S-M Mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky, Hawk, Eustacia, BAK

                    Happy 2007 all!!!!
                    formerly known as bak310


                      Memorable Muffins game

                      Woe Horsie, I better get on board before you go to the next page!!!!

                      Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky, Hawk, Eustacia, BAK, MM

                      PS - This is great because at the end, I can copy and save so that I'll always remember to include EVERYONE!! Great idea Waves,
                      Saving the day one minute at a time!


                        Memorable Muffins game

                        Can I say I don't understand what is going on? Why do I feel so dumb today????

                        Waves, Paula, SM-mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky, Hawk, Eustacia, BAK, MM, Lush
                        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                          Memorable Muffins game

                          Holy Smoke!

                          I had to write that list down before I could even post... not sure how to "cut and paste" here on the website... is it the same as word docs?

                          I have a better idea.... I think they should go in alphabetical order to make it easier, (and that way I would be first and Waves would be last....LOL) and then as each person lists their name, they have to brush up on their alphabet skills as well! (I shouldnt be the only one having to do school work here... :H ) So here's the alphabetized version....

                          Allie, Bak, Eustacia, Fan, Hawk, Lucky, Lush, MM, Nick, Paula, S-M-Mary, Waves....

                          The first come, first serve original version:
                          Waves, Paula, Sm-Mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky, Hawk, Eustacia, Bak, MM, Lush, Allie

                          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                            Memorable Muffins game

                            Somehow Mary Anne and Fsophiah were missed off so I will add them back on. Here we go. To copy and paste you just highlight,and edit.

                            Waves, Paula, Sm-Mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky, Hawk, Mary Anne, Fsophiah, Eustacia, Bak, MM, Lush, Allie
                            Enough is enough


                              Memorable Muffins game

                              Happy New Year All!

                              It is I believe Judie's ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY here at MWO!! Congratulations! Judie, You have been my rock and a dear sweet friend to all of us on the board here!! WAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!

                              I love the sound of many of your plans! We are over the holiday hump.

                              Unfortunately here in NM we were totally slammed on weather, missing my birthday dinner, our new years eve plans and the governor's inaugural ball in Santa Fe last night. With black ice, a couple feet of snow and the fog rolling in none of it was really a good idea. Hubby drove me down to work this morning with his 4 wheel drive. I was going stir crazy new years eve day and went off to the grocery store, getting myself stuck on our road in the ice on the way back. I did end up walking containers of hot water down to my car, slipping and sliding the whole way as I do not have boots that fit over my brace so just had my sneakers on. I did get out of the middle of the road and am stuck in 2 feet of snow at the edge of one of the circles on the driveway.

                              That slipping but not falling didn't hurt my back Waves but yesterday couldn't figure out why my hip joints were hurting so much, then it hit me you can't dance on ice with no repercussions! I am sorry about your back . . . doesn't take much huh?

                              Lush I hope your daughters birthday was great! I think your plan is wonderful and I know you can do this!

                              Hugs and Love to all,

                              Great idea Waves!
                              Waves, Paula, Sm-Mary, Nick, Fan, Lucky, Hawk, Mary Anne, Fsophiah, Eustacia, Bak, MM, Lush, Allie, MKR-Mary

