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Happy Anniversary Judie

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    Happy Anniversary Judie

    Hi Judie,

    I did not realize your first year here had passed. Although I always read the mods board, I haven't been the past few days. Also, I didn't feel quite right starting out the daily thread either.

    You were one of the very first people who reached out to me when I first put my toe in the water. I was not brave and did not jump into chat, like so many. It took me MONTHS before I even wrote my first post. Perhaps it is hard for most to believe that I am actually a very shy person. Yet, you were so welcoming that once I came on the board as a presence, I felt comfortable enough to stay and grow. And now look at me. I post about things quite unseemly and have been accused of saying tit-i-late-ing things on purpose. Of this, I am very proud.
    See whatcha done for me!!!

    Oh, and I drink a lot less and am on Day 4 of AF ....

    Hugs and kisses,
    Pans :l


    Happy Anniversary Judie

    Hi, Judie:

    CONGRATULATIONS ON A GREAT ACCOMPLISHMENT!!! Like others, I, too, somehow missed that your one year was coming up!! Everytime I read your posts what jumps off the page to me is how loving and caring you are about others, like the two guys they found the other day. You have the biggest heart! We all love you and think you are so great! How we missed your day is beyond me - Duh!!! I THINK YOU ARE SO GREAT!!! I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU!!! AND EVEN MORE, I GREATLY RESPECT ALL THAT YOU HAVE ACHIEVED AND YOUR ABILITY AND DESIRE TO STILL HELP OTHERS!!!!

    Saving the day one minute at a time!


      Happy Anniversary Judie

      Yes, congratulations are in order and a big thank you as well. You have been a great source of support and humor around here. You make me crack up with your wit and sense of humor! The boards would not be the same without your levity. Much love and happiness in the New Year!

      :l :groupluv: :l
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Happy Anniversary Judie


        Way to go Judie! This place would not be the same without you!!! Love having you here-



          Happy Anniversary Judie

          Happy Anniversary!!!! We just love you and you being here has made such a difference in so many peoples' lives. Thank you for that!
          Love Jen
          Over 4 months AF :h


            Happy Anniversary Judie

            Happy One Year Judie!! Keep making yourself proud. We love you around here.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Happy Anniversary Judie

              Ditto! You are the best! XXXOOO, Mary


                Happy Anniversary Judie

                We cannot have a congratulatory :goodjob: post to the Judelet without smilies...

                I luuuurv your posts:wd: .....treat yourself to that 'footlong' :wow: for a special anniversary present!!!!

                Happy days Jude.....Love Weemelonia


                  Happy Anniversary Judie

                  Ahhhh! I wasn't even gonna get on the puter this AM, as I'm heading out to got paint right now... But THANK YOU ALL so much :l !

                  It really is just another day in the year... BUT the whole year has been sooo much better than the past 20!! (when I'd been drinking heavier)

                  It's a miracle I've survived everthing I've put myself through (not to mention those near & dear to me...)... And then to stumble across this place, to me just feels like divine intervention.

                  Thank you again RJ,:l for this wonderful program, & everything you continue to do for all of us here.

                  Love ya All Bunches!:h

                  PS Weemelon, Hubby's got me covered on that dept...tks!
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Happy Anniversary Judie

                    A year's worth of experience to last a lifetime. Thanks for all you give to us on here Jude. :l
                    Enough is enough


                      Happy Anniversary Judie

                      Hi Judie,

                      You welcomed me to this site when I was hurting so bad,
                      You made me smile and cry when you and all were sad,
                      We share a sense of humor that can be a little crude,
                      And I am so glad you are here to always pick up my mood.

                      Happy Anniversary,

                      Love :h
                      Humor is just another defense against the universe!


                        Happy Anniversary Judie

                        :award: HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!:yougo:
                        JUST COLLECTED A FEW OTHER POSTS THAT CONGRATULATE YOU (just in case you didn't see them)! (Sorry, everyone, I couldn't post all the fun & loving smileys from your posts, and sorry if I missed your post somewhere).
                        P.S. What they said! :hug:
                        Love, Tumadre

                        Jude I am sorry we did not make a big deal about your one year here. I think a lot of us were wallowing in our own self pity after such self-induced rough weekends. There are a few people on the mods board whose moderation is truly what I am aiming for and YOU are definitely one of them.

                        Since I was in a bad place yesterday may I wish you a Happy One Year (one day late)???? Lush

                        Me too Judie -- I've been suffering from "the world revolves around me" syndrome and have not been as attentive to others here or around me as I should. You always have such a kind word and good advice and positive attitude. Its always a pleasure to see your posts and I am inspired by your year of success!



                        Okay, I missed it. I saw it, and it floated right by me. The whole self-involved thing. Nobody has a monopoloy on it, but Oh my God! Judie had her 1 year anniversary and we didn't have a party! God, oh God! Sackcloth and ashes! I'm not being sarcastic! What can we do for you, Judie? I think we should have a partyl Agree on a time when we can meet and celebrate. I'll bring a cake and a case of virtual Crystal! How's about it, Honey? We love ya best!

                        Judie, you are wonderful and precious, and I am absolutely so proud of you. I've watched how you've reached out, and you've made me laugh so many times. Let's have a party.

                        Love, Sophie (fsophia)


                        I just want to say how proud I am of your efforts. Not only have you turned your life around - you've made so many of us laugh with your good humour and wit. I've loved chatting with you about chainsaws and tree houses and music and sooooo many things no even vaguely related to drinking.

                        You are one of the few remaining original "oldbies" who were here when I started 11 months ago. I don't think you've had a bad word to say about anyone. I think you are an absolute stunner!

                        And, because you love them so much, I'll make an exception ...:groupluv:

                        Jude - congratulations on one year! pixie


                        Congrats on the anniversary. One year is awesome.

                        I'd just like to thank you for being here for us and me in particular. Your kind words and comforting humour are one of the highlights of this forum. You have helped me to get this far, which is further than I would have dared hope for not too long ago. Keep it up!

                        Paul (Paulb)

                        Congratulations Jude on your 1 year. I love reading your posts and Tawny is right, you always have a good word and encouragement for everyone.


                        Hilary (SKendall)

                        Judie! Super Congrats for your one year! What do you say? Right Arm? Well, if you don't say it, that's OK, I love the phrase...right arm to you dear! You are wonderful!

                        Dianne (Dilayne)

                        Hi Jude,

                        You're an absolute star.

                        Keep shining. We need your light.

                        Kate. (katesm)

                        Hey Judie-Judie,

                        Thanks for being here!! And, congratulations on your anniversary. You are such a strong part of the foundation here. I so enjoy your posts and gotta love the humor, girl!!

                        All the best! Olly
                        Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


                          Happy Anniversary Judie

                          Dear Saint Jude,
                          How could we have missed your one year anniversary. You were one of the first to welcome me when I started in July and I have loved your posts, good humor and advise to everyone. You are a great inspiration to me and so many other. I want to be where you are today, next year, same time, same place.
                          Love you buckets, Lori
                          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                            Happy Anniversary Judie


                            All right! Enough Already! The squeeky wheel has been well greased!:H

                            Thanks everybody:l

                            Just thinking of all the people right now, that really could use some extra thoughts & prayers sent their way...:h ray:
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

