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Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

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    Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

    Hello all!!! Where are you? I have to work today which I hate doing on a Saturday but work has been so slow I need to take advantage of it. I had a few glasses of wine last night but at a MUCH slower pace, did not have one until dinner, which is a miracle for me on a Friday and am feeling good this morning!!! I am feeling very confident I can do some AF days every week now which is something I could not have managed a year ago. In fact it would make me break out into a panic attack to think about not having wine every day. My daughter is also at the age where she does not need to see me drinking every single night, and as we all know wine in a coffee cup just does not taste the same as out of a nice chilled glass.

    Anyhow, hope all of you have a wonderful Saturday. Time for us to FINALLY take Christmas down today and watch the Seahawks beat Dallas in the playoffs. Sorry to all of you Cowboys fans, gotta root for the home team. Hugs all the way around!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

    Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

    Hey Lush, your majesty - Awesome job last night! Very Good. Yep, wine or even a rum and coke out of a coffee mug, just doesn't cut it! Sorry you have to work today, don't work too hard!

    Mike that was incredibly insightful thoughts on yesterdays post. I think Tumadre really hit home with the topic. Are we all out of the same mold in some degree or another we are overchievers yet don't want to blow our own horns because somewhere deep inside we know "our truths?" Hey pretty cool on the we aren't dead yet people!

    Have a great Saturday all!
    Hugs and Love,


      Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

      Hi Lush & all to come later.

      Big hugs for last night Lush, well done :l

      I understand about your daughter, mine is 9 and unfortunately she has seen me drunk a few times ...... One night last week as we sat together curled up on the sofa watching television (rather than me sat with a glass in my hand) she turned to me and said 'Well done for not drinking tonight mum, I do love you'. It broke my heart .......

      Love to all, Paula :h :l :h


        Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

        Hi Mary we were posting together,

        Thanks for the pm, not needed it yet but handy to know.

        Lots of love, Paula :h :l :h


          Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

          Hi Lush! Good job on the moderating last night. As simple as it sounds... I swear, that drinking a big glass of water in between every glasss of wine works like a charm... I love waking up in the morning & being able to enjoy it! Soo unlike it used to be for me...

          I do love Cowboys. But don't care too much about football, so may the best men win. (kinda hope it's the Cowboys for my sake, since Hubby's home today... don't want him mope'in around all afternoon )

          I had to work last night, and didn't get home till about 10:00, so I just had 2 glasses of wine & watched the pilot for that new show "Dirt", not bad.

          Funny thing. I talked to someone else yesterday re: painting... I start another painting job in 2 weeks! No problem whatsoever with my fee. I got to thinking about it yesterday, after talking to the lodge, at one time when I was working there... they accidently overpaid me $40 . I returned it to them. Nothing was ever said.... Like, "Thanks" or anything... But my point is, I could have just kept it & theyd have never even known! It was cash in an envelope. Some people.... I think they have their priorities stuffed away where "the sun never shines" if ya know what I mean....But it's not so much the $$ amount as the principal ...

          I've also worked for other clients @ the same rate the lodge is balking at... and had them over pay me between $50 & $100 bucks because they were so happy with the job I did!

          Oh Lush, my Hubby says I can't talk to you anymore if you're a Seahawks fan... sorry. LOL Like I'm gonna listen to him! (I keep telling him "He's not the Boss of me!")
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

            Hi MKR Mary & Paula,
            We were posting @ the same time too! I'm kinda slow on here...

            MKR, you're client sounds a bit too familiar to me When I was @ the lodge the other day, just to talk, she EXPECTED me to go start inventorying paint before we discussed details... (while she finished up a meeting w/other people. ) Key word there expected... happens a lot there. And the crazy thing is... I almost went & did it!
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

              Tell your hubby I am not a Hawks fan except when they are in the playoffs. Maybe that will make him like me better. Congrats on the painting job!!!!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

                Hey Judie - I truly believe when you open the doors to opps they come running into your arms. That positive energy thing. wonderful a painting job that pays well with less stress!

                Paula, you had my eyes welling up with the comment your daughter made to you. See you can do this and have excellent reasons to try!

                Lush - this means when I get home some game is going to be blasting and I really won't want to know. I go by who has the best colored outfits ok . . . .uniforms and best laid out logo. Ones that come to mind are Miami Dolphins and Green Bay Packers.

                Love you guys,


                  Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

                  I think I could enjoy watching a football game if they wore blue jeans & no shirts! Of course a tan wouldn't hurt the eyes either...

                  Bring on those six pack abs!
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

                    You know Judie, I may even learn some of the rules if they dressed like that! Whew be still my heart!


                      Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

                      Hello all! I had a few glasses of wine last night but, did not over do it. Felt great this morning and went and got a manicure & pedicure and went grocery shopping. Now I'm going to take the boys to get their hair cut and go visit my dad and brother. It is a gorgeous day here full of sunshine and I have about 6 iguanas sunning themself in the backyard.
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                        Calling all muffins on Sat. Jan. 6th!!

                        Great job on sticking to you guns. If you had taken the job, you would have been pissed at them and at yourself and who needs that.

                        Lush, very good on last night. I was right there with you, I stopped at 2 glasses and felt in control. It's 1:00 here and I haven't started yet, big improvement over recent behavior.

                        Paula, that was great about your daughter. I'm glad that slurring the
                        bedtime stories is not part of my regular routine anymore.

                        MKR-Mark, The outfit thing got a good giggle from me I just said yesterday I need to get stuff for the boy's basketball outfits. Hubby doesn't even comment anymore.

                        Preciouspinot. I have to go shopping too, wish I was getting the Mani and Pedi with you. Have a great day.

                        Sorry if I missed anyone. Happy Saturday to all.
                        Humor is just another defense against the universe!

