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How much is too much?

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    How much is too much?

    I am confused again on how much is too much when it comes to alcohol. 2 or 5 glasses of wine? 2 or 4 beers? 1 or 4 scotches? Man or woman. American or European? This study or that.

    Maybe it is an individual thing we all must fiqure out. I know I drank way too much before coming to MYO. Since then I have been able to been stuff my genie back in the bottle. I let him out for 3-4 drinks a night and then back in the bottle and that is our schedule. Much better than the nightly beating I used to take from the 15-16 rounds.

    How does the rest of the gang handle the current "good" alcohol consumption amount debate? Or is there one?


    How much is too much?

    Each body is different in how much they can consume. I know that I have a better tolerance for beer than wine. Certain wines knocks me on my keister but beer doesn't seem to do that and I don't really like beer that much. Also a few mixed drinks don't really affect me too much. I know if I go beyond that I am in trouble.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      How much is too much?

      I think its different for everyone.
      One night I did good ,just had a couple. Then I thought I could do it again. Didnt work ,I had more than I wanted.
      Everyone is different and alcohol affects everyone differently. There are people out there who can drink without it being a problem for them, I however am not one of those people.


        How much is too much?

        The moderation recommendation is:

        No more than 3 glasses per day
        No more than three days per week.

        Getting to that is a different subject.
        Enough is enough


          How much is too much?

          Hi Joe, Before finding MWO, I used to get up in the morning, (feeling like crap from night before...), and hopefully have something left, stashed somewhere... As soon as Hubby would leave for work, I'd be on a mission to find any hidden beers, to get as much into my system to make me feel almost human again, then just watch the clock till it looked like an almost reasonable hour to run down to the nearest market & grab a 12 pk to hide & drink, till Hubby , got home from work, then I could pretend I hadn't had much all day... and share his. Like a "good little wife". Turns out I didn't have him fooled at all, just thought I did.

          And somehow I managed to get to work a few nights a week, doing that. I guess I'd lay off just enough on those nights that I had to work, but it was not pretty.

          Sorry I've written a book! Anyway, that's TOO much!(Drinkin)

          Nowday's...I get up in the morning, and feel good! I go make some tea & tke my supps & topa, come on here, go do some exercising,...I actually have my life back. I have a few drinks(glasses of wine after work), sometimes I drink beer. But I make sure I drink a glass of water in between each drink I allow myself. And thanks to the topa, and L-glut, I sip now instead of chug!

          Hope that answers your question... sorry kinda long winded.

          :l Judie
          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


            How much is too much?

            Hi Joe, I too agree that it is different for everyone. I have followed the different studies and scientific journals for years. But the bottom line is why are you drinking? Are you staying in control? How does it make you feel? These are very individual questions that only you can answer. It sounds like you are doing great! As you progress, you goals may change, but it certainly sounds like you are on the right track!!

            Good luck!

            Saving the day one minute at a time!


              How much is too much?

              It is tough finding the balance with so many formulas of how much is the right amount and how much is over th top. Since I started here I haven't once been hung over, lost 25 pounds, feel great, gained productivity and clarity I haven't had in years.

              So I guess it goes that moderation can be more about the individual than a strict rule. But what do I know. I used to be a drunk.


                How much is too much?

                Joe, sounds like you are finding your range. I'm 3 months Abs now, but when I was moderating, the moderation management guidelines seemed good, if not generous, because I would start getting that 'buzz' on the 3rd glass of wine and even a second beer..I'm a woman, so I'm not sure what is is for men, if different. I think you have to check in with yourself and try to find that point in which it becomes a negative for your personally instead of a positive. If you are abusing it or savoring it like good food.


                  How much is too much?

                  Welcome Joe! Here is the way I look at mods, have plenty of days of ABS in there and it is more like doing abs with an occasional night of drinking. Those nights need to watched for quantity.

                  It seems to work pretty well - and congratulations on the great results!


                    How much is too much?

                    GREAT JOB Joe on the weight loss and the improved moderation. Sure, we all know 15-16 is too much. geesh. It's like Waves said though, the "getting there"-- to moderation--that is the issue.
                    I like MKR's thought process about thinking like abs, with occasional drinking days that are in check. No blackouts, no hangovers... sounds good to me!
                    Take care.

