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Wed Jan 10

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    Wed Jan 10

    Well good morning lovely muffins and muffin Men!
    Just thought I would start off today's thread!
    I hope everyone is doing great today. Happy Hump day!
    I actually should do some work today so I wont be posting as much as yesterday - 114 posts - uuuuh, yeaaah, but I will be around....
    I love you all!
    Fan, I expect to see you achieve Senior status at some point today? Oui?
    LOve Jen:l
    Over 4 months AF :h

    Wed Jan 10

    Good Morning Jenneh another senior member soon I see. Well with all of newbies we need all of you to take the reins.



      Wed Jan 10

      Anything you need, you just ask and one of us is here - Senior or not - that is really a title - there are many people more "senior" than I, trust me - Just ask....
      Love Jen
      Over 4 months AF :h


        Wed Jan 10

        So I had an interesting thing happen just now. It's a beautiful day here today - cold, but really beautiful and sunny.
        I just called my husband (he is at home today) just to see what he was up to. I mentioned how beautiful it is outside....there was a pause and he was like, "Jen....please don't get angry for me saying this..." and I was bracing myself, thinking "what now?" and he said "please don't stop at the liquor store on the way home".
        I was horrified. I asked him why he would say that and he said, "Just, you know, because it's such a beautiful day outside, I just didn't want you to think it might be "nice" for us to have some drinks as a treat to celebrate how nice it is outside". He didnt say it in a mean way at all - just asking me nicely.
        At first I was really annoyed, but then it hit me that he was right - that is exactly what I would have done in the past - a beautiful sunny day would have definitely triggered me. My God. And then I realized. I haden't even been thinking of drinking today, really. Well, I was thinking of "drinking" but wasent thinking that I would drink today, you know?? I mean, I am ok, I am fine without drinking tonight - its an AF night since its a week night and that's perfectly fine.
        Weird how habits CAN change. A few months ago, I would have probably been pissed off and plotting ways to have a drink tonight anyways, whether it meant making an excuse to meet a drinking friend or sneaking something into the house.
        So, there IS hope guys! If I can do it, anyone can! Trust me
        Just thought I would share.
        Love Jen
        Over 4 months AF :h


          Wed Jan 10

          Morning everyone!

          I, too, will not be fanatically posting like yesterday, much to everyone's relief I am sure!! I got no work done yesterday trying to watch the Sr. Member race.

          Jen, it sounds like you have really set up the new habit of weeknights not being an option to drink and that IS wonderful. That is my ultimate goal. And to not get defensive with your husband is another big thing as well. Bravo!!!!

          Nothing much to report on my end today. We sat around and waited for this huge storm that was supposed to come and it didn't. We are a little sad we do not have a snow day today but it sure is cold.

          Hope all of you have a great day. Eustacia, hope you are doing okay today. Would love to hear how you are. :l
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Wed Jan 10

            Jen, I can completely relate to what you just said.

            I always thought people who drank too much were drowning out something painful some kind of hurt.

            Not me, I drink to celebrate! You name it, I will celebrate it or drink like it's a celebration.

            My husband and I decided together, at my suggestion not to keep alcohol in the house during the week anymore.(I must moderate or quit altogether) I went out to lunch with a friend on Tuesday to have our annual Christmas celebration. I told him I would be drinking and he said "Don't even think about stopping at the store on your way home" I didn't stop on my way home but talked him into going out to dinner so I could drink because there wasn't anything in the house to drink. Once I start, I want to keep going so it's just best not to have it around.

            I didn't drink on Sunday or Monday this week. I drank on Tuesday for hopefully the last of the celebrations for awhile and I won't drink today! It's really hard from about 4:30 (when I start thinking about it) until about 8:30 when I know it's not possible anymore. Hopefully it will get easier, but it's not white knuckling it that entire 4 hours.....just urges that go away when I use the tools I learned from the rational recovery website. I've also been using L theanine and I think that's helping too. I just ordered the gabba and H5 HTP from this website and hope that helps too?

            I hope everyone has a great day!

            :h :h :h :h


              Wed Jan 10

              Rachele, LOVE the avatar.

              I am much more of a "let's drink to celebrate being alive" kind of person which I always thought was actually a better way to drink. Sadly I see now that all of these years of "celebrating" have turned into a nasty habit for me. Good job on the AF days this week!!!!
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Wed Jan 10

                I too have incorporated "AF during weekdays" into my routine and then moderation during the weekend.

                Jenneh, thanks for sharing your little story. If that same senerio had taken place with me a month ago a would have been defensive as well. It is a beautiful day here too. A little breazy and cool. I will celebrate the day with a diet coke or maybe even a stiff Red Bull!

                Have a great day all!!
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Wed Jan 10

                  Thanks guys for your input. Sounds like we are all a little of the "partying variety".
                  For me, its always been that way. Name the party, name a celebration, hell just name me an excuse, and I was there. Always. Still a weakness for me. I have always found my thing with alcohol to be a celebratory thing too. Interesting.
                  But it's interesting how that would work: it's a beautiful sunny day! Let's celebrate by drinking! Or, it's a rainy, cloudy day...there's nothing to do - I'm bored. Might as well drink.
                  Ugh. What a cycle.
                  Anyways, glad to hear people are feeling positive today.
                  Love Jen
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    Wed Jan 10

                    Good Morning all!

                    You were so funny yesterday I have to admit I came on here way more than usual just for the uplifting fun! So thank you all most especially, Lush, Jen and Fan!


                      Wed Jan 10

                      Just because you can have it all, doesn't mean there's something wrong with you until you do.

                      To the contrary, the simple fact that you stand before such infinite possibilities, irrefutably means that you are one bad mamma jamma.

                      That's a good thing.

                      ****The Universe


                        Wed Jan 10

                        they must have put a word count on cuttng and pasting this morning as it will only go up in small paragraphs!!

                        TEE HEE! Jen and Mike - I am not trying to get my post number to senior level!


                          Wed Jan 10

                          Jen what a touching story this morning of HOPE. Can you imagine how hard it was for him to ask you that? We are all quite proud of your progress - GO! GO! GO! YEAH!!

                          E how are you?

                          Gypsi how did the appointment go? I really hope you get to go to Seattle. In my thoughts and prayers.

                          Judie, we missed you yesterday. Kind of overwhelming over here huh?

                          Laura, scary day yesterday but I hope you feel renewed hope today for your auntie.


                            Wed Jan 10

                            Ok, this is ridiculous I will check back later! Good day to all and there were more of you I was talking to!


                              Wed Jan 10

                              I want to say thank you for all the support I have received from all the mod muffins in the last few days. It has been a great help to me and I feel so much better today. I think the fun we had here yesterday helped quite a few of us over a slump.

                              MKR-Mary, Great job on the smoking. I am into my 3rd week of no coffee. I wish I could say it is getting easier, but not yet.

                              Jen, thank you for sharing today and I am proud of you for handling it so well. I like to drink and eat to celebrate good things too. For me they go together. I am at a point right now where I get anxious about eating out. I could really use a few nights out of the kitchen, but I don't think I have the control to go out on a night I want to be AF. Something to work towards.

                              I have my week setup for 4 AF nights this week. I am busy tonight and tomorrow night, so that should get me there. Yeah Team!

                              Good day all,
                              Humor is just another defense against the universe!

