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Wed Jan 10

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    Wed Jan 10

    Lush, no snow is good as there are still patches of ice I am sliding on, on the way to work. Although that blanket of snow was sure pretty to start, until you had to go out in it!

    Mike, hope today is better than a couple days ago.

    PP, I think your red bull idea is good one! Get you up and running like a crazy woman!

    Sammys, glad you are on board!

    Allie, hugs to you and your mom, hoping she is having a better day today.
    Well my sons are suppose to come back today from the VI . . . they had a tough time getting out on the 31st due to our snow . . .NOW Monserat had their volcano erupt and there is ash all over the VI. Last I heard they weren't sure if they were getting off island today because that ash and jet engines don't get along real well. (We had rescheduled my birthday dinner for tomorrow evening, before the guys got back into the slugfest of pharmacy classes. Maybe we should just put that all on hold until the end of this year.)

    Keeping my fingers crossed as I woke up at 2 am thinking about some of the flights I had been on down there before - one airline for awhile consistently landing in the ocean even with FAA pilots on board checking them out. OK, I worry too much huh?

    Have a great day all. Ones I did not mention please don't feel left out I love you!

    Hugs and Love, Mary

    AF and smoke free yesterday.


      Wed Jan 10

      Rachele, it was our line of type holding it back. GEEZ!

      Laura, awesome on the coffee. You actually need to get a lot more sleep at first, but then you probably already know that huh?


        Wed Jan 10

        Hi All,

        Well done Jenneh for achieving senior status, & for your AF nights.........

        Rachelle, You're doing really well as well, I know what you mean about those 4 hours, sometimes keeping busy is harder than you think .........

        Lush, I have to say hello, Oh senior, senior one ..........................

        Mary ............... Brilliant job on not smoking ................

        Laura Go for those AF days, be positive ...................

        To anyone i've missed, sooooo sorry :upset: didn't do it on purpose.... Honest .......

        I'm on day 10 AF ................. tonight is harder than usual but I won't let it beat me .........

        Love you all, Paula :h :l :h


          Wed Jan 10

          Paula, we are so so proud of you, by the way. You go. I heard someone in the long term abs group once say that they found day 10 or 11 pretty hard but once they got past that they were ok again. Just push past this day, which is a bit harder and then you're onward and upward. Wow are we ever a fantastic bunch aren't we??
          Love Jen
          Over 4 months AF :h


            Wed Jan 10

            And just think - once you reach day 20, 21 - (3 weeks - appraching a month) there will be no stopping you! I'm sure the first couple of weeks MUST be the hardest because you are getting past that mental - ah, why bother hurdle too.....
            Over 4 months AF :h


              Wed Jan 10

              Hey Jen, you have already achieved Senior Status. You can stop with the incessant posting today!!!! Kidding!!!!!

              Paula a HUGE bravo to you!!!! Are you aiming for 30 days?

              And you too Laura!!!

              Great job all of you. I am so proud of my muffins!!!!

              Jude, where are you today?
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Wed Jan 10

                This is the crap horoscope I have to read today on a day I'm AF.........The Universe had a sense of humor today

                You have much to be grateful for, dear Aries. Why not go out tonight and celebrate with friends? Forget about work and family troubles and kick up your heels and have a high old time. You deserve the break. If you don't seize these moments when you have the opportunity, you risk becoming a single-minded individual who thinks of only work at the expense of life's other, greater pleasures.

                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Wed Jan 10

                  I have barely had a chance to check in! Sounds like a lot of Muffins are doing very well and that is awesome!
                  Gypsi and E--thinking of you always!
                  I will check in later but wanted to say a quick hello and Bravo to our newest Sr. Member!


                    Wed Jan 10

                    PP, that is really funny. I guess I am the least single-minded person around then since I manage to seize every opportunity to "celebrate." LOL!!!!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Wed Jan 10

                      Hi Jen, thanks :l

                      Lush, I really don't know what i'm aiming for .......... I just want to know that I can exist without it, in the past i've panicked at the thought of one night without. Last week I was going to go AF in the week but then i didn't want any when i'd allowed it on saturday, but tonight I really could drink, but wont..... so ...... My demented brain now tells me that I CAN live without it, but if I do choose to drink one night then I know that I have the ability to choose not to the following night ....... that probably makes absolutely no sense at all :H

                      Thanks again, Much much love to you all, Paula xx :h :l


                        Wed Jan 10

                        where is Fan?
                        Over 4 months AF :h


                          Wed Jan 10

                          Ha Ha! I'm right there with ya Lush, being single minded!

                          Geez! Miss one day here... and it takes forever to catch back up! I've been reading the 11 pages from yesterday for the past hour and a 1/2!

                          Our cable was out yesterday so I couldn't get on line. Had a great day hiking around on the cliffs above the ocean at Otter Point, and talking to Becca on my cell, watching the waves crashing.

                          Congratulations to everyone doing do well on your goals! Wow, so many healthy folks here... no more coffee, cigs, alky, ... sure hope you're doing something fun to reward yourselves!

                          My Mom & Dad just left for Ariz., last week for a few months, so I've been going out & hot tubbing... It's quite nice, I do my "water aerobics" (leg lifts,etc) workout in the tub! It's a huge one about 6' by 6' nice & private. Kinda funny though, there's a beer keg right there on the deck next to it! Plus all kinds of beer signs around on the deck that light up... you'd think you were in a bar! Thank God it's not good beer!:eeew:
                          (of course I had to try it!)

                          Love ya all, Judie
                          The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                            Wed Jan 10

                            Paula, Congratulations! Day 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            It's almost 8:00 I feel I have offically made it to day 2 in a row. I haven't done that in forever.

                            Thank you all for your kind words of really means so much.

                            PP, that was sent via the devil or so it would seem:wazup:

                            :h :h :h :h

