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Friday january 12th

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    Friday january 12th

    Morning Muffs and Muffin Men,

    Speaking of which FAN, Where are you love???????

    I had a long shift at work yesterday so by the time I checked in here so much had happened that I didn't know where to start.....

    Allie - yes the once upon a time thread does still exist, we have a space bus ...... check it out .............

    I'm now on day 12 AF, and feeling great, well done to everyone that I was reading about
    last night.

    I'm off shopping now :H

    Becca, Gypsi, Marcie,Waves,Paula,Sm-Mary,Nick,Soon to be senior Fan,Lucky,Hawk, Senior Jenneh,
    Mary Anne,Fsophiah,Eustacia,Bak,MM,Senior Senior Lush,Allie,MKR-Mary,Ding dong,
    Not Powerless,Paulb,Lou-Lou, Dove,SaintJude,Jen,Dilayne,Preciouspinot,
    Tawny,Sammys,Lorisunshine,imagine,Pixie, Suzanna, Mackerel, tumadre,Frmca,Olly, and anyone else that i've missed.

    Love you all :h Paula xx :l :l

    Friday january 12th

    Please can I jump in?

    Hi all Mods! I've been off these boards for a wee while, but still reading every day, all the good times and bad times, which everyone has had to deal with and I have to say, good job guys! I have decided on a cunning plan to moderate - and if I tell you lot then I know you will make me stick to it!! I have been AF all this week, so the plan is to have a nice dinner (at the dinner table!) tonight with ONE bottle of nice white wine - the good stuff, not my usual cheap plonk - then Saturday night, same again - then that's it until next weekend, when depending on what we are doing, I may or may not do the same. Okay, two bottles of wine over a weekend is seen in some medical circles as "binge drinking" - no way, Jose!!! Binge drinking is two (or three ) bottles of wine every day for FOURTEEN DAYS!!! Been there, done that, puked down the t-shirt:H

    So, please can I jump in and please can I use you good folks as my conscience - I will be totally honest and if I muck it up, I will tell you, honest injun!

    Have a good weekend all - and in advance :thanks:
    The Terror


      Friday january 12th

      Good morning all and absolutely Terror jump on board. Sounds like you have a great plan too.
      Paula have fun shopping.
      To all the other mod muffins...have a fabulous Friday!!
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Friday january 12th

        You know, NP, you should post a thread on the general board on autism. I told happy camper that I thought there were several people who had autistic children. She is one of them. Her daughter, Sophie, is autistic. You should send her a PM. (referring to your posts last night.)

        Tartan, sharing a bottle of wine is considered de rigeur for a classy meal, right? Lots of "normal" drinkers do that. Glad to see the return of the weasel...or is it ferret?

        I am still working on getting in more AF days. Sounds like everyone had a pretty stressful day yesterday. I'm still working on report cards. I've been staying at work past 6 all week, so I came home really just wanting to relax (we know what that means, right?). Then my DIL called and we ended up going out for the most unpleasant dining experience I've had in a while. Loud, had to wait over 30 minutes for a table, slow service, practically swore off the place, so, of course, I had wine. Funny thing is, I notice being buzzed now in a way I didn't before. I notice that I fall asleep in front of the tv and wake up with a headache. Then, I say to myself. Last night or the night before? Which was better?

        I wish I could tolerate topa better. It was such a blessed thing.

        Have a better day. The weekend is coming. Go to a movie.
        I carry you in my heart, Sophie


          Friday january 12th

          Terror, you are welcome here always:l

          Not Powerless, If I'm not mistaken, Fan has a child with autism too.

          Congratulations on day 12 Paula!

          Sophia,I carry you all in my heart too. That is such a sweet thing for you to say:h

          Macks, Becca, Preciouspinot, Mojo, Tawny, Lush, Mary Anne, MKR Mary, Soccer Mom Mary, Jenneh, Laura, Judie, Gypsi, Fsophiah, Allie, Mary8305, Eustacia, Hundi, Waves, Trish, Dilayne, Mike, Tumadre, Mighty Mouse II, Cheeks, Mojomuppet, Bak310,TracyA, PaulaW, Hawk, Ivygoodluck, PaulB, Owly, Dove, Denise, Changemylife, NotPowerless, NickC, Bestlifeldms, Marcie, Lou Lou, Sammys, Pixie, Lorisunshine, Suzanna, Lucky, Terror, Aathlete and Pedro (Did I miss anyone?)
          I love you all!
          :h :h :h :h


            Friday january 12th

            I'm stealing that line too...
            In my heart---all of you!


              Friday january 12th

              Good morning all
              Tartan - welcome - jump on in - of course we will be your conscience - you can be honest with us and we wont let you down! You are welcome here! Hugs.
              Paula - wow, you must be feeling just great - congrats - keep on going! Do you feel it getting easier?
              NP - its true, several members have children with autism and I am sure they would be willing to talk to you about it (I didnt read your thread about this yet - just catching up - but I see from Sophie that you must have spoken about ya!)
              Sophie - I think you are great and you are doing great. I am sorry to hear your dinner out was so stressful. Hope the report cards are almost done and you can get some real relaxing in soon...
              Rachele and SM Mary - you are both in my heart too!
              As are the rest of you wonderful people!
              Lusch - I hope your husband's friend is doing ok - i sent you a PM.
              Love you all
              Love Jen
              Over 4 months AF :h


                Friday january 12th

                Good morning all you lovely muffins and to that male-muff in absentia,
                Just wanted to drop in and wish you all a good Friday.
                Enjoy yourself if you can and pretend if you can't.
                Love Lori
                *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                  Friday january 12th


                  I had a very productive week this week and being AF helped alot. Had a great meeting this morning, had a great response to my program which I am very proud of. I have a dinner party to go to this evening with 5 other couples. I am going to drink but, moderately. I know one of my friends is going to annnouce to everyone that she is pregnant again and I really just "want to be in the moment" for her. I don't know how else to express it. I want to be relaxed and happy for her and be there as a friend, not obsessing on constantly refilling my glass.
                  Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                    Friday january 12th

                    Morning muffs!

                    Sounds like a lot of us had a very productive week that did not revolve around alcohol. Awesome job guys!!!! I could have done better, I could have done worse and that is all I have to say about that. Will aim for AF days next week.

                    I wish for all of you a great weekend!!! I plan to get my house fully organized after the holidays. Living in chaos makes me chaotic. Time to clean and purge......Hugs to all of you!!!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Friday january 12th

                      happy friday!

                      Hapy Friday to all the muffins!! I had all the intentions of being AF all week, blew it, but will try again next week. I will be traveling though (to Minnesota BRRR!!) and traveling for me ususally means drinking, maybe time to break that habit!? Just seems so tough!

                      Hope you all have a great weekend,

                      Hugs and kisses to all:h

                      Welcome Tartan!! Jump in!!:welcome:



                        Friday january 12th

                        Morning Mods!

                        Bowing to Lush our senior, senior majestic member and to Jen our senior member of growing status!!

                        Lush, so sorry to hear about Jeff. (Just read the post this morning - sorry I was behind yesterday.) That must be so heartwrenching to go through. I know you moderated well through out the week. Once your living room is organized you will be into an exercise program and feeling on top of the world.

                        Paula - YES - go go go you are really an inspirational lady for all of us!

                        Tartanterror - Welcome aboard - sounds like you have a great plan in place.

                        NP - YES TGIF! Been an extremely tough week at home and at the office for me too. I wish you the best on your decisions for your son.

                        Sophia, I get buzzed way quicker anymore when I do have a drink or two. Then I am wondering why I was chasing that buzz for so many years. thank GOD the world has teachers as dedicated as you and Soccermom Mary! Cute story Lush on you assistant teaching adventure!

                        Rachele, great to see you here so frequently - we sure missed you while you were candle making & cookie baking!

                        Jen, you always offer such powerfully positive posts! We are thrilled to bow to you oh, senior member!

                        Lori, I guess I will pretend today! Good advise!

                        PP, congratulations on your wonderful week and your meeting going well this morning. Being in the moment . . .something to really try for, thanks for the reminder!

                        Mary Anne - we are not forgetting about you - safe and not so cold trip! There is always tomorrow!

                        OOOOPS almost forgot what the Universe had to offer this morning:

                        Whoa! You mean we forgot to tell you about your 7th Supernatural power?

                        Easy. You know what everyone else is thinking.

                        You really do.

                        ****The Universe


                        If this is the case - I so need to have a conversation with the bear (still there) in my house!!

                        Went out last night to celebrate my birthday with the kids. That was so nice, they all have a bit of a tan and looked more rested. I didn't have anything to drink except water as I thought I would try to set a good example for the bear, who came home from working out and guzzled a beer in less than five minutes. GEEZ!

                        Tonight however, I have a group of girlfriends that get together the second Friday of each month for dinner. I will have a cocktail with them and should have plenty of laughs with them. Good break from the house. Still smoke free, and not even too crazed for that one after dinner now.

                        Hugs and Love to all of you here, my heart and thoughts are with all of you so very often!

                        PS: Waves and Fan where are you?


                          Friday january 12th

                          We are on the back seat of the bus! Just trying to avoid going into Macdonalds of course! ( Once upon a time reference)

                          Seriously, been busy this week with a visitor. Fan?:h
                          Enough is enough


                            Friday january 12th

                            Hi everyone

                            Hope you all have a great Friday and weekend, whether it be AF or mods. I'm planning to finally take down the holiday decorations (yes I'm a procrastinator), and try to get the house organized. Maybe do some cooking too. I want spring to be here - the winter has been mild, but I'm indoors even more than usual because there's no snow to x-country ski or snowshoe in, so I'm starting to feel like a hermit.

                            Have a good weekend

                            AF since 6JUN2012


                              Friday january 12th

                              Hi Everybody!
                              Well I had an exciting drive home from work last night. We don't get snow here on the the Oregon coast very often, so when we do, we don't really have the equipment for removing it, etc... The roads were a mess! Besides it was a really wet snow, & most of it melted, leaving a thin sheet of ice on the road... And of coarse it was clear & cold last night. I only got kinda sideways once! Needless to say I slowed waayyy down after that. I wasn't going very fast anyway, good thing!

                              Oh yeah, our power didn't go out yesterday, but kept flickering enough I didn't want to keep the puter on.

                              Paula, Great job! 12 days! Have fun shopping... what're ya gonna get me?

                              Welcome Terror! Love the name!

                              PP, are you a registered client @ that hospital yet? LOL Have fun @ your dinner party.

                              Mary Ann, bring extra socks & gloves! Brrrr!

                              Lush, Cleaning again? Didn't ya just do that?

                              Sophie, next time come out here to Oregon for dinner. I'll make sure you enjoy yourselves!:H I just love "picking on people! I had a guy last night that I kept giving a hard time to...(he started it), but I ended up putting a plastic fly on his bread plate, and told him when I gave him a refill on his soda pop that I'd used a "clean" glass THAT time... when they left, he slipped me bill, I thought it was a $10, their bill was only $50. I looked in my pocket later it was a $20. I had so much fun picking on him ... he didn't even need to tip me!

                              Rachele, love the new Hypno Avatar! Enjoy your Friday

                              MKR, How's life with the Bear in the house? I'll bet your so happy to have your sons home! Have fun out with the gals!

                              Jen congrats on the "senior status"... do you get a discount too? I'll still "card ya"

                              I'll keep you all in my shirt pocket (close to my heart!)

                              Love ya , Judie
                              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:

