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Sunday 14th January

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    Sunday 14th January

    Rachele & Lush, Don't fall out over me ladies ......... I was following both of you ..... If i'm going to make it as first UK senior member I have to take drastic measures

    I have to say though that you both seemed to reply to me, replying to you etc, so I'm helping you both out too .......

    Love ya both ...... Paula xx


      Sunday 14th January

      Hi Everybody, been away for a few days because of my son's Bar Mitzvah and just spent the last several hours trying to catch up. WOW!!! There sure is a lot going on here -- most of it sounds great!! Congratulations to everyone!

      The Bar Mitzvah went terrific!! Our son did an incredible job. I couldn't stop crying through the whole thing!! It was such a blessing seeing him carry the Torah (Pentateuch - first five Books of Bible in a huge ancient scroll). His readings (Hebrew) and English, along with his Drash (speech) went on for about a half hour. The party was at the Synagogue so there was no drinking. It was definitely the most meaningful day of my life so far and everything went perfectly.

      Today I am catching up on work as I have been away for two days. I cannot believe how many emails I have!!! But I haven't started yet. I've been watching political C-Span news all morning -- RELAXING. Tomorrow, I plan to start all my New Years Resolutions -- Things have been so overwhelming, I resolved myself to maintain last years goals and not start my New Year ones until after the Bar Mitzvah -- so today I'm catching up and starting full force tomorrow -- wish me luck!

      Love to all,
      Saving the day one minute at a time!


        Sunday 14th January

        Nice to see you back Monica!

        As always........I wish you all the luck I can muster:l
        :h :h :h :h


          Sunday 14th January

          Greetings, all--

          I'm just now feeling well enough to read through the many loving posts from my friends at MWO. On one hand, I'm horrified that I caused such worry, on the other, I'm deeply touched.

          I still don't have much strength, so I'll write only briefly about what has been going on. For the first time in ten years, I let my guard down around my husband. We were out of town and he was much more relaxed than when he has to deal with the hassles of the big rotten apple. I flew home first because of work. My husband returned a few days later and it was clear from the moment that he opened the door that he was in quite a lather. He often gets into arguments with cab drivers so maybe that was it. He had infected one of his fingers and so maybe that played a role. In any event, he couldn't identify what was bothering him or even that he was upset. He was obstreperous and critical and snarled at me for the next several days. Because I had jettisoned some of my emotional armor, I was thrown for a loop. I decided to consider building on the good time that we had shared while away and to leave him alone to decide whether he wanted to go through life without me. Wise friends convinced me that I would be putting both my daughter and myself at an unacceptable level of risk if I were to even attempt to do that. I was becoming sick with asthma the longer I stayed in our apartment and then, perhaps because I was nearly sleepless the first four nights after his return, I came down with the worst flu of my life. At the moment, given the lessening flu symptoms , I am feeling exhausted but reasonably ok.

          So there you have it. Those of you who know me well probably have a clear picture of what happened. I screwed up big time. Everyone has heard how one should listen to one's inner voice. Well, I guess I needed a reminder.

          I feel guilty writing about my small problem given what others are suffering. I imagine that I'll be getting more of my energy back over the next few days and I'll be able to be more there for others.

          I'm grateful for the concern of my pals here at MWO. I'll be getting to some of the PMs over the next few days but here comes my daughter who has barely seen her mommy for the past week. She probably just needs a hug. I needed one and you guys were so there for me.

          Thank you.:l

          :heart: E


            Sunday 14th January

            :l :l :l :l E
            Enough is enough


              Sunday 14th January

              Well, I'm sorry, and I know it's none of my business, but what you are saying should be "reasonably clear" is not clear at all. I don't see how you screwed up. You don't sound okay. I'm glad you are back, but I'm still concerned. It's okay if you don't want to go into detail, but I want you to be the fine, strong, witty person we know you are, and I don't like the idea of your being sick and mistreated.


                Sunday 14th January

                Thanks for letting us know how you are E, Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

                Love & Hugs, Paula xx :l :h :l


                  Sunday 14th January

                  E!!! Thanks so much for checking in, you have been on my mind alot.

                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Sunday 14th January

                    Sending you healing thoughts E. Peace & Prayers :h

                    I had the wierdest thing happen @ work last night. At the and my shift, my index finger started swelling up & turned numb & blue .. all of a sudden! Today it's purple, and still swollen. Strange, I don't remember hitting it or anything. I guess I must have broken a blood vessel or something, probably just "old age"! Wierd.

                    I think I'll live. Maybe it'll be good for tips tonight!

                    Hope everybody's having a great day. Sun's shining ... I gotta get off of this BOX!!

                    Heading for the beach. Clear & cold but beautiful out.
                    :l Judie
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      Sunday 14th January

                      Clear & cold but beautiful out here, too. Judie, that finger thing is worrisome. Keep an eye on it. If it worsens, have it checked tomorrow morning asap. (The nurse in me comes out-sorry-I'll try to keep a lid on her)!
                      EEEEustacia! I second everyone's welcome back, and also Fsophia's concerns-you sound exhausted and still not in a very good space. You still have my number, don't you? Hugs to your daughter sound healing. Love
                      Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.

