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Monday, January 15

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    Monday, January 15

    Good morning all~

    Still tying to get caught up here and hope everyone is ok. I had a very bad Saturday evening. I have to some abs now so the goals for this week are 5-7 days abs, exercise daily, and checking in here more regularly.

    Gotta run to work now - catch everyone later.

    Monday, January 15

    Good morning Hawk and everyone else.
    Glad it's Monday and glad to be getting back to my goals

    Take Care!!
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Monday, January 15

      Morning Hawk & NP & everyone else still to come ....

      Day 15 here .....

      Love & Hugs to you all, Paula :h :l :h :l


        Monday, January 15

        Good morning everyone~

        Its 8:00 and I've already been up for five hours. I am currenly en route to Vegas killing time in the Atlanta airport. So my goal for the week is to have a really good time, but not overdo it. I really think I'm up for it. We didnt get to bed until midnight last night finishing up packing and loading the car, and then had to leave for the airport at 4:30 this morning, so I'm already getting silly from lack of sleep. I hope I can sleep on this next flight, which leaves in about 30 minutes, so I have a feeling I am probably going to sleep away most of my first day there! It will only be 9:30 a.m. in Vegas by the time we get there, so I think tonight should be easy. I've gotten some good recommendations for shows to go see, so I'm hoping to fill my time with some other fun, non-drinking entertainment. Shopping too.... hee hee. Anybody within driving distance want to come visit? Judie??

        Hope everyone has a great week! I'll be in touch.
        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


          Monday, January 15

          Have a fun time Allie! I'm off of school today--MLK Day. Probably would have been cancelled anyway because we have an "Arctic Blast" and the weathermen are going nuts. Do you think they overreacted Sophia, or is it just me? Anyway--aiming for mods, lots of exercise, lots of water..
          E--thinkining of you!
          love to all


            Monday, January 15

            Good morning all
            Well, I am kind of glad its monday too - back to AF. We went and visited some friends this weekend - they have an 11 month old child but let's just say it has not slowed them down much - the child is so good, you put him to bed and he stays down for the night. So let's just say I went overboard this weekend again. Both Friday and Saturday. But this time it wasen't just me - everyone did (not that that makes it right). Now I am glad to be back to AF days....
            Going up to 75 mg of topa over the next couple of days.
            Hope everyone is well.
            Love Jen
            Over 4 months AF :h


              Monday, January 15

              Good morning everyone

              I have the day off today as well for MLK day. It's pouring rain right now, I'm hoping it will stop for awhile so I can go for a walk today. I was able to moderate this weekend, both Sat and Sun night, but I found I didn't enjoy it much and I'm not sure if that's because it was not enough or it was too much, if that makes any sense. I plan to be AF during the week as I've done the last few weeks. Happy Monday!

              AF since 6JUN2012


                Monday, January 15

                Good Morning everyone. I am glad its Monday too! Allie I am leaving for Vegas friday, and I to am hoping that there is so much to do (which I have heard there is) we would not even think of having a drink.



                  Monday, January 15

                  SM-mary. Yes, I think the weather folks go a bit bonkers here when it looks anything like a freeze. My car is glazed with ice, but other than that, I don't see the effects of the "arctic blast." Even though I have the day off, I have to finish up on those report card comments and then get my nails done. Just need to stay away from ebay. Over the weekend, I bought $300 worth of mexican talavera plates to hang on the wall of my new kitchen to match new my tile.

                  I am trying to decide what my summer plans will be. Maybe I can get some input from my soul mates here. Years ago, our family took in a high school exchange student from Denmark, and we have never been to see her, so we would like to do that. However, I'm not much interested in incurring a lot of debt, since we're still paying off our trip to Japan last year. I have sent my resume to the Oxbridge program for a job as dean of students for three weeks. They have programs for high school students in Oxford, Cambridge, Paris, south of France, and Barcelona. It's exhausting work, but it pays for everything plus a little over $3000.

                  There are also a couple of programs given by the Nationall Endowment for the Humanities, one of which I did three years ago--on the Renaissance at Columbia. This summer they have programs for six weeks in Sienna reading Dante's Commedia (which I've always wanted to do), Harvard with the famous critic Helen Vendler doing poetry, or at DePaul in Chicago, my alma mater, also in poetry. The ones in the states are shorter, and this appeals to me because six weeks takes up almost the whole summer. Still, Sienna...Of course, the NEH programs are quite competitive, but I might have a better shot since I've done one before. I think I can only apply for one NEH, and the timing is dicey because I don't know when I'll be hearing about any of these, but I also think at my age, 58, my time for being able to do these things is dwindling.

                  Then there's my husband, who gets a little cranky about being left for such a long time. I think they let you have your family visit in Sienna, however. Then there's my aging mother, who may be moving to Dallas. The last NEH I did, my step-father died in the middle of it, and she really needed me. So you're my pals. Whaddya think?


                    Monday, January 15

                    How did I miss this thread? And then I went and started another one...shame on me. We are having the Storm of the Century here too which really is nothing but it is all they talk about around here. I guess that is good if the worst thing to talk about is the weather.

                    Sophiah, I am envious you have so many exciting possibilities to choose from. They all sound wonderful. Is your mother in good health? If she is, then I would go. I have been to Sienna and it is just beautiful. The other one sounds just as wonderful too. Good luck with whatever decision you make.

                    Happy Monday all!!!!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      Monday, January 15

                      And I've just posted on the other one too...this is going to get confusing.


                        Monday, January 15

                        We had a pretty bad ice storm here this morning and I just looked outside and we have half a tree that has fallen down. Now it looks like just rain so that's better. I still can't believe how mild this winter has been.

                        I am pretty excited and motivated about going AF from T-Th. My body needs a break again. The last time I was AF from from Jan 1-3 and that was it. Lost motivation quick. I need it back. I want to lose weight, get in shape, be sober. We are going to Hilton Head for vacation in Feb and would like to look half way decent.

                        Anyhoo I'm done ranting for now.

                        Talk to you all soon
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Monday, January 15

                          Sophia--both sound like such wonderful opportunities--maybe put applications in to both and just see what happens? Definately go for it! Hubby can visit! I'll be lucky to be teaching summer school at the public high school.


                            Monday, January 15

                            Hi Everybody. It is so hard to keep up here today!!! Wow, there are three threads going on simultaneously. Along with the growth in membership, no wonder there is a problem with the server (couldn't get on again!!!)

                            Computer crashed, so hubbie's out getting a new one and I'll probably be up all night doing back-ups before the old one totally goes. The weekend was great, though, with my son's Bar Mitvah and my day of total relaxation yesterday. I did not even get out of my bed clothes! My sour mood has been tempered by the feeling of getting a whole new system, MKR's weekend making my day look like I'm woos for even complaining. And more than anything, we got a call from Harvard that our son made the first cut and they are going to do the big interview this week. I know, I know, don't get my hopes up. I keep reminding myself of the 99% turndown rate. But just the fact that he is in the serious running, makes it an exciting time.

                            Love to all, have to go create my new computer.

                            Take care,
                            Saving the day one minute at a time!


                              Monday, January 15

                              You should pick the one that may not be offered again, or maybe is a little lighter of a schedule. This way it will be low pressure. I say make summer easy on yourself so you can relax and enjoy.


