I have been wrestling with abstinence since Jan - have had many af 30 days and a couple of 3 month stints. i always go back though. I found drinking too much caused me to put on weight, worsened depression/anxiety,kept me smoking, wasted loads of money, missed days at work and wasted weekends feeling truly awful.
I've tried to mod before many times - not successfully - hoping with decent amount of af time behind me now that this will be possible.
I am really focused and am going to be really honest - if i can't moderate successfully for 4 weeks then i cam back to abstinence. i feel so bright physically and mentally af but causing me so much strain wrestling with thoughts of should i shouldn't i drink.
I will drink only at social weekend events - total max of 3 drinks per event.
I'm going to check how i feel inbetween - depressed or sluggish - anxious -weight gain - what has happened before has been 'living to drink' on abstinent days leading to a binge.
Looking forward to meeting you all.