I've not been very good at keeping up with things around here so I am late to say Mazel Tov! to Monica on her son's bar mitvah! And, mazel tov also on his big brother's Harvard application! Your patience with so many things going on wows me!
MKR Mary--Your house is starting to sound like my house except that you have prune fingers and I have prune lungs. Flu aside, I'm gradually getting this place together. Hang in there, sweetie! P.S. I'm really thrilled about your stopping smoking. I've never smoked but from all I've heard that is as hard an addiction to chase away as any other.
fSophia--You do have so many wonderful options. I've find Dante to be a very visual poet. I read the Commedia when I was 18 and I still remember my sense of how his inferno must have looked--kind of like an Italian opera house (only with more levels) a la Hieronymous Bosch! I have never been to Siena (or even Florence, for that matter) but I would love to read the Commedia in Siena where (I think) Dante wrote part of it and see the surrounding forests and mountains that he mentioned, as well. Does NEH offer a reasonable stipend? If it doesn't, you can always come to the Big Rotten Apple and see the Inferno in full swing (maybe even Purgatorio if you come to my house
Tumadre, Not Powerless, Soccerman Mary, WeeMelonHead, Beth, Becca, Chyrsa, fSophia and others--Thank you so much for your love and concern. I think that I'm going to be "ok"--at least once I get this flu out of the picture. I just have to learn to be wiser about some of my decisions . . . ugh, wish me luck on that one!
Pebbles--It sounds like you are doing so well and I am very happy for you.
Has anyone heard from Gypsi? Mojo? I've been thinking about both of them.
I'm sure that I'm missing so many people but my brain is foggy and I doubt that what I'm writing is making more than minimal sense.
A joyous Tuesday to everyone!
:heart: :heart: :heart: E