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Friday 18th Jan

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    Friday 18th Jan

    Morning all - hope the rest of our UK chums survived the storms yesterday and last night. Thank goodness it's Friday, boring day at work, but if I actually did some work it would make the time go faster, I suppose:H

    Looking forward to some DIY at the weekend, decorating and stuff - Baldrick's plan still in place - one bottle of "good stuff" tonight and Sat night, then back to AF rest of week - something has to go wrong sometime, but until then - I'm telling myself :goodjob:

    Have a good weekend folks:h

    The Terror - oops of course it's the 19th today - see, something gone "Pete Tong" already - LOL!!!]

    Friday 18th Jan

    Mornin' Terror and everyone to come. TGIF
    We are getting dumped on with snow, winter was bound to come sometime. Not doing so great at all with any of my AF goals so I am just doing the best I can. Taking the supps and Topa and woke up today feeling pretty darn good so I am happy about that. Just keep trudgin along.
    Have a great day
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Friday 18th Jan

      Good morning everyone --

      Finally starting to look like winter here - we got a dusting of snow and its finally cold. Of couse all my silly plants that were tricked into growing during the freaky warm spell are not iced. Oh well. No tulips for me this spring!

      I had to go to a work party last evening - alone. I am so not good at that. Prefer to have my husband or someone to go with. Its a new job so I don't know many people. But I did manage to make myself go, I talked to some people, I had 2 glasses and wine. the host (with whom I am friends), appeared with a third glass - which I took. I stood there with it and I thought, "Well....I have made an appearance, I stayed for 2 hours and I am sober. Now is a good time to leave." So I left. I came home, had one glass of wine, why I dont know. And went to bed by 10. It was wonderful. I feel good today - like I tried something new and nothing bad happened. Its still uncomfortable but its a step in the right direction!

      Hope everyone has a good day. Thinking of everyone -


        Friday 18th Jan

        Yes, Hawk! It is a step in the right direction......congratulations for making some really good choices last night.
        Also, I am fairly certain, that if it freezes again, after the tulips or other bulbs have appeared, they will still come back up in the spring. We don't live far from one another........I'm in Indiana!

        Well, thank you to all who gave me congratulations yesterday on 5 days AF. However, I got called into work last night after I posted that and had 2 large glasses of wine:boohoo: So it was only 4 days so far this week. I called hubby from work and told him I was going to have a drink and that he could pick something up for himself on his way home. When I got home from work, I didn't touch it that was a good choice for me

        NP and Terror, TGIF to you too!
        :h :h :h :h


          Friday 18th Jan

          Just wanted to say Happy Friday!
          Rachele--your doing great!
          Love to all,


            Friday 18th Jan

            Hello all
            I think EVERYONE is doing just great - despite a couple of minor slips or blips along the way perhaps, I think every one of us have made real progress here - and as long as we are willing to put in the work, to keep trying, stick to our goals, and to commit to one another and ourselves, we are making changes in our lives that are going to amount to long term changes in habits and lifestyles. We will do this as long as we stick together.
            I love you all - TGIF. Let's stick together!!!
            Jude - I am seriously worried now - where are you?
            Over 4 months AF :h


              Friday 18th Jan

              Good morning to all Mods and Muffins,
              Just posted under ABS, but wanted to say good morning to you all here as well. We went to the big city of Toronto yesterday. I had an appointment to have a doohickey removed from my face. All went well. The freezing right into my face hurt like hell and I thought my eyeball was going to launch itself right out of its socket. The thingy went to be biopsied and we'll see whats what down the road.
              Other than that I am starting day 19 AF. We went out for lunch and I had Perrier and did the Sushi thing for supper with green tea for me. I did not miss the usual liquor order.
              So all is well with the world.
              Have a wonderful day.
              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                Friday 18th Jan

                Ah Lori
                I live right, right outside of Toronto - congrats on Day 19!

                Fan - can you write something funny? A poem or a short story? I need to be entertanied. I am so bored today. Thank you in advance sweety
                Over 4 months AF :h


                  Friday 18th Jan

                  The reason most people don't recognize the miracles that are performed on their behalf, is because there's just so blomin' many of them.

                  Like this very moment...

                  And this one...

                  And this one...

                  **** The Universe

                  TGIF is right! This has been a fun week on the boards and I wanted to thank all of you for making me laugh. That is a very good thing as it is tough to be both AF and smoke free. I really feel I need the AF so I can stay smoke free. They sorta go hand in hand. Pulled into the gas station last night to fill up and actually thought about buying cigarettes as that is where I picked them up. Talk about habits!

                  Lori, hope the tests results are good. Good thoughts and prayers coming your way. Yes great job on AF!!

                  Terror, good for you!

                  NP, the best that you can is a great start. You will get to your goals in due time.

                  Hawk, that was really awesome last night! Yeah!

                  Rachele, you are still doing very well. Four days that you didn't have in years. GO, GO, GO!! Yeah!!!

                  Fan, oh senior member, we bow in your presence! glad you had fun in chat, I always feel like I really miss not being able get online here in the evenings. Chatting with the aussies sounds like great fun! Yes, write something fun, you are so good at that!!

                  SM Mary - hope you have a great day.

                  Jenneh, you have so much wisdom to share, thanks!

                  Lush, dear hope you are feeling better today.

                  Waves, oh creative Waves the lady that comes up with all the fun games and threads thanks so very much!

                  Laura, too funny on the hair straightener!! At nine, they are already glued to the mirror. My youngest was always super preppy looking and spent hours in the bathroom and my oldest much more of the wilder hair and wilder clothes. They have somewhat switched out rolls now. Kind of fun to watch the transitions.

                  Judie, Mary Anne, Gypsi, MM where are you ladies?

                  Love and Hugs to all,


                    Friday 18th Jan

                    Not trying to spam anyone!


                      Friday 18th Jan

                      Ok, it just would post what the heck! Sorry about that.


                        Friday 18th Jan

                        You can put it here, Fan and thanks! I am so excited!Unless you think it fits better in Once upon a time...
                        Over 4 months AF :h


                          Friday 18th Jan

                          Oh Fan even better than I was expecting - and a great message too!

                          You just made my day.

                          :l :l :l
                          Over 4 months AF :h


                            Friday 18th Jan

                            I'm feeling "off" today. I have nothing positive to say or contibute. I think I'm going to leave the office early today and spend money.
                            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                              Friday 18th Jan

                              Sorry PP. I know you are having an off day but your post made me giggle. Hope you will be feeling better.

                              Like PP I have nothing positive to say either. I still feel like garbage and am going to hibernate on my couch after I get some work done. Thanks for all of the healing vibes yesterday. You guys are the best.

                              When my brain is not so fuzzy I will try and comprehend your story Fan. I am sure it is sheer brilliance. Congrats to all of you with the AF days. I promise myself to have some of those next week.

                              Have a great weekend all of my favorite internet friends!!!

                              Sm-Mary your avatar makes me laugh every time. I would say this classifies as using another fake family, however.
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

