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Sunday 1/21/07

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    Sunday 1/21/07

    Good Sunday Morning!

    Not much to say, except today is the first of what will hopefully be 5 days in a row AF.

    Off to get the kids to Sunday School

    :h :h :h :h

    Sunday 1/21/07

    Congratulations on 5 AF days! That is awesome.

    I seem to be able to string together 3 or so at a time. I need to make a concerted effort this week. I would like to be AF Mon-Fri.

    Tonight I have "Meet the Fockers." My stepdaughter is bring her finace's parents over for dinner. So, I am making dinner now as I have a full day away from home. Also, since it requires wine and its 8 am, I am less apt to put some wine in the food, some wine in me, more wine in the food, more wine in me.....:H

    Hope everyone has a super day!


      Sunday 1/21/07

      Good Sunday Morning to everyone too.

      Strange experience last night - got told I couldn't do today what I had planned, acted like a brat, decided I REALLY had to have a drink, had some in the house. Poured ONE, drank ONE and that was it....over! Usually, it's right OK that's the bottle dead, but No just didn't feel like another glass...never before in the history etc etc etc.

      I was initially disappointed in my behaviour, reverting to type instead of enjoying a nice "planned " drink but I figure it's still early days and was then thrilled that I stopped at one with no angst at all.

      Not counting any chickens or anything, but...



        Sunday 1/21/07

        Pebbles, I would consider that a chicken! I'm proud of steps, baby steps.

        Hawk, I haven't achieved 5 days AF in a row yet. I was 4 days AF last week and the only way I can do that is to not have it in the house. My second test is Monday night at work. If I can get through that AF then I will be safe for the rest of the week. (I work around all the free alcohol I want....good thing I don't work many nights)

        :l :l :l :l
        :h :h :h :h


          Sunday 1/21/07

          Hi Everybody! Imagine, Hawk, Pebbles, all of you sound like you are doing great!!! Congratulations on your thrust forward and good luck in achieving the goals that you seek.

          I am picking myself up from my debacle last Thursday. I have found that if I drink grape juice with a few drops of bitters in a wine bubble glass, it really satisfies me. So, I'm trying to switch after a drink or two. It works best if I drink a sweet wine, like a concord (which is Kosher so we drink on Fridays and Saturdays). Does not work so well if I'm drinking a Cab or Merlot. So, I'm working on perfecting the strategy.

          I'm on the run, hope everybody has a great day.

          Saving the day one minute at a time!


            Sunday 1/21/07

            Thanks Imagine, I'd gone since last Friday so that's what 8 days? I'm not trying to go completely Abs as I know if I lapse I'll just lose the plot completely again. As you say, baby steps.

            You work around FREE ALCOHOL ??? Now that's a test alright! You're much stronger than me, I'd not cope, not yet anyway.



              Sunday 1/21/07

              Hi Everyone!

              Baby steps it is for me as well. Ok, baby steps backward. I went three days AF with the plan of having two glasses of wine this evening. Evening didn't exactly come. In fact, I'm not sure that morning was officially in when I downed three glasses of wine because I was so upset about the state of my home that I just wanted to check out. I am finding that wine is the only thing that helps me tune my husband out quickly enough to avoid saying something unproductive to him. I've got to figure out how to endure being married to someone who trashes the house and makes it uncomfortable to have friends here and who just sits around and reads the newspaper and watches science fiction movies. I can't change him and I cannot find my way out of this hell hole.

              I'm really upset with myself for the drinking lapse.

              Hope everyone else is having a better day. Rachele and Pebbles, congrats to you!



                Sunday 1/21/07

                Fan:heart: --


                :heart: E


                  Sunday 1/21/07

                  Hey ya'll,:goodjob: on meeting your goals.

                  I'm just having a relaxing Sunday here. Still not feeling too great. Think I have a tummy bug or something, but still hanging in there, one more night of work to get thru.

                  Hi Eustacia. Always good to see you. Wish I could have you come over here for a visit.:flower: We even have a bit of sunshine today.

                  Hi Fan. Always a pleasure.:danthin:

                  Rachele, Hawk, Pebbles, Mighty M, Have a great sunday! Peace & hugs...
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Sunday 1/21/07

                    OHHH! I'm homesick for Telluride now! There's a special on the travel channel right now about it! I see people I know!:h Places I used to ski every day:upset:
                    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                      Sunday 1/21/07

                      Good afternoon all!! This lazy slob is just getting out of bed. I still feel horrible. Sounds like you and I have the same bug Jude. Have accomplished little around the house this weekend but have got caught up on all my People magazines. Got any questions on celebrities, I got an answer for you.

                      Happy Sunday to all!! And Jen, would you PLEASE clean out your PMs? I know you are popular but can you spare a little room for me???
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Sunday 1/21/07

                        Just wanted to pop in and let you know I'm thinking about you. Can you do something nice for yourself? How 'bout a manicure? bubble bath?
                        I just want to hug you and I know you are having it rough right now.:l


                          Sunday 1/21/07

                          Hi everyone...
                          E--- your situation with hubby sounds really trying. Have you ever read "Boundries In Marriage"? You probably have, but it has lots of great things that you so often would never think of. And it also helps interpret a lot of behavior on their part that is not understood beccause it does not involve words. Great ways to create your own boundries so their behavior stops making your miserable, etc. Anyway, your husband sounds a lot like my father. He would always make things so difficult for my Mom and for us to ever have company over. I would resent him so much for it. Now that I'm grown and have a house of my own, I am like the neighborhood party house and I want my kids to bring their friends over all the time! I always want my home to be the place that everyone can come anytime. Come see me E!!

                          I'm doing really well with moderating well and/ or not drinking anything because I indulged so much while in Vegas. Still trying to get my sleep schedule back to normal. I went to bed at 11 p.m. last night and woke up at 11:45 this morning, so I think I'm pretty well caught up now. I feel fantastic today and just got back from a looong walk on the beach with my doggie and my Ipod. It was a little chilly, but the sunshine abounds!

                          Not planning to drink tonight... taking one day a week upon hubby's request to take it slow. He asked me to pick ONE night each week -- same night each week and not drink come hell or high water. So I originally chose Monday night, but the very first week I realized that is "Monday night football" which always means hubby will have a few beers, so I knew that would trigger my desires as well, so I backed it to Sunday. Most weeks I've been able to do a few more nights, but tonight is my "official" night.

                          Oh... and about my new avatar..... that is what happens Beth when you dont return my shoes! I'm lying here on the sofa waiting..... LOL.

                          Have a relaxing rest of the day everyone!
                          What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                            Sunday 1/21/07

                            Hi all you mods babes and guys!

                            E..........get the book Allie is talking about. It really helped me get MY thinking straight! I also got headphones and ear buds so I can tune out "noise" with stuff I want to hear! ;o)

                            Dito what Becca said too!

                            "Be still and know that I am God"

                            Psalm 46:10

