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Blue Monday

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    Blue Monday

    Hi Allie,

    I am sending good thoughts your way.



      Blue Monday

      Allie, I am sad that you "got in trouble" over your last posts, but just as we get all kinds of support here, we also get all kinds of grief. It is pretty deflating when you spill your guts and you get a lecture in reply. In AA they have a saying, "Take what you need and leave the rest," or something like that. I have seen people become muted on this site when they didn't need to be, just because they got hurt by a negative response. People here--or in any other group whatsoever--are just about as sane and supportive as they can be, when you take into consideration that everyone comes to everyone else with their own baggage. If you feel vulnerable posting, send out some PMs to people you trust. We want to hear from you. Your willingness to be vulnerable has been what has made you a favorite here. You have been open in every way, even reaching out on the phone to others in need. You are stronger than you realize. You've been strong through your whole rocky road, and you will continue to be strong. People here think of you as one of our pillars.


        Blue Monday

        Thanks, darlin'. I've been hoping someone would say that to me all my life.


          Blue Monday

          Hi all
          Reading your posts in reply to Saturday made me laugh and put things into perspective somewhat.

          Allie, E, NP, Paula,MKR,- Reading what you have written on threads I have just looked at ( not necessarily todays- I have been exploring) have really cheered me up. :l

          Love to all of you as always

          Allie- You are a pillar.
          Enough is enough


            Blue Monday


              Blue Monday

              Sophia rocks!


                Blue Monday

                Why, Fan,thank you for the damn!!!!

                Yankee Doodle went to town
                A-riding on a pony
                Stuck a feather in his hat
                And called it macaroni.

                Yankee Doodle, keep it up
                Yankee Doodle dandy
                Mind the music and the step
                And with the girls be handy.

                Father and I went down to camp
                Along with Captain Gooding
                And there we saw the men and boys
                As thick as hasty pudding.

                Yankee Doodle, keep it up
                Yankee Doodle dandy
                Mind the music and the step
                And with the girls be handy

                There was Captain Washington
                Upon a slapping stallion
                A-giving orders to his men
                I guess there was a million.

                Yankee Doodle, keep it up
                Yankee Doodle dandy
                Mind the music and the step
                And with the girls be handy.

                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Blue Monday

                  How cool is that!! Make my day, will ya?


                    Blue Monday

                    Sophia - you need to do some housekeeping. Make my day and attend to your In-box, will ya?


                      Blue Monday



                        Blue Monday

                        Are you flirting with me or with my avatar?


                          Blue Monday

                          My picture of the bluebonnets in the hill country.


                            Blue Monday

                            I relate


                              Blue Monday

                              Sorry. You'd think I'd know rhetoric when I saw it.

