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Big Wednesday 24th

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    Big Wednesday 24th

    I had to stay up specially to be the first poster!

    Morning all. Just thought I'd share with you part of my moderation plan which is to always ensure I have a full belly before a drink. It really helps as part of my binge problem was drinking on an empty stomach - and then having absolutely no desire to stop, or eat - disaster time! Drinking during or after a big meal seems to lend itself well to moderation in my case.

    However, I'm a little concerned about piling on the pounds.

    Dont think it is a problem yet but what do ya think?

    Be honest!

    Attached files [img]/converted_files/5826=435-attachment.jpg[/img]

    Big Wednesday 24th

    Only problem I can see from here ... I think you're on the wrong side of the road. Should you be wearing a helmet?


      Big Wednesday 24th

      thought that was a helmet


        Big Wednesday 24th

        Wrong side of the road depends on where you are, right? We could go into a huge metaphorical riff on this. I am scared to death of driving in a left-side country, although I must say you have to hand it to the Brits for training so many people in various places to drive on the wrong side of the road, when it clearly goes against human nature and intuition.


          Big Wednesday 24th

          Yep, that's definately the wrong side of the road.

          The left is question!



            Big Wednesday 24th

            Too funny!!!

            Love the pic...definately the RIGHT side of the road!!! do you post a picture?? I have been trying to get Allie's shoes from avatar to pic and can't do it!!!

            Sorry guys if I sounded like I felt neglected by anyone here in my post last night!! Everyone here is wonderful...I was having a moment of self-pity....I am over it....

            Looking forward to a good day...I have a long day of testing ahead..I am testing a 22 year old with possible never diagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder...interesting though..she is brilliant...and her father wrote a well know book that was made into a well know movie...(that is all I can say) so it is kinda cool.

            Other than is pretty good. Lost my keys on Sunday....soooo annoying....had them going into a store...not when I came out...searched the store...searched the parking keys!!!!! $300 to replace automatic car opener thingy dingy UGGHHHH...... Ok life is

            Well least I didn't lose the car, huh?


            formerly known as bak310


              Big Wednesday 24th

              Now that is definately one full belly...Good plan and let me know how it works out for ya Nick!!
              "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                Big Wednesday 24th

                Having a plan I think is good and you can always adjust it if you need to.



                  Big Wednesday 24th

                  I think that is sexy.
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    Big Wednesday 24th

                    Hi everyone

                    I agree that having a plan is a good thing. And I often have one. I just don’t always follow it. Why? You got me. So I guess that is ANOTHER thing for me to work on. I am an excellent self-sabatoger.

                    Beth – hope you figure out the picture thing. If I knew I’d help you. Did you try highlighting picture, hitting ALT+C to copy then going into your post/message and hitting ALT+V to paste? That’s all I can think of. And thank God you didn’t lose the car~~sorry….that line made me laugh!

                    Lush – I really hope you are feeling better.

                    Good day to all those yet to come!


                      Big Wednesday 24th

                      Good morning everyone
                      I hope everyone is well.
                      Luschy lusch I hope you are back to your feeling-well spunky self (not that you have lost even an ounce of your charm in your illness, my dear).
                      Fan - how you doing?
                      Allie - where are you? Are you feeling better?
                      Everyone else - happy hump day!
                      Love Jen
                      Over 4 months AF :h


                        Big Wednesday 24th

                        Hi to all.

                        Was AF again yesterday and will be AF again today and thank god because I have to do battle here at work. One of my therapists on my staff went above me yesterday and now she is going to be really sorry she crossed a clear headed and well rested PP. Now, I'm off to another meeting at the main office will check in later.
                        Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                          Big Wednesday 24th

                          Good morning all............

                          Funny thing is..........I just signed up online for a eating and exercise plan. LOL

                          How much air do you have in those tires Nick? Forget which side of the road!!

                          I'm not sure how I've ended up posting in mods! I did when I first came to MWO but had to move to abs ...
                          I guess you guys just drew me back with your fun and games! I REALLY can't drink anything.........still!! It is disappointing to me as we make wine here.....but I have come to accept it will be my way of life for a good long time. I did manage to have one drink in this month and stop at that. I think it was real close to bed time and I fought off the urge and just went to bed. The other day I drank this month, it was the whole bottle.( That day I started earlier...about 5pm.

                          Anywho......there it is. "It is what it is"!!!
                          Keep up the good work guys!

                          :h Nancy
                          "Be still and know that I am God"

                          Psalm 46:10


                            Big Wednesday 24th

                            Morning all!!! Nancy, nice of you to pop in. I do not know how you manage to abstain when you make wine and have so much in your house. Talk about a shift in mindset!!!! Awesome job.

                            I am feeling MUCH better today. Thanks for everyone asking. However, now hubby is sick. Need I say more? The world has stopped, he is the only one who has ever been sick, and I might as well be sick again!!! No sleep last night listening to him moan and snort but at least I am not sick anymore.

                            I have not lived up to my plan to have some AF days lately but have not been going overboard. I know when it starts staying lighter later and I can get out more and stay busier it will help. Excuses, excuses. Yep, that's me. Queen of excuses.

                            PP, I fear for the women who crossed you. You go kick some ass, girl!!!!

                            Nick, totally agree about the food issue. It makes a huge difference. Looks like you need to push yourself away from the table a little more often though.

                            Fan, you feeling better today? I think you have had a record couple of days of posting. And Rachele? Hello? You are almost to Sr. Member status..........Jen, get to work!!

                            NP, Hawk, Sophiah, Pebbles, MKR, SM, Bak, Allie, Jude, Sammy and anyone else I forgot Happy Hump day to you all!!! Hugs!!!
                            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                              Big Wednesday 24th

                              yay I am so glad you are feeling better!
                              Over 4 months AF :h

