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Big Wednesday 24th

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    Big Wednesday 24th

    I wish you the best too Laura!!! Please come visit us still though.............we love you!!!
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Big Wednesday 24th

      Hi everyone

      Happy hump day! I have a sore throat and think I'm coming down with something - so many people at work and school sneezing and coughing, it was bound to happen.

      Nick - it looks like you might need larger rearview mirrors for that motorbike.

      Best wishes to everyone.

      AF since 6JUN2012


        Big Wednesday 24th

        We'll be cheering for you Laura!
        :yougo: :yougo: :yougo: :yougo:
        :h :h :h :h


          Big Wednesday 24th

          Nancy, you are such a sweet, sweet soul.

          It's nice to see you anywhere you post:l
          :h :h :h :h


            Big Wednesday 24th

            Happy hump day!

            And I am AF so far!!! I am NOT drinking tonight, it is already 7:15 PM, and I am past my craving time! YEAH!! Sorry to hear some of us are not feeling well, hope I don't follow suite, as I am getting a sore throat as I write this! Not drinking will help though, will take lots of vitamin C and stuff!

            Well, I am not hurt, but nobody said hi to me:upset: Just joking, I realize I am not really around all that much, don't even get to check in at work anymore, am SOOOOO busy!

            Good luck to all in your goals, mine are to go AF for at least today and tomorrow, weekends are still hard for me, but who knows???? There is always a first!

            Hugs to everyone:l

            Nik, love the pic!!(I think you were on the right side of the road though!)



              Big Wednesday 24th

              Oh no, I am getting in trouble for forgetting Mary Anne now? My day is going from bad to worse!!!

              Good job on the AF tonight Mary Anne. You will feel great tomorrow (unless you are sick of course, hope you are not). I did not forget you, just so many names to try and remember.............
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Big Wednesday 24th

                We would never forget you MaryAnne......nice to see you and great job!!
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  Big Wednesday 24th

                  Great to hear from you all

                  Hawk.. Tried to do your suggestion...really trying to give Allie's shoes back!! But...cant seem to highlight the pic...and if I try to hit alt + C it pulls up my willl have to work on this

         is over...Keys are STILL gone....but car is here (optomist that I try to be). Haven't spoken to Allie today but spoke to her yesterday and all was ok....

                  I still think she would be much better if I could give her back her shoes lol

                  any suggestions from anyone???

                  ok..enough said...night all

                  formerly known as bak310


                    Big Wednesday 24th

                    Night, Beth
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

