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Orange Thursday

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    Orange Thursday

    Dear Allie, I am glad you are posting about this, we are all family. We are all here for you. wish you had better news for everyone. You and I react the very same way to stress; I can't eat, when I try, it can't go past the lump in my throat and then if it does it doesn't stay long. When my husband and I separated I was down to 106 lbs. within the week. Sorry but you can't just put it back on overnight. My doctor, put me on a tranquilizer with something for my stomach and bowels. Tell your doctor about the stress, they are there to help and trying to force feed yourself isn't going to do anything but stress you out more. Sophia is right, Maybe try the CD's as I find the hypno one so very relaxing. Hugs and Love, Mary


      Orange Thursday

      Permission, is what you give yourself.

      I give you everything else.

      **** The Universe


      Orange it is then! Florida will be the only oranges available with the frost in CA this past week.

      Rachele, Congratulations!!! #5 Senior Member. Love the avatar!! Only missed one day and WOW a lot happens around here! We bow to you.

      Lush, most majestic of senior members, glad to see you are feeling better. Sorry it is your husband's turn to be sick. Been a tough year all the way around watching people drop with the flu bugs.

      Pixie, hope you feel better and don't catch it.

      Fan, hoping you are on the mend too.

      Jen, second senior, bowing, glad to see you back on track.

      Hidden Gem great to see you, Tawny I love capers!

      PP, hope you showed your staff therapist, just how stupid it is to cross "a clear headed and well rested PP."

      Beth, sorry about your keys. Amazing the things we lose. MM, what if you lose your cell phone though?!!

      Laura, we will miss you, I am glad you have a plan to work forward from. Come back and visit us!

      Rocky, I notice my husband eats when stressed so we all handle it differently. It is hard to understand from the opposite sides. Need to Eat vs Can't Eat. Great suggestions though!

      Judie, too fun on the lady and your hiking. Sounds great!

      I helped run a marketing seminar yesterday. Tip on the economy - big ad agencies in there trolling for work. (ones that don't accept any projects under $100,000 per, couldn't believe it!) Things are tough and many design and marketing firms pretty much confirmed that state of affairs.

      There was a dinner last night for a different group. I could hardly wait to get home and take those stupid heels off! My feet are happy that common sense won out today and they are in flats. Had a glass of wine about 10:30 last night. Stiff smoke free. Not out of the woods yet but hanging in.

      NP, Hawk, Sophiah, Pebbles, SM, Sammy, Gypsi, Becca, Nick and all to come today, have a lovely day,

      Hugs and Love,


        Orange Thursday

        Hi all,

        Feeling good- I'm glad for you:jumpin:

        Feeling Blue- I hope for you:hug:

        Feeling ill- I wish for you

        Missing? Come

        Love to all as always

        Enough is enough


          Orange Thursday

          Allie, I'm sorry you are not feeling well.

          I've been in your position before with the food and I think Gem is right. You have to get a handle on the thoughts that are making you feel ill and try to turn them around to something, anything positive. I know, it's hard to do.....but this too shall pass:l

          I have not been going Af all week like I planned for one reason or another, but I have more AF days in my drink tracker than ever before.

          I am thankful for my small and big victories since coming here to MWO.

          Thank you all so very much for helping me along.

          I am truly blessed to call you friends and, yes, family.

          :h :h :h
          :h :h :h :h


            Orange Thursday

            Allie, No judgement here.
            I'm sorry you're not doing so good. I want to say something deep and meaningful, but I can't, so I'll just send my love and prayers


              Orange Thursday

              This seems to have been a tough month for a few of us. Hang in there Allie, we will get there!
              Over 4 months AF :h


                Orange Thursday

                Hi everybody!

       tears my tummy to pieces!
                Take an over the counter thing for upset tummies (small pills) two after each time you have to go. I also have to take an anacid often.
                I think I'm allergic to the sulfites in the wine. Pleaseeeeee try not to drink for a only makes you feel worse, Honey.

                Bananas and starchy foods help. Potato soup and crackers and Gatorade and ginger ale help. You've got to get it slowed down before you add other stuff.

                Be easy on've got a lot of people to live for.

                :h Nancy
                "Be still and know that I am God"

                Psalm 46:10


                  Orange Thursday


                  So sorry to are feeling sick. I echo what the rest of the group has had to say.

                  Just try to a change 1 little thing so start the upward turn.


                  Enlightened by MWO


                    Orange Thursday

                    Never feel worried or scared to say anything that is on your mind here. Especially here. I have learned that I can say a lot here that I can't say to even my closests friends or family. So does that mean that you all are really my closest, faceless, friends? I am sorry that you are hurting and it sounds like you are really hurting if your body is not even allowing you to keep any food in it.
                    Please keep posting and opening up. I don't know if your significant other has access to this board or not or if this may be a reason you have to hold back but I hope you find an avenue if not here. You are a great person, I have been following your stories through the months.
                    Please take care of yourself and take care of your illness. I hope you find peace soon.

                    To everyone else...good luck in all your endeavours.

                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Orange Thursday

                      Hello Thursday

                      Allie, I'm thinking of you, hope you're feeling better soon. Ginger ale with bitters always helps when my stomach is upset - I hope you can keep something down soon.

                      MKR thanks for the well wishes; maybe my cold will punch up my AF numbers for the week, as they were looking pretty sad.

                      Have a good day/night/next day everybody - be well.

                      AF since 6JUN2012


                        Orange Thursday

                        Allie - I'm thinking of you and hoping you get some relief soon. ((((((hugs)))))). Hang in there.


                          Orange Thursday


                          I totally agree with what everyone here has had to say, please feel free to share anything with us ...

                          Don't know how everyone else feels, but sometimes i'm glad that I have this problem with alcohol, because without it I wouldn't have this place with all of you lovely people.

                          Hang in there Allie, we're all rooting for you.

                          Love & Hugs to everyone, Paula :h :l :h :l


                            Orange Thursday

                            Dear Allie, so sorry that you are having trouble. You continue to be in my prayers. As far as food, there are several "base" (as opposed to acidic) foods that may be able to help you keep things down. The biggest one that the doctors recommend is chicken soup. But if you haven't been keeping things down, you should start out with broth, then move up to soup. If you don't have home made, try Campbell's Chuncky Chicken Noodle. There is something in chicken soups that have a natural calming effect on stomach and cold symptoms. The second best thing is good 'ole fashioned jello. It is a natural hydration and electrolyte stabilizer. If you even suspect that you are dehydrated, you should get some pedialyte (I think someone has already recommended that). But if you feel dehydrated, dizzy, light-headed, disoriented, you should go to the emergency room. Once your electrolytes are seriously out of line, it is very dangerous. You could become hypernatremic (mild seizures). And it is bad news. I know as I was born with malfunctioning kidneys, so this is an area I understand all too well.

                            However, if you try the chicken and the jello and they work. The next step are hot cereal, like oat meal (without milk) and only about a half of a cup (cooked). If that works, the next step is yogurt. These are all foods that are meant to restabilize the body and can be very helpful.

                            Allie, you continue to be in my prayers as well. And as you have heard from so many others, we all want to hear from you and you can post anything. We love you and want to help.

                            Saving the day one minute at a time!


                              Orange Thursday

                              Allie you can tell us anything none of us will ever judge you, I did something stupid last nite myself for some reason I thought I deserved a good buzz. Well I accomplished that and now today I am right feeling full of anxiety et. Hey were not perfect, but we are here for each other.


