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Day 3 and still OK

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    Day 3 and still OK

    Morning Folks,

    As some of you know - I am fairly new here - posted on My Story before - but now I'm committed to this course of action, I thought I would post here from now on!
    Confidence or what!!

    Well this is morning of Day 3 AF for me - I neatly sidestepped the beer store last night again by sending one of my kids when we needed some supplies!
    That big chiller cabinet full of Stella (my poison of choice) won't get me without a fight!
    It is strange the way one's body reacts - when I made the decision NOT to go to the store it gave me an acheing / longing feeling in the pit of my stomach - almost like losing a loved one!
    But - I guess that is exactly what it is tho'
    Stella and I need some time apart!

    So Far, So Good

    I did not sleep well last night again - but I guess that is to be expected, so I am still feeling like a zombie!
    But that is still better than being a hung-over zombie!
    I also can't yet get over the habit of being up real late (used to do this in order to have more drink when everyone else has gone to bed!). So I will need to try to move bed time a little earlier as time goes on - but early days.

    I also seem to have lost my appetite - which is probably something I need to watch out for, as I am pretty lean already and I must have been getting the majority of my daily calorie intake from beer in the past!

    I hope you will bear with me if I continue to post this boring stuff for a while - it is the anticipation of being able to share my successes (and I WILL be successful!!!) with you guys, that is keeping me on the path!!

    I have hidden my problem so successfully - even from my immediate family - so well, that I do not think that they understand / believe the true extent of the problem, so they think that me not drinking for a few days is no big deal! (Not a great deal of support available there!)

    Hopefully you guys know different about how it is!

    The true test will come in the next few days as I am attempting Mods! In the past, one drink usually led to more - sometimes many more!

    Better go do some work now.

    Take care - hope you have a good day - keep them demons at bay!!

    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"

    Day 3 and still OK


    Congrats on day 3.

    Don't worry just keep posting, whether your having a good day or bad day. It's amazing how much better you can feel. And the encouragement you get here is out of the world. This is my only support, so God know's where I'd be without the wonderful people here.

    I cannot think of the saying (it's at the tip of my tongue), anyway something about forbidden fruit and temptation. The more you can't have something, the more you crave it.

    You have got the right mental attitude, which will help you to suceed. Give yourself a pat on the back.

    Mandy x


      Day 3 and still OK

      Great job Satori!!! And to have your "poison of choice" in your house and not be drinking it is quite the accomplishment. I understand the family issue and them not thinking it is any big deal for you to not be drinking when inside you are really wanting one. I have kept my drinking well hidden from my family as well so they do not know how hard it has been at times. You can do this. Keep posting and let us know how you are.......
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Day 3 and still OK

        Well done Satori and good morning everyone else!
        Wow, I had some trouble getting on here this morning.
        Hope everyone is doing well. Have a busy day at work - yuck...
        will check in later
        Love you all
        Over 4 months AF :h


          Day 3 and still OK

          AAArgh! NO NO Lush, :eeks:

          I don't have a chiller of beer in my house - it is in the store just across the road from my house.

          That has been a big part of my problem - I have a late-opening store with a big chiller full of beer just 55 steps from my house!
          The last house I stayed in had a deli that sold alcohol just around the corner too!

          If I had beer in the house - I am sure it would have been a different story this morning!!

          It is a bit too early to risk that!

          I aim to avoid the Lady Stella again tonight (Thursday) - then the REAL test begins as I aim to drink like a "normal" person on Friday and Saturday. Then back to Abs on Sunday.
          Friday should be OK - as I have set things up so that I will not have much opportunity to drink / buy drink
          Saturday may be more of a problem - but I have come this far.

          If I make it (WHEN!!! I make it) to tomorrow morning AF, it will be the longest time AF in over 20 years - that in itself will hopefully keep me motivated to stay on track!

          I will keep posting - as it is the only way I am going to keep myself on the straight and narrow.

          Thanks for all your support - please know it REALLY means a lot!

          Take care - and be good to yourselves!

          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            Day 3 and still OK

            Go Satori GO GO GO! You can do this!!!!!
            Over 4 months AF :h


              Day 3 and still OK

              A very good start satori. Keep it up.


                Day 3 and still OK

                well done satori. I just joined this week myself. Have had 2 AF days but the lure of the supermarket wine got me tonight.
                hope the moderation goes well.


                  Day 3 and still OK

                  Welcome Satori - it sounds like you're off to a great start, and you have a great attitude as well.

                  Good luck to you and everyone else on their goals today and this weekend. (I need to go figure out what IS my goal this weekend.)

                  AF since 6JUN2012


                    Day 3 and still OK

                    Welcome Satori and congrats to you. 3 days is a wonderful achievement. Keep posting and we will keep supporting you.

                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      Day 3 and still OK

                      Welcome! Satori, three days is awesome!! Just keep ignoring that store. You look out and it is not even there!! Good for you!!


                        Day 3 and still OK

                        Morning Folks, and thanks guys n' girls,

                        Well - I made it thru' last night AF - this is the morning of day 4 - this is now officially the longest time I have been AF in over 20 years.

                        Seems a bit pathetic tho' doesn't it - I have allowed alcohol to take over to the extent that I couldn't do without it for even a couple of days!!

                        Well - hopefully that is going to change!

                        Hi fellow newbie - Great start- just making the decision to try is a major achievement - don't worry about the wine catching you out, that stuff is REAL sneaky! - you managed 2 days , that proves you can do it - just start again. If you stay around here you will get loads of support and encouragement!

                        - thanks - but you know what the booze culture is like here in Scotland - avoiding alcohol at the weekend is going to be much more difficult!

                        What store?????

                        Actually, I am now having real doubts about my Mods plans - I have made it into my 4th day AF and I am beginning to feel apprehensive about drinking again.
                        Strange, I am normally counting down the minutes till I can drink in the evening - but I am actually almost dreading this evening coming around as I had planned to drink one or two (max) beers.
                        Strange feeling - a mixture of wanting to drink - but not wanting to go there both at the same time!!!

                        If i do have a drink, I am now worried it will do as it has done in the past, and one will lead to another and another....... and it will undo all that I have achieved so far (not a lot, I know!)

                        Perhaps I should try to carry on AF for a while longer - or forever?. ...:helpme:

                        What do you guys think???

                        Have a good day - keep them demons at bay

                        "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                          Day 3 and still OK

                          HI Satori & :welcome:

                          Well done on your 3 days, I too like you had drank every day for over 20 years, and you should be really proud of yourself.

                          I started AF on jan 1st, (monday) and planned to drink on the saturday, but when I put the corkscrew to the bottle i decided i didn't actually want it, so you should go with how you feel at the time.

                          I'm mpderating quite nicely at the minute, AF (some) weeknights & mods at weekend.

                          Good luck with whatever you decide, & by the way your posts are brilliant ... keep em coming ..It's good to have you on board ..

                          Love & Hugs, Paula :h :l :h


                            Day 3 and still OK

                            Hi Paula,

                            I guess I will just have to go with the flow then - I now KNOW I can go Tuesday thru' Thurdsay without drinking (altho' the lady Stella was calling fairly insistently to me last night because my "lawfully wedded opponent" was having a glass of wine!

                            But - that is the difference, She Who Must Be Obeyed is able to have ONE glass of wine!
                            I seem to struggle with the concept of ONE!

                            Since I am making this up as I go along, at the moment (just after 2pm here!) I think will probably try to stay AF tonight again (should be fairly easy as I have volunteered to act as a taxi service for my kids anyway tonight!) and see how it goes on Saturday.

                            Wishing you all success - whatever your objectives!

                            Talk to you all later

                            "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                              Day 3 and still OK

                              "lawfully wedded opponent"

                              I like that Satori ........

                              Have a good evening, good move on driving ....

                              Paula xx

