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Day 3 and still OK

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    Day 3 and still OK

    Great job Satori!
    Saving the day one minute at a time!


      Day 3 and still OK

      Satori, Paula is right, just go with how you feel. There are days I have said I would have a drink and when it came to that time, I just didn't particularly want one so why go there. If you still feel a bit apprehensive about drinking, try longer on the abs, RJ actually suggests 30 days to start. Kind of a way to jump start your program. Wishing you the best! TOO CUTE. . . what store?!! Mary


        Day 3 and still OK

        Satori :goodjob: , 4 days is great!

        Do you have any L-Glutamine? It really helps with the cravings, as does the Kudzu. I got my L-Glut @ the local drugstore, seems to be pretty easy to find (at least here in the US)

        Also, just drinking a big old glass of water in between every glass of whatever else you (if you decide to), drink, really makes a big diff. I know duh... sounds so simple,.. but it seems to work! If nothing else it keeps ya pee'n real good! So ya get the added bonus of private meditation time!

        :l Judie
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          Day 3 and still OK

          OK - I'm back home on a Friday evening (traditionally one of my drinking nights)

          It is almost 11pm local time.

          Things worked out a little different than I planned tonight - I was going to be taxi service for my kids (so I couldn't drink) - but She Who Must be Obeyed decided she wanted to come along too.

          We ended up in a pub for an hour while the kids had music lessons - I had two beers (SWMBO was driving), we picked up the kids and came home!

          So here I am - not particularly wanting another beer and posting on here (well - if truth be told, if there was beer in the house I would probably be tempted to carry on, but I have avoided the beer store across the road by posting here instead)
          In fact - it is now 11 01 and the beer store has just closed!

          A result!

          Will be able to hold my head up high tomorrow

          Take care

          see you all tomorrow

          "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


            Day 3 and still OK

            Hey Satori the Success Story (like it??)

            Congrats on your achievement of 1) your period of AF and 2) an evening of successful moderation.

            I have found that it is most important to just use whatever works to help you stick to your goals. For me, now at 27 days AF, that seems to be coming to this site, as you have also found.

            I believe that as I become more comfortable without alcohol in my life, I'll find time for all those things I never had time to do before - because they were never more important than drinking.

            Thanks for your posts, Satori. They are very articulate and insightful. I really look forward to you sharing more of your journey with us.

            Gem x
            Free since 26th February 2012


              Day 3 and still OK

              Hey Gem,

              Thanks for that!

              My Update - Well even with a few days AF I have been able to get a perspective on how my life had been up till now - and it wasn't pretty!
              I guess I just needed to make that decision that it couldn't go on.

              I still have major cravings - but realise now that I do not have to give in to them - I can just go and do something else.
              As you probably guessed from my "Blues" thread. I play guitar (not brilliantly - but OK!)
              I also make guitars as a hobby - or at least I used to - but drink has kind of been getting in the way lately.

              I still have a part made guitar in my workshop - so every time the cravings get bad - I just go up to the workshop and do a bit of work on that, or find something else to do.
              Seems to be working so far.
              I am hoping I can keep up this approach for long enough for the cravings to diminish / disappear.

              Ho Hum

              I have successfully moderated this past Friday and saturday
              2 beers Friday and 1 glass of wine Saturday

              I now go back to AF tonight and all thru the week until next Friday.(or possibly thursday as I have a long standing arrangement with some friends to go to the gym on a Thursday and we usually have a single pint of beer afterwards. Troube is - after one I lways needed another so I used to then come home and carry on drinking.)
              If we do go for our 1 pint I will make sure I can't easily get at any more from now on!!

              It will take a load of willpower - but it needs to be done!!

              BTW I see you are an Ozzie! I am heading down to OZland on business in a few weeks time - but I'm going to the west coast (Perth)
              Never bee to Oz before - so quite looking forwart to it - altho' it will be just work
              I then go on to Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur before escaping back home to sunny Scotland!

              Take care - talk to you later
              Keep up the good work! - You know it is worth it

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                Day 3 and still OK

                Hi, Well on your moderating, I once read on here a quote that said 'cravings never killed anyone but alcohol did' that really helped me through so tough times.

                I'm so jealous about your travel plans .....


                  Day 3 and still OK

                  Satori, Great job on moderating this weekend!:goodjob: Hey, do you have any L-Glutamine or Kudzu? They really do help with the cravings. The L-Glut is just an amino acid capsule, you can open it & pour it under your tongue for immediate results.
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    Day 3 and still OK

                    Hi Paula,

                    Dont be jealous of my travel plans - all I see of the countries I visit on business is normally an airport, a hotel room and my Company's offices!
                    Not anything to get excited about really. And a VERY long time to sit in a plane!

                    These trips are always another danger point for drinking too!
                    A lot of expat brits and americans work in my Company offices around the world - and the expat lifestyle always seems to largely revolve around excessive drinking!
                    I am sure to be invited out on some (all??) of the evening I am abroad.

                    Not sure how I am going to cope with that at this early stage.

                    Jude, I don't have any L-glutamine or Kudzu - I'm just toughing it out!
                    So far I have coped reasonably OK - we will see how it goes - I may need some help later.

                    I must say I am finding it a bit tough tonight - I am feeling a bit tired and a bit down this evening, - I have a busy and stressful week ahead of me next week - and the temptation to hit the botle tonite is fairly strong!

                    (RESIST Satori RESIST!!!!!) :argh:

                    Let you know how I get on tomorrow.

                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      Day 3 and still OK

                      Satori ....

                      To quote your own words, resist Satori, Resist ......

                      You can do this ..........

                      As for your travel plans, yes I underststand, before I had my daughter I was a buyer for a wholesaler, I only travelled europe but whenever I was away my staff would think that I had had a holiday!!!! You just can't expalin it to them, and until I read your reply I had forgotten about that. Also I didn't have a drink problem then, so I really don't envy you on the plane .... Sorry .....

