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Purple Friday 1/26/07

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    Purple Friday 1/26/07

    Well, I had to pick a color! (Darn I just realized that Tuesday was green) I'm picking a new color!)

    Purple it is!

    Okay.....I hope everyone has an excellent day today!

    Allie Be strong girl! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

    We are going to the circus tonight! I am excited.....I am allowed to drink today and I've been thinking about how that will all play out. The circus doesn't start until 7 , so we won't be home until around 10ish. Who wants to start drinking at 10pm? So I thought about having a little wine before I go but then I will just want to drink more. They do sell beer at the circus but we are going with friends who don't drink. I should probably just chalk it up to an AF night but it's Friday.......... I could go on and on.

    I suppose I should make a decision.......sooner or later.

    Love and Hugs to all,
    :h :h :h :h

    Purple Friday 1/26/07

    Hi Rachele, I love the circus!!!!!! Only you can make up your mind about the drink ......

    Allie, hope you are well love ........

    Happy Friday to everyone else .........

    I've got my daughters 10th birthday party tomorrow so my day is taken up organising games, food, balloons etc.... 36 screaming 10 year olds ............ heeelp ......

    Love & hugs to everyone, Paula :h :l :h :l


      Purple Friday 1/26/07

      Hi Everybody! Rachele, what a tough decision! Paula, good luck with your daughters 10th birthday. That is such a great age! Allie, I will be thinking of you all day! MKR Mary, that is a good question about the cell phone! The way I have it planned out is if I lose my phone, I would call my husband on his cell. Then he could transfer the phones over to his line and open the doors as there is no limit on distance. I let them in one time from out of state! What we go through to compensate for our inadequacies!

      I am still totally exhausted from yesterday. Wednesday night at 6PM my son told me that he had a model UN meeting yesterday and the boys were hoping I could provide lunch (24 people). I started immediately. Went to bed at 11:30PM and got up at 6:30 a.m. to finish. Got there just in the nick of time at ll:15a.m., then picked him up at 1:15pm to prepare for his Princeton interview at 5PM, only to have it cancelled at 4PM because of snow. By last night I was so exhausted. I hadn't eaten all day, so even though I only had two wines, I was wasted! This morning I am exhausted and wondering why I felt I had to have my two wines, like I would be cheated if I didn't get them! This is just a stupid way to look at things. Though I'm not a big proponent of AF for myself (though I judge no one else), mainly because with my personality it would wind up being an awful lot like binge drinking -- but now I think I've gone the other way. It is downright silly for me to think I am cheated if I don't get to drink!! So I'm going to be working on this, maybe try one AF day to be planned when I have a full day -- I'm going to think on this a while and see how it plans out.

      Hope everybody is well. I haven't seen Mike on the forum for a couple of days -- is he posting somewhere else? Is he ok?

      I have to pick up my son at 11:30 a.m. He has to do a special research project because he has been assigned a leadership role in the upcoming Johns Hopkins University Model UN, and I have a radio program at 3:30p.m., but I'll try to check in from time to time.

      Please say a prayer for my sanity! Love to all,
      Saving the day one minute at a time!


        Purple Friday 1/26/07

        No, Monica, I haven't seen him either.

        I know he wasn't feeling well the other day.

        Mike, you okay?

        Talk to us!

        :h :h :h :h


          Purple Friday 1/26/07

          I hope he is ok, he hasn't posted since Wednesday -- that is unusual for him. Mike sending you big hugs, hope you are ok.
          Saving the day one minute at a time!


            Purple Friday 1/26/07

            Wow, where is the big crew this morning? Fan, glad you are back up and running. You sounded like you were pretty sick the other day.

            Rachele, I have never been to the circus. Clowns scare the hell out of me. My husband is terrified of totem poles and I am scared of clowns. What does that say about us???

            Paula, were you on something when you offered to have 36 kids over for a party???? That is pure insanity. I told my daughter this year she can have three girls over for a sleepover and that is it. Good luck with it.

            MM, As usual you always sound too busy. Don't know how you have enough hours in a day for all that you do.

            Waves my dear!!! How are you this morning. I would not want to forget acknowledging you this morning!!!

            To all of you other muffs, have a great weekend. Will be a quiet one for me and guess what I will be doing Judie? Yep, more cleaning and organizing. Seems I start one project and then that leads to having to do more.

            Group hug to all!!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Purple Friday 1/26/07

              Hello everybody.
              Thanks so much for all the prayers, advice and love sent through my laptop. I started spiking a fever yesterday and wound up being so sick feeling that I couldnt even take my son to school. Turns out he was very congested from his lingering deal, that it was better in the end. I also seem to have developed a UTI (pee pee infection) as I call them.... what happens when my wine consumption outweighs my water consumption. So I did not have anything to drink other than water the entire day and evening last night. I looked up information on home remedy stuff on the internet and had my husband pick up some Cranberry tablets, garlic/ parsley tablets and of course I took Vitamin C, which my tummy did not appreciate. I also drank warm tea with apple cider vinegar (which is supposed to stop bad bacteria growth), so all that and i was worse by last night. My doctor's office cannot work me in today as its "flu season" and I guess I number167 to call today wanting to be worked in. So I'm going to a walk-in clinic near the beach that doesnt look to busy most times (fingers crossed) and hopefully get seen so I can get on an antibiotic, which I desperately need.

              My Mom had her monthy nine-hour chemo treatment yesterday and it was the first time I have not been able to be with her. My Dad of course, drops her off and doesnt stay. I called her a few times and she was so hungry around lunch and had nothing but a granola bar in her purse. My sister was working and I got so angry at myself for being in such a bad spot. I cannot be around her because her white count is too low to fight off sickness, so now I cannot even see her. I called my sister at work and begged her to please take an hour off and go get her some lunch and sit with her for a little while, which she finally did. (her work is very strict and not allowed to leave for even lunch -- she manages front desk at Mayo clinic offce)

              I managed to keep a can of chicken noodle soup in me yesterday, so that is a start. So far no appetite today, so I will trust that if my body isnt asking for food, I will not put any in there. That seems to be worst when I force myself. I think I'm a little more "stable" in the emotional dept today, but yesterday was just awful. Becca called to check on me and I had to hang up because I couldnt stop crying.( Becca... I promise I will be better if you call again... I tried to call you back last night). Got two kids birthday's coming up this week as well.... Monday and Thursday my boys will turn 9 and 20.

              Good luck Mike and Paula as you celebrate with your children as well... Paula, 36 kids over? You are a brave soul. I limited my youngest to 8.

              Sorry to not respond to everyone, but know that I so appreciate each and every one of you and every encouraging thing you have said..... it means more than you know. :thankyou: :heart:

              What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                Purple Friday 1/26/07

                Allie, I do hope you're able to get into that walk in clinic. Sorry about not getting to see your Mom for a while, that's gotta be hard for both of you. Thank God for phones.

                Paula, I think you're either very brave or borderline insane... . Don't get me wrong, I love kids. That's why I borrow em, instead of having my own! But not 36 at a time!! Good luck!:H

                Have fun cleaning Lush! I've got plenty of it here to do ... but the sun's shining, so it can wait. I did laundry & dishes yesterday, so I'm good for the next few days! You know what they say... "A clean house is the sign of a wasted life"

                Fan, glad you're feeling better. Wanna dance?:alf:

                Rachele, I'd just put some wine in a 7up bottle & go to the circus(if it's white... otherwise a grape juice bottle) yep, I'm bad! It IS your Friday though.

                MM, I get tired just reading your posts! Have fun running around! Wish I could hear your radio show sometime. I used to be a volunteer DJ in Colorado for a Community Radio station. Bet it was a very different type of program...KOTO in Telluride. (hippy style) They do have NPR now though. It used to be just vinyl, when I first started there.

                Everybody have a great day!
                Love & Hugs, Judie
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Purple Friday 1/26/07

                  Hi all,

                  Just so that you don't think that i'm totally insane, I just need to clarify ......

                  My absolute favourite hobby is party planning,& I'm not having them at home but in a venue nearby, With a local dj who is excellent, she's having a bubbles & and balloons party so as we speak we are having a family balloon blowing marathon for the balloon net, and i've rented the largest bubble machine that I could find to shower the kids with hundreds of bubbles as they arrive & the party bags are in stuffable giant balloons which will be hanging from the ceiling .....

                  I'm just wondering who is looking forward to this the most, Me or Kerrie???????

                  Alli & Fan, thanks for checking in to let us know how you are.....Fan, I'm keeping your seat warm at the back of the bus ......

                  Love ya all ......... Paula :h :l :h


                    Purple Friday 1/26/07

          're a girl after my own heart!

                    I was thinking flask, but wine in a grapejuice bottle sounds better.

                    I hope my 6 year old doesn't ask me for a drink of it!
                    :h :h :h :h


                      Purple Friday 1/26/07

                      Tell her you have a cold or spit in it !:H

                      I mean don't spit in it... just tell her ya did!
                      The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                        Purple Friday 1/26/07

                        Hey all,

                        Rachele, so very proud of your AF days. Good for you. Only you can make that decision but maybe you want to switch the days around and count today as AF. Still Friday night, is Friday night! Have an awesome time at the circus. I love 'em!

                        Paula, enjoy and survive the parties. Sounds like a lot of fun!!

                        MM, too funny of the phones that open doors states away!! glad you are holding your own on mods, questions on how and why do pop up along the way. That is a good thing. Good luck on finding time to rest!

                        MIke, glad to see you feeling better. Everyone I know has caught something this year.

                        Lush, will you come to my house afterwards? I could sure use the inspiration of such an organized go getter! Hope everyone is feeling better at your house.

                        Allie, so very sorry you have so many health issues right now and I know how hard it is to have to stay away from your mom with a lowered immune system. I was so irritated with myself for getting sick at Christmas and not being able to offer more visiting time and support to my parents. GOOOOOOOOD JOB, not drinking yesterday!! One day down, you can do this!!

                        Judie, I love the house cleaning motto. Thinking I need to adopt it so I won't feel as crazed with the chaos! Feeling better? you sound like it!

                        Went to the funeral of girlfriends best friend this morning. The memorial service was so incredibly touching. My girlfriend was falling apart, I think I will call her next week and take her to lunch. Life can be so short and leaves me wondering what the heck I am doing spending so much of it working. Well, that was a downer, I am sorry. Just feeling sad.

                        Hope everyone has a good weekend and stays as close to their plans as possible . . we are on the road to better health!!

                        Hugs and Love,


                          Purple Friday 1/26/07

                          I am in HMO hell!!! Somebody please save me!
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            Purple Friday 1/26/07

                            just an update...
                            My doctor's office called and was able to get me in after all, as long as I could be there in 45 minutes. Its on the other side of the city, so that was a chore, but made it 10 minutes late. My doctor (female) is the one who I went to a little over a year ago to ask for Topamax and she wouldnt give it b/c she knew so little about it. She prescribed Campral instead last year, but my stomach could not tolerate it, so I wound up getting topa overseas. Anyhow, everytime I go in for anything, of course she asks me how's the drinking issue going, and normally I have a good moderation report (I just leave out the topa overseas part). But today, it just hit a nerve, and I started crying. I told her I had not been doing well the last few weeks between going to Las Vegas and then some very personal family issues that were kind of hard to swallow. So there I was crying completely unexpectedly in her office and she asked me about an anti-depressant. She didnt know my Mom had cancer (thats how long its been since I've gone to the doctor), so she basically insisted that I start on something. So she ended up giving me eight weeks of samples of Lexapro, saying that it has lower side effects related to nausea, etc., and lower sexual interference (LOL). So I am starting on that tomorrow (fingers crossed).

                            Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Paula can you come do my son's party while you're at it??

                            What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

