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Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

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    Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

    The circus was lovely. They had bears that rode motorcycles and skipped, that was my favorite part, I think.
    But I felt a little guilty enjoying watching them while wondering how they get them to do these things. I hope they aren't mistreated in any way:huh:

    I have a headache from well, you know.

    I'm going to take something for it now.

    Have a great Saturday everyone!

    :h :h :h
    :h :h :h :h

    Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

    I have been perusing ebay for about 45 minutes. I want to buy everything. Thanks to the death of my step-father, we've come into some money, and I am fighting a battle over holding off on buying things until our credit card is completely paid off. Last week it was Mexican talavera plates. This week it's primitive American yellow ware. Then, that graduates into large-screen tv. This is coming from someone who is trying to cultivate thinking like a Buddhist. It seems like every day some package arrives with something I've bought. Today, I'm sending back a pendant light from Restoration Hardware. Do you think I'm sick?


      Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

      Sophia, you made me laugh!

      We are a sad bunch aren't we:H
      :h :h :h :h


        Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

        Retail therapy can be a good thing. Personnaly, I buy shoes. I am a total shoe whore. There....I said it. Now everyone knows....:blush:


          Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

          Fan - LOL - You sound like "Dogbert" from the Dilbert comic strip. Very Dogbertesque statement there.....


            Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

            F *** today.
            U are the only ones who keep me sane ( well, nearly sane then)
            S o fed up
            C the world through blue specs
            H ate the person who beat up my daughter's partner last night and
            I can't understand why he also knocked her to the floor.
            A lcohol reigned. This is a blue blue day. Not fuschia.

            A guy was lying in the road at the traffic lights. They got out of the car to see if he was ok. He didn't even know them. Just attacked and thought it was funny.
            Enough is enough


              Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

              Oh my God Waves! That is horrible! I don't understand why some people are on this planet! So sorry to hear about this.
              Is your daughter OK? That must have been so scarey for her.

              Rachele- glad you had a good time at the circus. So did you use the grape juice bottle?

              Sophia, I think I'd send all of the stuff back, and just take a trip to Mexico & buy the plates!

              Hawk, I only have about 6 pairs of black boots(knee high) I call em my "Husband Tamers"

              Fan, Could you give us more details about the technique on the sax action? I'm confused...but intrigued.

              Had a busy night @ work last night, came home & had a couple of beers, went to bed, nothing too exciting. But hey! I haven't counted my tips yet... maybe I'm rich & don't even know it!

              :l Judie
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

                Hi Jude, Her knee is cut and very sore but her partner's face is swollen and bloody. They are more shocked than anything else.

                Hope you made enough tips to retire on ...
                Enough is enough


                  Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

                  That is terrible. How shocking. They were just trying to help out this stranger?
                  "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                    Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

                    He was drunk
                    Enough is enough


                      Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

                      Mean people suck
                      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                        Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

                        Dear Lord Waves, that must have been terrifying for them!

                        And people wonder why strangers don't want to get involved to help?

                        Judie, I used a water bottle with vodka in it. Got a pop and spiked it in the ladies room. The I have a headache today.
                        :h :h :h :h


                          Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

                          Okay, it's blue Saturday.
                          :h :h :h :h


                            Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

                            Happy Saturday to all
                            I think the weekdays sometimes bring more peace than the weekends.
                            Today we had planned swim lessons for all three kids in the morning.
                            My daugther has been out of school since Wed with a sinus infection, the toddler had a 103 fever on Wed that just went away and we were joyous thinking wow that's great. Then yesterday he started coughing and wheezing. My other son started having coughing attacks as well. So off we went to the doctor this morning. Both boys are on medications, the toddler is now needing nebulizer treatments and needless to say, no swim lessons..oh well.
                            Tommorow we have the preschool basketball so we'll see how that goes.
                            Not doing so well with moderating at all. Actually failing quite miserbly. So it's time to get my a** back in gear. I remember how great I felt when I was on track and that's a good motivator.
                            So you all have a wonderful weekend.
                            Take care
                            "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                              Fuchsia Saturday 1/27/2007

                              Waves, I am filled with such anger over your story and I am so sorry. So, so sorry.

                              Finally sunshine here today so am going to soak some of it up...........
                              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me

